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Sunday, August 07, 2016


You heard me right. We have received notice by TWO reliable sources the Black Lives Matter group is planning a protest at 6:00 PM tonight at the White Marlin Marina.

It seems after the local media stirred up such a big deal on the tee shirts, (perhaps taken from the White Marlin Matters tee shirts) has stirred the pot.

We have been informed the word is now spreading like a wild fire in Ocean City and some businesses are considering closing their doors and employees are already leaving work as they do not want to be in the middle of what might become of this protest. 

Unfortunately, (should they follow through) more to come... UNBELIEVABLE! KILL WHITEY UPDATE: Joe several large groups of bikers started showing up a little after noon hour in OC.. Not the.. I'm a lawyer with a harley... but the.. I will split your skull with a pipe.


  1. Push them in the water.

  2. Print More White Live Matter Shirts!!!

  3. But it's ok for them to wear black lives matter!!!!

    1. Let them come I hope they arrest all of them

    2. Hi, they're allowed to wear Black Lives Matter shirts because people are already well aware that White Lives Matter and they respect that. And while you might argue that people are now aware that Black Lives Matter, too (that's what the statement is- a too statement, not meant to belittle your or other ethnic origins- like I want some cotton candy, too) people DO NOT respect that fact. So what they're really saying is "Hey, black lives matter too or black lives matter, as well. Please don't forget about us." So thanks for that lovely argument.

    3. The hypocrisy is that certain black lives matter when it pushes a political agenda. Why isn't BLM blocking traffic lying in the street on any Martin Luther King Blvd. where blacks are killing other blacks? Where are the BLM protestors in front of a planned parenthood that has helped abort more than 50 million black lives? It isn't taken seriously because we as black people cant look in the mirror and discuss the real problem. Fatherless homes and the demise of the black family.

    4. Shame they're not smart enough to add the "too".

    5. Not quite. No one thinks any lives matter. No one respects life. People of all races get murdered, raped, enslaved, sold to human trafficking, etc. Not one race is more important than another, nor have they ever been. One population may outweigh others, but we're all human. We're all subject to the same laws of the land and hypocrisy of humanity. #nolivesmatter

  4. I don't have time to protest against blm, I have 2 jobs

    1. thank you for that.....how do you get 2 when so many , so they say, can't get one.

  5. Really over a fishing tournament tee shirt!! Lock them all up ! Stupid bunch of fiols

  6. Put up the drawbridge!

    1. Perfect. They can swim to the Marlin tournie. O yeah......nevermind.

  7. Black americans need to really see who continues to stiffle. Mr Kings dream.who continues to enslave them ...DEMOCRATS. join the trump train and you will live the real american dream. Hillary with only further your races demise.

    And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

    Free at last! Free at last!

    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

    Certinly not under democrats policies!

    1. That's a joke right? Black people should not join hand and hand with their enemy. We will just wait until 2019!!!!!

    2. Apparently the members of this group have never heard of Frederick Douglass Republicans or K Carl Smooth also a Frederick Douglass Republican. He was also the first black officer of the United States and was there be a use of REPUBLICANS. DEMOCRATS in the free States wanted to forbid it. It is awesome history and should be taught in school. Might change a lot of views on both sides (black and white)

  8. Terrorist......lock them all up. I'm sick of them holding us all hostage.

  9. Why cant they be doing something more productive? It amazes me how they want to stir up something from nothing. They should be marching through their own neighborhoods and speaking out against black on black crimes and trying to keep families together for good up bringing of the next generation but no they want to cause a ruckus over a Gosh Damn fish tee shirt?? Absolutely why race relations are so tense in this country. Exactly why. Im very sick of it!

    1. Didn't you hear? Black on black crime is a myth, well accorfing to MSM!

    2. Oh God, back at it again with the "black on black crime" argument. If you're of a particular race, you're more likely to murdered or victim of a crime committed by your same race. So how about you folks go deal with your "white on white crime" or your "Indian on Indian crime" or whatever ethnicity/race on the same ethnicity/race crime. Jeez.

    3. You have been brainwashed by the tv and social media. You proved the point precisely. Look in the mirror at the vast majority of who is responsible for the killing. All black lives need to matter to black lives matter. Not just the convoluted cases perpetuated by the media to make us look like fools and push a political agenda financed by former nazi collaborators.

  10. What do you expect after another unarmed black teenager is shot in the back by police? Wake up folks, this has to stop.

    1. shouldnt be blaming everyone and destroying everything in their way cause they think they are the only ones that matter

    2. What does have to do with White lives matter? Please explain?

    3. I don't remember anything getting shot in ocean city...

    4. What hell does that have to with conservation of white marlin?

    5. He stole a vehicle and ran from the police...Ive raised my kids to know that police have guns and dont be a riminal to alleviate the risk of being shot. And the shirt is about white marlins.

    6. What did he need clothes for school? I'm sute he just listened to the police and did what he was told! I bet he was a good boy too! So sick of this! If you fuck up and don't follow the law like other people, that's what happens! To blacksAND whites, browns, yelows and reds! More white people have been shot by police than blacks! Look up American statistics! Most blacks that are killed ate killed by otjer blacjs! Get over yourselves, it's 2016! If you want a better life,then get an education and job like normal people!

    7. 13% of the population commits 60% of all crimes. Guess which race..?? Time to own up ...

