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Friday, August 05, 2016

Diana West: DNC 'Put a Sharia Supremacist on Convention Center Stage'

Author and historian Diana West challenges the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) highlight of Khizr Khan at their national convention: “Don’t you people vet your speakers?”

From DianaWest.net:

Dear DNC,

Doubtless, I would reach more people if I wrote the following message in a private, hackable email, but I am concerned Russian cyber-trolls are distracted this week by heaps more breaking scandal about Hillary Clinton’s loyal services to what some people like to call “Mother Russia.” Between that Hillary-approved uranium deal transferring 20 percent of US uranium to Russian control (netting $145 million for the Clinton Foundation) and, now, her success in getting US investors to fund Russian military research in Russia’s very own “Silicon Valley,” I am afraid my little email might languish unread on some cold NSA server. If anyone in Russia is reading, though, do pass along a suggested name change for that Russian R&D hub Hillary has done so much for: “Clinticon Valley” has a wonderful ring to it, don’t you think? Or, maybe better — Clinticonovna Valley.

My subject today, though, is the Constitution-waving Khizr Khan (above), who caused such an uproar at the DNC as the father of a fallen US officer in Iraq, Capt. Humayun Khan, killed in action in 2004, that he now wishes to exit the limelight and has even scrubbed his own website, the one listing his immigration legal services in the (strictly legit!) sale of visas to foreign millionaires.



  1. Why does that surprise you? they nominated a NWO globalist SELLOUT traitor, a communist who hates America. They also allowed an outright socialist to run under their party!! We need to pray very hard for Donald because Satan's minions are hard at work, lying and deceiving.

  2. Because Saul Alinsky told them to do it. They do not have enough brains to do anything on their own.

  3. Another rat leaving the sinking ship.


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