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Wednesday, August 03, 2016


The shooting of Korryn Gaines and her young son is a tragedy that, from all that has been reported thus far, could have been avoided on all sides. Put simply, it should be an explicit goal for police in every encounter that all of the people, both the police and the community that they serve and protect, survive the encounter. And from what we know today about the Baltimore County Police Department's response to Ms. Gaines, police failed to honor that goal, with devastating results.

In situations like this, police departments typically focus on the ways in which the civilian escalated the situation and made the use of deadly force "necessary." But if civilians never escalated situations, and always acted calmly, and always submitted willingly and quietly to authority, there would be little need for police in the first place, and no need for armed police. Of course, that isn't the world we live in. And too often a double standard exists for Black Americans, whose wielding of guns is met with less patience by police.

Police have a moral obligation, and should have a legal obligation, to act in ways that don't predictably result in the opportunity or necessity to use force. Here, for example, police decided, for reasons not yet clear, after seven hours of negotiation and waiting, that they could not wait any longer to execute a warrant for failing to appear for a minor traffic offense. And they further decided that they needed to use deadly force to execute that warrant, and needed to expose themselves to the known risk of deadly force being used on them, knowing that a five year old child might be in the line of fire.

That tactical decision led directly to yesterday's deadly outcome, as much as any choices made by Ms. Gaines. And it wasn't the only choice possible, and isn't the choice any officer or department would make if the goal is to ensure that all parties survive the encounter.

If we are to stem the toll of police violence in this country, especially against Black and Brown Americans, and make policing itself safer, the laws, policies, and tactical training of officers has to change to explicitly align with the goal that everyone makes it out alive. As long as we fail to do that more children will tragically be left without mothers and fathers. #KorrynGaines #BlackLivesMatter


  1. Unfortunately we now live in a country where the gov't. has all the power to tell us what to do, and if you don't comply they can shoot your a$$, and it's all legal. Black, white, or purple.

  2. Now we are accepting the ACLU as a air source in this tragic event? Joe it does not need endorsement by tagging #B....L....M...

  3. She was a BLM terrorist and used and taught her children to hate, whites,cops, and Authority she pointed a shotgun at her child END OF STORY.

  4. This is another organization that needs to be defunded by the government. Let them pimp their wares for private donations. Sick of paying for this race baiting organization that is more a foe than friend to Americans.

  5. It was just a "minor traffic offense" so she should have appeared for court. The police went there for an outstanding warrant. She escalated the situation by grabbing a long rifle and telling the officer she would shoot him. From that point forward anything she received she brought on herself. That is not the fault of the police in my opinion. What were they supposed to do? Just wait for her to decide to abide by the laws that the rest of us abide by. She had obviously shown that she was not going to and so she is responsible for the outcome of that situation.

  6. The police lie in wait for drug dealers with warrants so they can take them while in their car or on the street to avoid situations like this. They could have easily called it a day and come back for her on another day or caught her walking out the door without a gun.

  7. Everyone has an opinion but the fact is, she pointed a gun at police officers. Told them she was going to kill them. Begged them to kill her. She had a warrant out for her arrest. Case CLOSED. If she were white, this wouldn't even be on the news much less on the ACLU website. So move on.

  8. Ignorant people. If they left her with the gun and they she went out and shot someone you all would be crying foul and that the police did not do their job. Go back under your rocks. She got what she deserved!! Comply with the law and she would not have had a problem. Hell, I have minor legal issues and become anti authority at times. But guess what? I get over it pay the fine and no one shoots me! Hell, no one even points a gun at me! This is really getting old! Obey the law, if you don't serve your penalty, if not get shot! Pretty easy system.

  9. It is obvious the ACLU did not see the 15 min video SHE recorded of her interaction with Baltimore PD regarding being stopped for having a tag on her car that said "Any government official who compromises this pursuit to happiness and right to travel, will be held criminally responsible and fined, as this is a natural right to freedom." Seriously?

    She gave herself a reputation with LEO when she instigated a confrontation by putting that on her car. She refused to comply with an officer of the law. That video is proof positive that these officers gave her EVERY chance to get out of the car and walk home (nearby) with her kids. They gave her more chances than they should have, because her actions endangered the kids. She also told her 5 yo son to FIGHT the police officers if they tried to take him out of the car.

    The ACLU can shove it....they don't want unity and peace because it puts them out of a cushy high profile job. Stir it some more, ACLU, you will reap what you sow.

  10. You all hate the ACLU until the the amendment that you care about is violated.

  11. American Criminal Liberty Union. F**K the ACLU they only protect sub cultures of people. If you are white they could give a rats ass about u.

    Remember Black Lies Matter

  12. Spoken like a true racist!


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