    8. "Another unarmed black teenager shot in the back by police"?

      "Another"?? You talk as though it's an everyday, or even every week occurrence. Nobody should be shot in the back if they are unarmed, nobody. What makes you people think you are more important than anyone else? Your life does not matter more than mine, and I do not claim mine matters more than yours. The black supremacy garbage needs to stop.

      What IS a common occurrence, is black people getting shot in the back (and other places) by other BLACK people. That is so common now, that it's hardly even newsworthy. And you people just sit back and rationalize it, even glorify it.

      You don't go marching in your own neighborhoods, surrounding the homes of known violent gangbangers, and have noisy "protests" and "prayer vigils" and shout at them to stop killing your children. You don't surround gangbangers in angry mobs and demand they stay out of your neighborhoods. You don't send lists of demands to local gang leaders, the known criminals and habitual thugs, demanding they set up "safe zones" or end the "street to gang to prison pipeline". You don't blame black criminality for the ghetto war zones. Nor do you shame your black females who get pregnant without a thought as to how they are going to support the child, let alone have more and more children. Your so called "leaders" do little more than stir up trouble and try to blame your troubles on nonexistent "racism". They rarely tell you people to stay in school and respect the teachers, and appreciate the FREE education. Nor do they tell you to stop expecting the government to provide for you, and that YOU are responsible for EARNING your food, shelter, medical care, and Air Jordans. That you are expected to get a JOB and be productive, if you want to be respected as an EQUAL. Or that you were never a slave, and need to move the hell on, or move back to Africa. Do they attempt to gather up "their people" and organize to emigrate en masse back to Africa?

      Of course not. There is way too much money and power to be had, in the Black Grievance Industry. If you people recognized you have equality, and opportunities unlike anywhere else in the history of the world, the "black leaders" would soon be out of business. When will you realize that they have a vested interest in keeping you people discontent and bitter, ungrateful and dependent?

  11. The time has come to protect or city if it becomes violent then we shall protect what is ours

    1. Exactly send them packing or to jail

  12. Political correctness = it's not what you say, it's what the audience interprets.

    It's a tshirt, with a play on words. It's called dry humor, not racism. Watch a late night tv show. Fallon and Kimmel are making millions doing the same thing.

    1. Some black people are so desperate for validation that they will find some far fetched excuse to "interpret" absolutely anything...(nothing!) as "racism".

      If the audience is so racist and/or stupid that they misinterpret something, they deserved to have their stupid little feelings hurt.

  13. If this does occur everyone needs to ignore them. They will do everything in their power to engage people in a fight. They are all inherently violent people who instead of "protesting" need to be admitting and addressing their unconscious violent natures. Remember they were built on nothing but lies. The hand up thing was their excuse. So what then happened those who are violent by nature gravitated toward BLM. Honest people wouldn't be caught dead involved in that mess.

    1. "Inherently violent people"? "Unconscious violent natures"? Have you looked at a history book? A US History book? Tell which ethnicity has done the most harm to other people. Please. And if you don't want to admit that, you surely shouldn't be accusing these BLM protestors of being inherently violent. If you're basing your opinion of BLM protesters on what you see being covered by certain media outlets, then you need to do your own research. The majority of BLM protests are peaceful but no one wants to cover calm situations these days.

    2. This right here is why they're protesting lol

  14. Joe, can we assume that OCPD/ State Police / Worcester County Sheriff's department are aware of this?

  15. Maybe that local loser James Yamakawa behind this? He was on another site bragging how he got people annoyed and mad. But supposedly they want unity and a "discussion." This is what they do. Their goal is to create anger. The police should be looking at him. He seems like he is a deranged very mentally unstable and dangerous person.

  16. Get the Bikers out there.

    1. Hey bikers lives matters !!!!

    2. Yes they do! They'll take care of it better than the police!

  17. Ever notice how this bunch is so useless? We pay for everything they need, always causing crime which someone has to pay for, now this hindering the businesses that pay for all their crap.

    1. So blacks and BLM supporters are "useless"? I'm sorry. This "useless black" pays for health insurance , buys her own food , pays for daycare at the rate of a mortgage and ends up owing at tax time . This "useless black" loves her two kids and her husband who is also a "useless black" who happens to be a marine veteran who served OUR country to keep us and specifically your "useful people " safe from harms way. Coming home suffering from PTSD and multiple Injuries. Amazing, I'm not seeing how our existence cost you anything. If anything, it's cost us everything.

    2. Apparently you don't understand what part of the useless blacks they were talking about. Another taking something out of context!

    3. You pay for food, healthcare, and daycare and taxes? Congratulations! So do the rest of us. That's normal. It's not something to be proud of simply because you're black. I have much respect for veterans. I think BLM supporters are useful.. in creating a larger artifical racial divide in this country and inspiring blacks to challange police officers, putting more blacks in harms way. Great job.

    4. Don't they have jobs?

    5. 5:20 Obviously you aren't one of the "useless blacks" that drag us ALL down. Don't assume white people look down on good, hardworking people of ANY ethnicity. The criminals, the thugs, the parasites and the gangbangers are the reason blacks get stereotyped, and that is why it is imperative that you distance yourself from them and that degenerate subculture.

  18. They dont like water.

  19. Hopefully they try a floating blockade of the inlet. Preferably on a strong outgoing tide, which carries them with it!

