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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Trump Blasts CNN: Soon to be ‘least trusted name in news’ if they keep Shilling for Hillary

Trump has previously labeled CNN the “Clinton News Network”

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump slammed cable news network CNN on Monday in a series of tweets accusing them of shilling for Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton.

Ranting about the unfair coverage and constant barrage of attacks from the “Most Trusted Name in News,” Trump blasted the network, its reports and its anchors for openly backing the former Secretary of State.

Trump also warned that if the network continued their dishonest reporting, it would soon see its “trustworthiness” sink like that of “Crooked” Hillary Clinton.


  1. CNN can't be trusted as a reliable source of news. Their bias was seen during Obama's two runs. This is not new news. Why are people so shocked? It's not just Trump that feels this way. There's many others who are blacking out the nascent station because they don't believe them anymore. They've shot themselves in the foot being so slanted and liberal.

    Feel no pity for them. Not an ounce.

  2. The Clinton News Network never ceases to amaze. When was it that they totally gave up their objectivity?

  3. wolf Blitzer dancing at the DNC

  4. There is no real journalism being conducted by the MSM unless it fits their narrative.

  5. The MSM does not report news, they give their one sided view of what they think is news.


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