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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health

As the presidential campaign enters its final stages, probing questions have emerged about the health condition of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary' bizarre, erratic behavior on the campaign trail (culminating with last week's perplexing "short-circuit" comment) has left many wondering whether she is seriously ill. Hillary has at multiple times had convulsions that appear to be seizures on camera, including a series of seemingly inexplicable coughing fits.



  1. Sounds to me like she has the DT's.

  2. Yes, definitely something is wrong with her. #1 She a Liar, #2 She's a Liar, #3 She's a Liar and on and on. All those lies are catching up with her.

  3. She pretty much dying from organ and brain damage with angle dust and head injury.

  4. Angle dust? Is that the 45 degree or 90 degree dust?

  5. Acute or right angle dust? Clearly she has coughed more then 8 times in her life, that's grounds for dismissal from the presidential race.

  6. After the elections between nov and jan she will be criminally charged.
    Obamie will then dictate by emergency, since there is no sitting president that can fulfill their duties that he will resume in his position for another 4 years.

    So her being sick is an asset to him.

    Watch and see

  7. She has Parkinson's disease.

  8. There's nothing here to support that claim. Too bad, though.

  9. 9:19 if by chance you are referring to 8:57 and think another 4 years of that criminal obamie is a good thing, you are an idiot.

  10. Short-Circuit just means her lying.

  11. Maybe she has undiagnosed COPD. My wife used to cough like that before she was diagnosed.

  12. I hope she is dying of stumic cancer!

  13. Maby she's gotten to close to one of the Clinton dead bodys. And has made herself sick.

  14. just a little on the road congestion once she gets to the White House she can settle back and CRACK the WHIP


  15. Occam's razor: She's choking back the truth as it tries to come out.

  16. I don't get the angle dust post?

    Did she inhale dust from being bent over at a certain angle?

    What is the deal?

    REally. I want to know. I know it will be funny.
    C'mon tell us!

  17. all that barking has damaged her pipes


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