  20. Dave T: For anyone from "Black Lives Matter" who might be reading this commentary, be advised ! You are in an area of the world where some people will not tolerate your nonsense because they actually have balls and a backbone.
    If you plan on being violent and cannot be peaceful in your protest, reconsider. Such actions have consequences and you will be dealt with accordingly should you make any idiotic decisions beyond the ones you've already been making. And yes, I don't give a damn whether that bothers or offends you. You have been warned. All lives matter! Got it.

    1. I come from several generations of family who have a deep love for Ocean City. If you attempt to destroy what is decent and good, I will come down there and make sure you face the consequences of your actions!


  21. Bring the K9s, cut them loose

    1. It ain't the 60s you racist..

    2. No it's not!BLM people are just as tacist! They're not trying to be proactive, they are being teactive to their own created problems! Dr. King, a true activist, for ALL lives, is rolling in his grave and is disgusted by your ignorance!

  22. You know this was on Drudge today.. linking a story from CBS in Balto.

    The paid protesters are probably on their way right now.

  23. I believe most people who are part of the "Black Lives Matters", seems to have forgotten "An Education Matters"

  24. Rick Meehan must be pleased! Years of advertising in the regional ghettoes is finally bringing the kind of visitors he prefers. Coupled with his directive to the police to treat his peeps with kid gloves (no arrests = no crimes were committed), this is sure to be a peaceful love-one-another affair. Midnight stroll on the boards with your family this evening, Mr. Mayor? I'll be there, filming the latest episode of "Meehan's Legacy."

  25. Can i wear a White teeshirt ? or is that racist ? fools.

    1. You may wear a White t-shirt, fool.

  26. If the BLM group would stop breaking the law can carrying illegal guns, nobody would be shooting at them.

    Actually, this will be cute considering the license plate scanners will flag the hoods as soon as they drive into town with stolen cars bearing stolen tags.

    1. Nobody has been shooting at them.

      Except maybe other black people.

  27. Thugs lives dont matter.

  28. Hand out job apps ??

  29. What time is everyone else supposed to get there?

  30. For openers, never could understand why Blacks go to the beach anyway!!! For a tan??? I don't think so!. If they start blocking roads they might soon be fish bait because the locals, after a few beers, are not going to take that crap.

    1. They go to the beach to enjoy themselves just like others do, you ignorant ass. Do you only go to the beach for a tan??

    2. Wow! Smh! Why do you go to the beach? They go for the same reason you go. IGNORANT!!!!!

  31. The shirt designer's mistake was that he didn't make a shirt that said Black Lives Matter, & show a Black Marlin. There is such a fish. Only problem is that it's not found in these waters. It's found elsewhere such as the Pacific Ocean, Australia,etc. He may have not sold any of those shirts, but that doesn't matter, after all, money doesn't matter as long as that group is happy. Can you say Political Correctness is totally out of control. GO TRUMP

    1. If they made a shirt with a black Marlin they would be racist too. You can't win with political correctness. It's politics.

    2. It wouldn't be racist. The only thing that is "racist" is an unsubstantiated hatred of a particular race.

      This means very few whites are racist, but a lot of blacks are!

  32. Watch and see - The bikers are coming to protect us against the thugs, something the mayor and council REFUSE TO DO, despite years of pleas from decent folks. Instead, the mayor and council will have the police crack down on the bikers and blame them for the whole thing.

    Rick Meehan - resign immediately. Let someone else (with the guts to do so) get rid of the thugs. You and your new breed of beach-goer have chased too many families and other good people away. What in the world have you done to this town?

  33. And now I am forced to keep my family away from West OC and the Marina's. Niiice. Thanks alot BLM's for ruining our family vacation which should be free from fear or fear of riots.

  34. I hope the state troopers pound them.

  35. 2:01 PM, they should be marching thru their neighborhood doing what you said, but they should also be telling all their friends and neighbors to vote for Trump in November. Hillary is going to do nothing for them but they are too dumb to see that.

  36. They won't be allowed through the gates. Really.

    1. White Marlin Marina, not Harbour Island where the tournament is held.

  37. Popeyes and kfc better stay open for business!

  38. If Black Lives Matter then why are Blacks killing other Blacks by the thousands ?

  39. you are all a bunch of racist a**holes.

    1. Nope. We are simply not letting you people try to ruin an event open for ALL to enjoy.

  40. All lives matter we just need to stick together man d**

  41. Wow, all of you can post as anonymous because you are cowards behind the computer screens. Just because you do not support something, it doesn't mean you even have to comment. We don't NEED any of your negative energy. You are all uneducated and niece individuals if you feel racism or oppression is nonexistent. Multiple statistics support that more blacks get stopped on average than any other race in almost every community. There is no need to ridicule something that someone believes is a serious concern. BLM definitely does not promote violence and if you feel that it does it is simply because it angers YOU. YOU are the ones that feel the need to hurl racial slurs as we silently, boldly, and proudly stand as the strong, intellectual individuals that WE are. WE then get offended at YOUR stupidity. You ask for violence when you don't keep your mouth closed, prime example being your comments anonymously posted behind s computer screen. I laugh at your lack of knowledge.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Modern Day racist hide behind anonymous post. It's sickening! But yet those who are racist make excuses for other individuals of color meaning any nationality from the ignorance of many. I'm praying for all these type of people.

