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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Have You Seen This In Your Main Stream media?


  1. I for one am awake, thanks to you Joe. Also thanks to info wars for all they do. This is not the america i new growing up as a kid. God bless us all.

  2. Here's the question...:

    Will these soldiers fire upon their fellow citizens?
    We know the higher level officers that would refuse to give the order have already been weeded out!

  3. 7:44 AM you and the rest of america best believe they will shoot at their fellow citizens... If you want history as your proof, look at waco and ruby ridge and kent state to name a few... You best believe also, the govt would not spend the time nor the money to have this happen without going all the way...

  4. They have probably got Illegal immigrants hired for this. People of this country better wake up or they will never see American the way it was again. I have never seen so many people with blinders on when it come to the Clintons.

  5. I have had conversations with several soldiers over the last few years and they have said they will not fire on citizens and no one in the service they have discussed this issue with will fire. Hope they hold strong!!

  6. The democrats are stealing the election and they are preparing for a public outcry and to answer you 7:44, yes, historically they will kill us, because they are too stupid and brainwashed to realize "they" are also one of us, and "we" are actually fighting on their behalf.

  7. Will normal Rules of Engagement apply?

  8. Hope they realize we will fire back
    Better get more troops

  9. There are a lot of pissed off ex military out there. Veterans who are itching for a fight. Yes we would fire back, and these ex military will be our trainers for the next civil war that is about to happen. Why do you think the VA is trying to get most of them to be deemed mental with post traumatic stress disorder so they can't get guns? They know there is a lot of anger out there!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here's the question...:

    Will these soldiers fire upon their fellow citizens?
    We know the higher level officers that would refuse to give the order have already been weeded out!

    August 24, 2016 at 7:44 AM


  11. Your all questioning if the soldiers will fire on us? Well,yes they will. Or they will be killed as well. You military is being rebuilt with immigrants. Think they care? Most were killers in their homeland! All the high ranking American officers have been weeded out! New fresh foreign fighters are here now! Wake up!

  12. About two years ago a strange blue-painted school bus filled with fit, strong men arrived at the plaza in Delmar. They headed into the Military Surplus store. They were wearing Uniform tops, sweatpants, and some had sweatshirts that said Bosnia on them. A chubby guy in American BDUS seemed to be in charge. They shopped and got back on the bus, headed south on 13. Gave me goosebumps. Clearly foreign soldiers; here to train perhaps? I think there are foreign forces, perhaps UN, here and they will have no qualms about shooting Americans.

  13. The US troops will not fire on US citizens but most will never be given a choice because they are stationed on another continent.
    It will be UN soldiers in black helicopters and blue helmets because they didn't swear to uphold or care about the Constitution and they would shoot you in a second. Same UN troops that allowed mass rapes in Africa.


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