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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Poll from 911 and Un-MSM News Source

Funny how polls for Trump are much better when real Americans vote in them verses the MSM 'framed' audiences. This sampling was over 15K people rather than MSM's 1K! Interesting.


  1. To put this into perspective, this poll surveyed roughly 0.0047% of the population.

    1. To put this into better perspective, it polled a sector of the voting population, not the general population.

  2. 934 while you have your little calculator out, tell us what percentage is the 1K the MSM uses to create their polls!

  3. 15K Multiple accounts? LOL Funny!

  4. Keep believing you facts in a bubble.

  5. That poll was posted on Twitter...only the 145.6K people following the @Breaking911 account saw the poll (unless they paid to have it equally advertised to all users). So this poll represents a very specific demographic of Twitter users and does not represent the US demographic whatsoever. I wish these results were a good prediction of the election to come but based their survey technique, it means nothing. Just pointing out the misleading statistics.

  6. It's funny how you people don't scrutinize polls by MSM with the same scrutiny you use for Twitter. I mean, after all, isn't it much more indicative of the public when you purposefully hand select 900 Democrats and 100 Republicans to take your poll? That's a much more accurate poll for sure. People use your brains for a change.

  7. People should scrutinize every poll they see no matter the source. MSM and politicians use these polls to mislead the public as to what is actually going on. I only saw the details about the twitter poll otherwise I would've commented on the MSM one as well...it would be interesting to see the details on the sample population they targeted.


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