    2. More blacks get pulled over bc more blacks commit more crimes FACT.

    3. Statistics? You might want to check yours.let's talk statistics since You have been sadly misinformed or your just that ignorant of the truth.
      Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,".
      Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.
      "Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force,". Also blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.
      "The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods."
      2.More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.

    4. 3. The Post's data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man.but this does not tell the whole story. In August 2015, the ratio was seven-to-one of unarmed black men dying from police gunshots compared to unarmed white men; the ratio was six-to-one by the end of 2015. But Mac Donald points out in The Marshall Project that looking at the details of the actual incidents that occurred paints a different picture:
      The “unarmed” label is literally accurate, but it frequently fails to convey highly-charged policing situations. In a number of cases, if the victim ended up being unarmed, it was certainly not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. And two individuals included in the Post’s “unarmed black victims” category were struck by stray bullets aimed at someone else in justified cop shootings. If the victims were not the intended targets, then racism could have played no role in their deaths.
      In one of those unintended cases, an undercop was conducting a gun sting, One of the gun traffickers jumped into the cop’s car, stuck a pistol to his head, grabbed $ and fled. The officer gave chase and opened fire after the thief again pointed his gun at him. Two of the officer’s bullets accidentally hit a 61-year-old bystander, killing him. That older man happened to be black, but his race had nothing to do with his tragic death. In the other collateral damage case, officers approached a car parked at a convenience store that had a homicide suspect in the passenger seat. The suspect opened fire, sending a bullet through an officer’s shirt. The cops returned fire, killing their assailant as well as a woman in the driver’s seat. That woman entered the Post’s database without qualification as an “unarmed black victim” of police fire.
      Mac Donald examines a number of other instances, including unarmed black man attempting to reach for a gun in a police officer's holster. the unarmed black man actually "jumped the officer" and assaulted him, and the cop shot the man since he was "fearing for his life.There was an instance in 2015 where "three officers were killed with their own guns, which the suspects had wrestled from them."
      4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers. This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
      5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops. This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black. According to Mac Donald, the police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person.
      Despite the facts, the anti-police rhetoric of Black Lives Matter and their leftist sympathizers have resulted in what Mac Donald calls the "Ferguson Effect," as murders have spiked by 17 percent among the 50 biggest cities in the U.S. as a result of cops being more reluctant to police neighborhoods out of fear of being labeled as racists. Additionally, there have been over twice as many cops victimized by fatal shootings in the first three months of 2016.
      But they dont promote violence right? Yeah.... Ok. Get a grip. And this US and YOU in your comments is just as racial as the rest.... But that's ok be cause your black? Hypocrisy runs deep. Smh

    5. Fact BLM is no different then KKK stop with all your PC bull no one with a brain belives what you speak. If you respect me i will respect you thats the way it is.

    6. I don't care who someone is or what color their skin is, if they are gay or whatever. Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Act like an ass and expect the same in return. I don't care that someone is black. I don't owe blacks, or anyone else anything. I work for my money. So do I care that someone is black? No. BLM is nothing but a movement that spreads hate and distrust. The vast majority of blacks killed by police, along with whites, we're a threat to the police officers safety or in commission of a crime. The hell with them. Black lives matter is nonsense.

    7. https://youtu.be/smvFGLuyPLI

    8. I can't reply to every response but I can say that the majority in America are Caucasians. Therefore, your statistics are also inaccurate. Being that supposedly more whites get pulled over could be true in a sense that demographics would make that accurate. There would be no other way to go. I do not agree with this statement because honestly for every black person there are about 6 white people, therefore more blacks are being stopped. My only point is that our society is so blind to their own privilege that they have been brainwashed to believe there isn't an issue here. We black people act rowdy and it's okay for the cops to shoot us. No, you police officers go to school to learn just like the rest of us and I know they spent just as much time teaching you how to use a baton as they did a gun. They also taught you how to rationalize and think, but he issue is your thirst for authority. You try to manipulate us and have us believe we deserve to be treated this way. Don't tell me that when a terrorist Caucasian man is considered misunderstood after shooting up a church of African Americans. You oblivious individuals are apart of the issue we face today. Wake up, listen, and observe.

    9. At admire your desire for social change, but it should be based on stats and not the agenda being pushed by the controlled media. Black abortion and black on black crime, not the mention the demise of the traditional black family are much bigger social issues to get on board. BLM is being promoted by design to divide the population into civil unrest. I would encourage you to read some of George Soros books, as well as Zbignew Bryzinski. Why would a super wealthy white guy who was a nazi collaborator or believes in a one world government and quoted as saying "It is easier to kill a million people, than control a million people" really gives a crap about a black life?
      Money Matters!

    10. Just because you don't agree Cheezie doesn't mean those statistics are wrong or inaccurate! You are correct that Caucasians are the majority in race but that doesn't matter either! The percentage of black committed crimes ,eith blacks be lesser in amount whites, more than doubles the amount of crimes committed by whites or others! So if the numbers of each race were equal the ctime tate for blacks would be even higher! Look I have no problem with the color of people's skin, sexuality, religion or gender! But if your a piece of shit, you're a piece of shit! These BLMpeople give good, decent, hard working black folks a bad name! There is good and bad in all colors and jobs! Stop trying to get something for nothing and work for your shit like other people! You need to gtow up, get an ecucation and fo better by your children, do they dont grow up hating people for the color of tjeir skin! You're perpetuatig what you say BLM is supposedly fighting! Ignorant! That's what you are!

