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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Georgia school district hiring 450 teachers, no education degree required

SAVANNAH, GA (WSAV) – Savannah-Chatham schools are feeling the hurt of a growing problem nationwide.As more students flow into Savannah-Chatham classrooms, fewer teachers are around to meet their needs

Across the United States, there is a huge drop in the number of students pursuing education degrees.

So right now, Savannah-Chatham schools are holding up the help wanted sign—with 450 openings. To make sure they get those positions filled, the district is using a new program called Alternative Pathways to Teaching.

The program allows anyone with a Bachelor’s degree in any field to become a teacher in Georgia through a work-as-you-go certification program that takes one to three years to complete.



  1. Why require a degree to teach a bunch of losers that will drop out by the 9th grade.

  2. Delaware does this.

  3. Well now UMES grads can actually get a job!

  4. Mom used to say, "It's like the Blind leading the Blind!"

    Here we are...

  5. They will probably get some excellent teachers by going this route! Truth.

    1. They can't find any now in the field.

  6. Headline is misleading. You need a degree, just not a degree in education.

  7. 11:42
    Read the headline again. It says no EDUCATION degree required.

  8. I knew you buffoons would try to jump on this. You do realize that this technique is nothing new, right? It was a large part of the concept behind teach for america. Yes you need to be educated, you just don't need to be specialized in teaching. This means that my Air Force veteran brother who has a degree in English and History is using his life experience and knowledge to have a big impact in the classroom. It means that scientists who actually have extensive experience putting math skills to use are now teaching kids how math is a valuable tool, not just something you learn to recite.

    1. BS!!! NICE TRY!! Babysitting at best!!!

  9. Hahaha. More babysitters at 50,000 dollars a year. Same here in the state of Maryland. Tell us how dedicated the BOE are to the kids education. LMAO.

  10. 12:51 Read the actual words, I know there may be too many for you. "The program allows anyone with a Bachelor’s degree in any field to become a teacher in Georgia through a work-as-you-go certification program that takes one to three years to complete."

    I had an AP Chem teacher in high school who was fresh out of a masters program in chemistry and came with zero teaching experience. She was excellent and because of her I passed the AP test and didn't have to waste money on chem 1 credit hours in college.

  11. 5:09 nailed it. It's hard to teach these old dogs on the shore new tricks

  12. With only a B.A. in English, I taught secondary English in Wicomico County. However, I had enough education courses to earn a Maryland certification. I was proficient in my subject matter. The education courses are valuable for the early grades. After that, they are mostly useless.

    BTW, "Bachelor's" degree is a common noun and, therefore, not capitalized. Perhaps the reporter should have paid more attention in English class.

  13. 8:50
    Are you sure you meant 12:51? They were right about the title.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:09 nailed it. It's hard to teach these old dogs on the shore new tricks

    August 10, 2016 at 9:07 AM

    Oh yeah?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:09 nailed it. It's hard to teach these old dogs on the shore new tricks

    August 10, 2016 at 9:07 AM

    How do you know where anyone is from just by reading a comment?


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