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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

DNC Prays to 'God of Many Names'

Methodist pastor invokes one world religion

An invocation by a Methodist pastor at the Democratic National Convention last week called on Hillary supporters to pray to a “God of many names.”

“O God of many names, we know that You call us to work hard to bring people together,” Reverend Bill Shillady opened his remarks during the last night of the Democratic National Convention.

The comments carry eerily ominous tones portending a one world religion, in which one prescribed “God” would rule all, and dovetail sentiments espoused by Pope Francis calling for “a new humanity” and insisting Christians and Muslims both “worship the one God…”



  1. I went to a wedding recently at a Methodist church. There was no to love honor and cherish tell death do you part. In instead it was to have fun and enjoy being together in work or at play and to be friends aways!!!
    I could not believe what I was hearing. Church organ was gone. In it's place was an electric Guitar and an drum set. The Fanfare was recorded canned music. The pastor wore jeans and a dress shirt.

  2. It's not the same church I went to as a kid. I currently attend a Luther church. The services are traditional, the clothing is come as you are!

  3. Globalists/New World Order/One World Church/One World Government/One World Economy...it's coming very soon unless we Elect Mr. Trump.

  4. The lost and progressive ilk, prefer a Church that everybody is okay and accepted. No need for all that 'Christ died on the cross and took your place in hell ---so you could believe in Him, and have your sins forgiven. Why then don't we just start serving beer and offer up hookers between services, and while we're at it throw in some ash trays too? I know, you think what I'm saying is fantasy, and who could blame you? But here's the kicker ----you WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for knowing the truth, and what you did with it. So again, please laugh it up, but don't laugh too hard ---salvation is a limited time offer and the clock is running. We as a nation are running out of time. Most religions now are going along with the "NEW AGE" and It is all part of the HIDDEN dangers of the rainbow and its agenda to destroy us all

  5. Too many church fellowships have embraced the politically correct crowd. So called worship services are simply social gatherings which include seasonal programs, snacks and coffee. God is far from being worshiped. True Christians need to pray "without ceasing" for our Nation.

  6. Koolaid drinkers!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I went to a wedding recently at a Methodist church. There was no to love honor and cherish tell death do you part. In instead it was to have fun and enjoy being together in work or at play and to be friends aways!!!
    I could not believe what I was hearing. Church organ was gone. In it's place was an electric Guitar and an drum set. The Fanfare was recorded canned music. The pastor wore jeans and a dress shirt.

    August 3, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    So? Some couples choose their own vows? Some people, mainly women I think, take issue with the obey part. What's wrong with having fun, enjoying each others company and being friends always? A lot of churches have gone to drums and guitars to attract young people to church. That began many moons ago, so either you go to a church that doesn't have that or it's been a very long time since you have been in church. ( Not judging you, I don't go regularly myself)

    I hope the pastor at least had a tie on. A pastor wearing jeans and a dress shirt for a wedding sounds a little too relaxed to me, but it's not my wedding.

    Praise God and have a blessed day.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The lost and progressive ilk, prefer a Church that everybody is okay and accepted. No need for all that 'Christ died on the cross and took your place in hell ---so you could believe in Him, and have your sins forgiven. Why then don't we just start serving beer and offer up hookers between services, and while we're at it throw in some ash trays too? I know, you think what I'm saying is fantasy, and who could blame you? But here's the kicker ----you WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for knowing the truth, and what you did with it. So again, please laugh it up, but don't laugh too hard ---salvation is a limited time offer and the clock is running. We as a nation are running out of time. Most religions now are going along with the "NEW AGE" and It is all part of the HIDDEN dangers of the rainbow and its agenda to destroy us all

    August 3, 2016 at 5:24 PM

    Didn't Jesus Himself say all were accepted? Isn't that why He hung out with the 'dregs' of society? A doctor doesn't heal healthy people. Jesus likewise went to the sinners in need of salvation.

    And you are correct in that the more you know the more you are responsible for. I am guilty of that myself since I know what I should do but not always doing it. As St. Paul said, For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

    And what you say about NEW AGE and false religions, I again point to scripture, They left us, but they were not part of us, for if they had been part of us, they would have stayed with us. Their leaving made it clear that none of them was really part of us.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Too many church fellowships have embraced the politically correct crowd. So called worship services are simply social gatherings which include seasonal programs, snacks and coffee. God is far from being worshiped. True Christians need to pray "without ceasing" for our Nation.

    August 3, 2016 at 6:30 PM

    I understand what you are saying as I have experienced the same. I have been to church that served coffee and snacks, which is fine. The had the big screen to play sermons on, drums and guitar and singing.

    It took some getting used to as I am old school and went to Baptist church when I was growing up. No sermons. No hellfire and brimstone like I was used to from my baptist church.

    If that is their way of worshipping the Lord, so be it. If the Lord likes and accepts it, who am I to condemn it?


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