    11. Have you been to a police academy lady? No? Then stop assuming and sterotyping police. You are racist against police officers. The majority of time in the police academy is academics:constitionality, criminal and traffic law, race relations, de escalation of force. There was only one black kid in our police academy class, he was treated no different by the academy administration or recruits. We were told by our department admin, who was black, to ensure he stayed in the academy. He quit the day after he saw video or a white police officer killed by a white guy. Graphic video.. we caught all types of hell from our department admin for "letting him quit". I don't want to hear it.

  42. So the race war begins in our backyard....

    1. It's going to be Cambridge race riots all over again. Get the fire department.

  43. 3:35 Your comment is ignorant. Black people go to the beach to relax, build sand castles, swim, boogie board, listen to the waves, watch the sunset sunrise and go to dinner. The SAME as white people. Sigh....

  44. Is the marine private ? If so , tell them to leave .. Then lock their racist arse up .i wish that some strong black men and women would stand up to those knuckleheads .no way I way they shut down 50 without some visits by the state boys !!this is Outside of the city limits ??? Tell mayor red face to put the booze down and join them ,they will tell to get his red faced cracker arse where to go

  45. 4:37 so why does opening my mouth and voicing my opinion promote violence? See, that's just the thug mentality. You can't debate with intelligence, so, you resort to violence!

  46. While the marina who created the shirt may find it funny, as do many others, it is having a negative effect in two ways. First, it is bad for the image of Ocean City, which already is suffering from not living up to being a "family friendly" town. What a way to get national attention! Second, it is law enforcement that will have to deal with the chaos that ensues from the backlash over the shirts.

    If members of law enforcement are hurt or someone else gets hurt, will it be so funny then? Will the people standing up for the t-shirt, stand up for law enforcement?

    1. See your thinking is supporting the problem as is political correctness! It's a tshirt, don't like it, don't buy it! It's satire created on BLM, when in reality ALL LIVES MATTER!

  47. 4:37, if the BLM definitely does not promote violence then why do so many people get hurt when they are around? Why do so many black people fight the law until they need them? I have no problem with any race and they don't with me. We all bleed red don't we? (map)

  48. ...It's all good, got billy clubs on board for the tuna. And harpoon guns. Have fun with that, protesters!

  49. The Kill Whitey video is hilarious!
    Have to grudgingly admit it is very clever...

  50. Dear 4:37
    You have a good point , we now know that you are black and support this ignorant movement. I'm educated and have a masters. You are are racist
    in your words and and in your heart. The point I was talking about was you have fairly good spelling. You have given us more negative energy with your comment.

  51. So sad. Did God not create us all? Did Christ not die for all?
    STOP the insanity!

  52. Who cares about these BLM idiots. Go fishing, have a good time. The hell with them.

    The sooner the feds shut you down, the better off this Nation will be...

    1. Because they r terrorized by whites .

    2. Please elaborate how whites terrorize black lives matter? You have a classic case of post traumatic slave disorder. Get off the psychological plantation the media, tv, and music have you thinking you're trapped on.

    3. @2:04 oh really???
      i think its the other way around. homie...

  54. It's really sad i am a white man that grown up in camden nj on 27th street never had this kind of bs in my life thats going on in this world today to many cops are tigger happy and thats the bottom line there are good cops and there are lieing ass bad cops that get payoffs from drug dealer get drugs from them the jails are full of any kind of drugs you want for the right money i know very well there are dirty cops in caroline county md but i pray this is a nice group of people coming cause i always believe the government's are behind all this bs bet that

    1. Camden? spell check and hire someone to proof read your comments please. I hurts my head trying to figure out what your saying. I thought it was a rap song. Thank you.

    2. I understood

    3. You're one to type..."I hurts my head..."!

  55. This is interesting...

  56. The only way to avoid the license plate reader coming into Ocean City is to ride their shuttle.

    Opps! I probably should not have said that.

    Really, the true barometer of people trash in town is to look at the trash they toss into the streets out of their car windows. Lots of trash = lots of trash.

    1. Facial recognition can be captured off the buses cams. All record.

  57. Joe,

    Any updates on this? I did take a look at the various cams in Ocean City - several are down right now.

  58. 4:37 Your argument lost any validity and you showed your lack of intelligence the minute you stated that free speech would be met with violence.

  59. So it's ok to wear shirts that say "black power" on the Boardwalk, but a t-shirt promoting "catch & release" in the White Marlin capitol is offensive?!? Educate yourself people!

    All lives matter just as ALL people should COMPLY with officers.

  60. They care more about their cars than human life so that would be a good place to take out frustration.

  61. the media made the headline on the story say something like - local bar (or business) selling white lives matter t-shirts... it didn't say local bar sells white marlin lives matter t-shirts. since no one actually reads the articles anymore, i can see where the confusion came in and would cause a backlash. however, if there really is a rally/protest planned, did no one in the entire organization bother to read the whole press release/"news item" so that they would understand that it is a poorly done play on words and not a reason to protest? everyone is just looking for an excuse to ignite misery.

    1. They still believe the hands up rhetoric. You think they'll miss a good opportunity?

  62. Sounds like we should just go shark fishing instead next week. Plenty of bait around, I hear...

  63. As a black person, it's always nice to see and read just how much we're still hated. I wish these profiles weren't anonymous because it would really tell the tale. Oh, and this useless black has a job, and education,and a family.

