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Sunday, August 07, 2016

Fight at Walmart in Fruitland

Police are responding to the Walmart in Fruitland for a fight. Two to four people are in fighting in the produce section of the store. 


  1. More walmart losers.

  2. HEY CLEAN-UP produce isle!!!!!!!!

  3. Go figure here. The Fruitland Walmart has always been trashy. It must be an upset over the narrower aisles. People have bad attitudes there! ☕️🚬

  4. Could be the drunk Chief!!

  5. Maybe but north wally world is much worse

  6. They must have been fighting over the one Chinese imported Apple that wasn't rotten


  7. Someone wanted to run away and get married but cantaloupe?

  8. probably arguing over who won Walmart Bingo

  9. The ears of corn didn't hear anything and the eyes on the potatoes didn't see anything. No witnesses are cooperating.

    1. Said the Fruitland police! Hahaha

  10. Walmart = trash! Trash insulted!

  11. I have to admit it has been over two months since I walked into that Walmart (and also North Walmart).
    May sound strange but when I leave there, I feel like I need to go home and shower afterwards as it just feels "nasty".....The crowd of people that are in there seem like they come out of the woodwork; not the ordinary working people. From pajama clad to non-English speaking people pushing their carts around loaded with food and then pull out their food-stamp card to pay for them at the register. Even seeing more and more of that at Giant! (soon to become ACME). We have a really nice Walmart back home in PA and it's so totally different - clean, shiny, no rift raft and an entirely different crowd of shoppers!

  12. Will the charges be" squashed " ? Was anybody "pepper sprayed " ? Did the other shoppers say "lettuce " be ?were any weapons "produced " ?

  13. Salisbury and Fruitland both have the same problem-- too many rentals.
    The communities have de-volved into rental slums. Owner-occupied properties tend to be better maintained, and the owners more involved in their communities.

    Rental communities also are drawing the immigrants.

    Just look around you and you will see that this is true.

  14. Haha. You people are talking about yourselves. Hour Part Of THE Trashy Have To Take A Shower Community. WOW YOUR STUPID. DA BURY. WHERE STUPIDITY THRIVES!!

  15. Just another reason why you will not see a Wegmans anywhere near Dabury, which includes Fruitland

  16. Dam I always miss all the good stuff and I was there after work

  17. Bunch of guys arguing over who gets fist shot at the new fruit.

  18. Walmart needs a giant keno room and imaginary horse betting room which accept ebt cards

  19. wonder if it started over how ripe the bananas were.

  20. 8:50 You hit the nail on the head. Neighborhood after neighborhood in Salisbury has seen the same decline into scum central after the single family homes turn into rental properties. This happens everywhere.


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