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Friday, August 05, 2016

CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged to Support Democrats

First, it was reported that a Republican candidate running in Chicago, Illinois tried to vote for himself… Only to have the electronic Diebold voting machine cast a vote for his opponent. Unlike paper ballots, computers are only as good as the programmers setting up software, and are always open to the possibility of hackers.

Now, there is more confirmation that Democrats are working with local, partisan board of election bureaucrats to rig machines in the same way. In Maryland, where far-left Gov. Martin O’Malley – a Presidential hopeful – is in charge, it has been confirmed by experts that Democrats are getting a little extra “help” in the midterm elections:

Voting machines that switch Republican votes to Democrats are being reported in Maryland.

“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said.

“This happened multiple times with multiple selections. Every time my choice flipped from Republican to Democrat. Sometimes it required four or five tries to get the ‘x’ to stay on my real selection,” the Frederick, Md., resident said last week.

Queen Anne County Sheriff Gary Hofmann said he encountered the problem, too, personally.

“This is happening here as well. It occurred on two candidates on my machine. I am glad I checked. Many voters have reported this here as well,” Hofmann, a Republican, wrote in an email Sunday evening.

Two other Maryland voters reported the same in Anne Arundel County on Friday.

Much More

"It was your election to lose".


  1. This really irritates me.

  2. When dead people vote and people are registered and vote in multiple states, who do you expect is going to win?

    That's why the Democratic controlled MSM keeps reporting Hillary up in the polls... so when they steal the election, there will be no protest.

  3. ummmm, could have swore GOP was all on board for the original switch to E- voting machines, despite bipartisan public dissent to these. Dumbest idea ever. Politicians figured it would be a win fall. Now one side is complaining because the other beat them to the punch.

  4. If you really believe that then please don't vote.

  5. The better question is regardless of what the screen looks like what happens to your vote after it is cast. A simple program script can produce a desired output after all is said and done.

  6. Vote early and often.

  7. Lets face it, it's probably just someone who hasn't figured out touch technology yet.

  8. Our votes haven't counted ever since they went to electronic voting.

  9. Beware be vigilant, the democrats are now using a different rule book then the constitution.

    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

    Joseph Stalin

  10. This absolutely makes me mad and people on here say vote, that's the only way you can get people out who are not doing their jobs. Capital BS. If you vote you're voting for the "other" party - I want my vote to count but it never does. How fair is that? I want Trump to win this election not the dirty candidate who belongs in prison but the machines are rigged for her to win. I hate that they have to cheat to win and that's all they are doing, cheating. That's the only way they can win.

  11. You can ask for a paper ballot. No guarantee that it will be counted...

  12. 2:21, I'm assuming that comment was in reference to me at 2:01. Well sir look it up for yourselves. Both conservative and liberal POLITICIANS had been pushing for these in districts across the nation. Avg. Joes on the ground from both sides were saying the whole time it was a bad idea. Now conservative pols are screaming because they didn't get a chance to cheat. It's a mess. The whole system. But only because folks like you who only see party affiliation let it get this bad.

  13. That's how Joe lost his election.

  14. Guess the liberals have gone hi-tech...instead of using people who have died to vote, they now program the machines...less digging I guess


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