    1. Why do you think I have a problem with you or your family? Now if you think black lives matter and my family's don't then I would agree with you and have a problem.

    2. I don't dis like black people at all. I dislike anyone that thinks I owe them something because of the color of their skin, or being gay, or whatever else. I think the confusion comes in when white people say they can't stand BLM and therefore black people think that the statement applies to all blacks. It does not. I don't think blacks are useless. I think some blacks as individuals are useless and also whites, asians, etc. For some reason it seems that a criticism on one black person or group is a criticism against all blacks or at least that is how many black people perceive it. It is not true. I don't dislike blacks, I dislike BLM. Good, have a family and a job, that's what you are supposed to have in life.

    3. I'm white and I like you.. And BLM scares me bc of the violence and they use the C word a lot and it makes me sad.

  64. @ 7:48 You are hated because the media and politicians want it that way... They need racism to keep people divided because division makes the government more powerful than the people. Can't you see how they divide us all into separate groups and pit those groups against each other ? Their biggest fear is a stable society that focuses on what they are doing.

  65. These black youths that are going to OC are going there to attack and intimidate white people who are on vacation...No damn wonder they are hated.

  66. We are noticing where they are parking...hehehe

  67. Must be catch and release fishermen since all (white) marlin lives matter...

  68. Anonymous said...
    Put up the drawbridge!

    August 5, 2016 at 1:57 PM

    have they got it working yet?

  69. Dachanda you are brainwashed. Before commenting it would benefit you to check statistics. Shortly after Ferguson the word was blacks are pulled over more than whites there. The fact stands Ferguson is 85% black so you would have to have an IQ in the moron level if you found it racist that blacks are pulled over more by the PD. Another reason blacks are pulled over more is because no matter how you try and spin it, lie about it, juggle statistics, blacks disproportionally commit more crime then all the other races combined. You might not like it but honey it is a fact. Lastly what in the hell difference does it make if people are commenting anon! This only proves you are confrontational and honey the way you all are killing each other off like barbarians in the cities is enough to make anyone comment anon. Call it being cowardly but again honey the fact is-it's being cautious. You can stand proud all day long but until you fix your own damn race nothing is going to change! People will always talk, look at you suspiciously when your people do what they are doing in the cities. You should be ashamed of yourself because being proud only proves a complete lack of honesty, morals and decency.

  70. All lives matter just as ALL people should COMPLY with officers.

    August 5, 2016 at 6:24 PM

    as long as they are complying with lawful orders, not just anything that comes out of their mouths.

  71. They will attempt to destroy OC like they have destroyed everywhere else the go in any numbers. If speaking the truth makes me a racist then so be it. That's the black communities major difficulty. They do not value honesty. This is why Baltimore has several shootings a day. And then they are so weak they blame their plight on whites.

  72. 7:48
    You should know that these comments are not about you, when you said "we're still hated". Being a working man you could or should chime in with remarks against this trash too. This white boy doesn't have any hate toward you, but I have no love for the trash.

  73. Christ died for all/ All Lives Matter! Especially the 5 million aborted black babies since Rowe V. Wade, Especially the 100's of nameless black males killed by other black males in Salisbury, Dover, Baltimore, Philly, Chicago......etc.
    You know as a black man, it's time to call this ignorant subculture that has no regard for life, lacks respect, and disrespect women a new name to distinguish ourselves. Niggly Bears is out there already so I think we should roll with that.
    BLM has been hijacked and funded by rich, racist white people that want our country divided. Protest black abortions and the demise of the black family instead!!!

  74. BLM are a terrorist group. White people use extreme caution if you see them. avoid If possible. Be safe.

  75. Yeah funny shirt. Haha?

    It's a SHAME that some of you think black people shouldn't be upset. About everything! Absolutely they should be. Are they handling it 'correctly', no. The riots are unnecessary. Black, white, blue, yellow, red, whatever... All lives matter. Some officers are amazing, some are downright full of hate. They allow their personal beliefs (much like you do) to affect their professional obligations. Just because someone is black, does not make them a thug. Hispanic? It's not illegal to be Hispanic.

    Please realize YOU are part of the problem.

    I personally interact with about 600 people daily through my profession...the worst? Older white guys who are beyond racist and full of hate. Try empathy, try understanding. Try helping. That will get you much further than complaining and hatred AND RACISM ever will.

    In my opinion, it's not a "funny" shirt.

    It's stirring the pot. It's promoting the divide, the one that needs to be stopped. It's embarrassing that people promote this. Almost as embarrassing as it is to be American.

    Everyone should riot... Right? Aren't white people fed up too?

  76. No one's born racist! !! Ya know bro.

  77. As a black man I know I am hated, but you can't do a damn thing about it. I am protected, if you talk against me, you're a "Racist", if you don't hire me, you're a "Racist", and when you fire me for stealing or not doing my work, I can sue you and get lots of money in an out of court settlement to save you and your business embarrassment for being, "Racist". If I date your white girl teen, it ain't my fault she gets pregnant, she wanted it to punish her "Racist" Daddy. I love how you fear me too.

    1. Everything you have said, sounds like black privilege to me....

  78. Dachanda Williams aka Cheezie get off here and go take care of your child. Calling people uneducated is ironic. Didn't you try to attend nursing school? I guess that didn't get you far since you are still just a cashier.

  79. I'm just here for the comments

  80. White lives matter and Black lives matter Brown lives matter as I remember God created everybody just like the song red,yellow,black and white why can't we all get along or maybe if everyone would mind their own business maybe all this racist stuff would not happen I work with white people and black people and Hispanic and we all get along like a big family maybe everyone should try it

  81. You do realize the shirt only exist because of the BLM hoax! BLM wants this to rage on and on! At this point I do not care any longer. BLM is here for good and the democrats will continue supporting the hate group. Life goes on, but my outlook and tolerance are very different since BLM/Obama instigated cop killings started.

  82. Lol me too 9:08. The comments are very entertaining. Thanks all!

  83. 4:37 PM - you are not the brightest bulb in the drawer either - what the heck are "neice individuals"?

  84. Dachanda Williams
    So why do you hate whites so much? Was it a white male that assaulted you? According to court records he was a black male.

  85. A Melanin Enriched IntellectualAugust 6, 2016 at 12:22 AM

    Most of you people who choose to make ignorant comments really do lack a high level of intellect. Most of you believe in the fallacies in which you see on television and on social media when it comes to Blacks but also when it comes to whites. Most whites don't see that they actually commit more crimes than Blacks and Whites kill more cops than Blacks. Also there is no such thing as Black on Black crime just like there is no such thing as White on White crime. When a White person commits a crime against another White person they don't say it's White on White crime they simply state the crime committed and label it as such and not a White on White crime. Also if you look at how Blacks are housed vs how Whites are, the numbers of Blacks living in close quarters with limited resources is outstanding compared to Whites. So if one is in a condition with limited resources then of course the number of crimes is going to be larger due to the fact of the overpopulousness in many Black communities compared to the amount of resources available to the residents. Most of you who decided to make ignorant comments probably have little to no factual information about the BLM movement and the fact that this company made this shirt is of poor taste and is very asinine but to make one's actions seem justified they placed a picture of a White Marlin on the shirt. I have come to notice that most of you really have an issue with racism because if you did not then the BLM movement would not bother you but the fact that people are still asking to be treated equally in 2016 shows you have that this country has a major issue when it comes to race.

    1. There is no black on black crime? Just police on black crime? What about the higher percentage of black police killing other blacks in philly? Please stop watching cnn and msnbc. Also turn off BET. Please read the last two books written by George Soros, you know the nazi collaborator funding a lot of the movement. Make sure you read the intros also.

  86. "Be they yellow, black or white we are all precious in his sight Jesus loves the children of the world." We need to ask God to change our hearts towards others. It worked for me all you have to do is ask Him!

  87. We have too much division. We need more addition and subtraction.

  88. 12:22
    Horse hockey. BLM doesn't want to be treated equally. They want special treatment. If you want equal treatment do away with things that only blacks can benefit from. If you don't want to live in such close quarters move! Get a job, get two jobs and move to where you want to go. Stay in school and study hard and go to college to benefit yourself and for heaven's sake stop voting for democrats that want to keep you in those cities to control you. They give you just enough to survive but never to better yourself. If you want something you have to go out and work for it it. No one is stopping you. People of all colors have gone to college if they really want to. Keyword is WANT. The government giving you things is not going to help you. You will never get out of where you are living off the government. That is how they want it.

  89. Your all too funny. Why do you feel the need to tell BLM protesters what they should be protesting? The need to do that should be enough for you to realize your wasting your time. You don't get it, they are only baiting you into the conversation. They don't hear you, you heard me, they don't listen nor hear what you say. Listen to them. They have no idea what their words mean. So take it from someone who knows, sit back and let them talk and don't respond. They will soon go away.

    1. Truth you can't argue with fools. Ha and I was suggesting they read a George Soros book. You're right, I'm done.

    2. Yeah they seem to all be lead or fluoride poisoned.

  90. I got my shirt! Hell with`em! Sincerely your`s, George Scales

  91. This whole movement makes me nervous , I'm scared to death , NOT!!!!

  92. When they start killing innocent police officers the notice me argument is out the window. And the notion that blacks are killed by police more than other races is incorrect its a lie pushed by the media to enrage black people...It's a control tool to use them as a political and physical threat.

  93. mahi mahi lives matter

  94. I came here to see if anything actually happened in O C last night. Instead I find about 150 comments from Mouth Runners

    We all enter and leave this world shi**ng - in that way we are all equal. The most important part is what each individual does in the years between birth and death.

    Guess I'll go read MSM websites to see if there was a problem in OC last night. You Mouth Runners are only good for stirring up sh*t. Get your priorities straight - learn sh*ting is for first and last breath – the years between can be good if you are not spewing hate and blaming others for your own problems that only you can create.

  95. Last month 46 people were killed in Baltimore. The deadliest month in years. Maybe BLM should protest there? Just a reasonable suggestion.

  96. Dear 8:03 , you don't have to read any of the so called "mouth runners ".
    You sound very upset over words , sticks and stones will kill my bones , but names will never hurt me. Please go drink some kool -aid.

  97. He was armed with a 4000 lbs car trying to hit those officers .. unarmed my ass

  98. "Anonymous said...

    "Inherently violent people"? "Unconscious violent natures"? Have you looked at a history book? A US History book? Tell which ethnicity has done the most harm to other people. Please. And if you don't want to admit that, you surely shouldn't be accusing these BLM protestors of being inherently violent. If you're basing your opinion of BLM protesters on what you see being covered by certain media outlets, then you need to do your own research. The majority of BLM protests are peaceful but no one wants to cover calm situations these days.

    August 6, 2016 at 2:10 AM"

    Who said anything about "ethnicity"!!!! Are thinking race which is a completely different thing then ethnicity? But anyway neither were mentioned. See how you people are! Have to make everything about race. You are so uninformed and to tell you the truth a despicable human being!!!! Since you haven't noticed and are real quick to turn everything into a race issue BLM has many whites!. We are talking about a group. If you are black and are representative of the race it's no wonder all the social ills your race is experiencing. So quick to jump on the race bandwagon!!! Disgusting and disgraceful!!!

  99. You guys amaze me , we are all racist , bar none. In a very short time we will have a revolution about these issues. It's almost here and obama supports it. He has prepared for black control over everything , don't turn your head because you don't want to hear it. If you are scared , you should be. Blacks are a lot like ants , they reproduce without caring what the affect will be.
    They know we will pay for their mistakes , at least at the present time. If you want the truth about blacks read some African History , it will make you sick and it's still going on , it's a culture thing people , they aren't going to change a little.

  100. 8:03 Why do you have to speak like that? Just gross.

  101. Racism was never intended in any of my posts, I work very hard in response to the anonymous posters. Assume what you like about me, I know that you don't know me. Again if you have opposing views toward something, be mature and let it go. I don't believe in abortion but I am not at planned parenthood trying to insult those that make that decision. I simply think that many of you are closed-minded and I'm completely accepting of that. You have your perspective and I have mine. I hope that one day prayer will bring us all together. Everyone have a great day. (:

    1. I agree with you on that point...respect others RIGHT to have a different opinion. There's way too many "protestors" who do not respect other people's rights to disagree, or to hold a different opinion. The problem here, is that they feel entitled to use intimidation and implied mob threats to silence others.

      All they are doing is undermining their own position, as heavy handed tactics, shouting and harassing people does not force them to agree. It simply makes them despise and avoid them, and fosters dislike as well as strengthens their opposition.

      I don't care if people are protesting yellow icing on cupcakes, you block the street so I can't get to work, and approach my car to berate and threaten me? Guess what...I'm now going to choose yellow iced cupcakes, just on the principle of it.

      If it weren't for the blatant hypocrisy, the deliberate hype and exploitation of a fictional narrative, portrayed in an absurd scene straight out of "The Emperor's New Clothes", I might have some sympathy. I respect anyone who makes their way in life past their own unique struggles, white or black. I have no respect for anyone who can't, or won't, without demanding others take the responsibility and blame for their own failings, or inability to overcome and succeed on their own merits. As it stands, the BLM clowns stand for nothing but their own failure.

  102. Can't wait to see what happens!

  103. @ Dachanda Williams God is great Jesus died for all our sins no caring what color we are it's man that uses race as a tool.

  104. Did anyone show up to protest?

    1. Apparently they figured out it would be a bad idea.

  105. If you are going to have a tantrum about your life mattering....Why don't you start by living your life like it matters to you ?

  106. So all the privileged people in the world who "cannot relate" turn to grouping a whole race as if one person represents the entire race. One black person did this so all black people do it. Or grouping all cops together because one cop is bad. Using racial slurs, spreading hate, promoting violence solves what?

    1. Nothing, but BLM hasn't figured it out yet.

  107. The majority of time in the police academy is academics:constitionality, criminal and traffic law, race relations, de escalation of force. August 6, 2016 at 1:37 PM

    I don't believe it. Even if it was taught it seems no one listened or uses it. Police academies are nothing special. Just a civilian boot camp. You're still wet behind the ears but now you have a costume and a gun. Most of you talk like narcissistics. I don't want to hear it.

  108. Smash their cars and they leave remember that.

  109. I believe the t-shirt was meant to be humorous, and the Black Lives Matter group is just looking for a reason to "protest". They need to grow up. Of course, black lives matter, but ALL lives matter. Blacks are more racist than any other ethnicity, and they pass it on to their children and their children's children. So sad. Blacks are arrested more often because (statistics prove this) they commit the most crimes. Blacks are the highest % of welfare recipients (truth). They need to stop all the violence against their own race as well as police, etc. I'm certainly not saying there aren't great law-abiding, hard working, good people who happen to be black. I have no problem with any race person who works and does not hate because of the color of someone's skin. I have a problem with any race person who is capable of working but chooses not to do so and lives off the government (those of us who do work). I have a huge problem with anyone who thinks that solving problems involves a gun and violent behavior. Guns are for protection and hunting. I have a problem with any race that resorts to violence and ridiculous protests over stupid things. Yes, I said stupid. A t-shirt? Really? Did you ever see whites protest Black Lives Matter t-shirts? No. I agree with those that said Ocean City has become a disgusting place for many reasons. Bars on the boardwalk? Really? Come on...it should be a family vacation spot, not a drunkfest dump. Period. I truly hope that this protest does not happen - the White Marlin Tournament is a wonderful event and a long-time tradition that shouldn't be ruined for any reason. It's one nice thing that does happen in the OC area. I can imagine that many will be outraged and furious if this protest happens, and it could end up very, very bad. I sincerely hope it doesn't.


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