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Sunday, August 07, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Only in the 'bury

Lets beg for money in front of a no solicitation sign......

In my opinion, if your child does sports in high school and they need money to travel, you as a parent should be footing the bill.

I do not know why parents feel it appropriate to teach children that it is everyone's responsibility to support their hobby.

But from this photo these are not our brightest. 

Who in heavens name thought begging in front of the home depot intersection was a smart move?

These simpletons even had their children begging in the median on route 13 in front of Walmart!

Didn't they remove the druggie from begging there because it was illegal but these people can do it?

Your hobby is your financial responsibility. 

The only thing you accomplished was creating a hazardous situation, to beg for money.



  1. First of all, if you child plays high school sports THE SCHOOL should pay for their travel. That is fair for everyone. No sense in placing that undue burden on family/children with low or fixed incomes.

  2. The kid should be out there working to earn money for his or her hobby. Plenty of older folks need help, and there is the Car Wash idea, clean up a yard of dog waste for an owner, fall leaf raking, shoveling snow in winter.

  3. I have no problem with making the kids earn at least part of the cost to a sport event. It teaches them some lessons on the fact that there is cost to almost anything you do in life.

    Sadly though I see the kids begging for money at the four way stop sign of Naylor Mill Rd. and Jersey Rd. They have a bucket in their hand and just stand there asking everyone who stops at the sign for money. I never give the money because I feel teaching the kids to just beg for money is not a valuable lesson. Basically its teaching them how to Pan handle. The kids should be out earning the money like washing cars.

  4. This team is a little league team that won the right to represent the state of Maryland. It costs upwards of $10,000 to continue the venture of representing the state in hopes of making it to the little league world series. But wait, parents should foot the bill? It's parents like these that have their youth involved in activities that keep them out of trouble that you same people complain about our youth in the 'bury. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. The team was within compliance of the city code, as they called the city police to verify the drive. Children did not enter traffic and wore the uniform as required by the city police.
    If you choose to not support these kids that is you right. But to whine and stew about them giving up their weekend to try to further their dreams is just sad. Bigger problems in this city and country than children staying out of trouble!!

    1. I gave money to them. Sad others are not seeing it from your view.

    2. And we thank you for that. Kindness goes a long way! Thank you

    3. The children DID enter traffic. They were weaving all throughout the cars while the light was red. When the light turned green, one of the ones standing by the sign would yell so the child out in traffic would know to find their way back to the median. I have a problem with the children risking their lives while begging for money. At first I thought they were advertising a car wash to earn the money, but no. Also, only one of the four that I saw was wearing a jersey.

    4. Bitter folks with no lives, just looking for something to complain about.

    5. "Bitter folks with no lives, just looking for something to complain about."

      That's sbynews for you. They only focus on the negative and not the positives of the community. Love to create unnecessary drama.

    6. I don't think that people realize the cost for children to participate in sports. Many of times parents invest hundreds of dollars for their children to do things that they love. There are many underlying costs that are often not considered. That being said I would think that there would be a safer way for these children to raise money than standing on a street corner. Carwashes, bake sales, business donations, donations from charitable organizations. I would not allow my child to fund raise in such a manner.


  5. This post is 100% correct on all points. The worse part being stupid enough to stand in that traffic, pretty trusting that no one have a heart attack or someone get rear ended by a driver texting. Where could these vehicles end up, are you going to avoid that vehicle and jump out in the traveled lane for relief? You are taking a huge chance driving a vehicle in that area. Oh, don't we already pay a tariff to the county to operate the schools. If I remember correctly, a large amount was paid this week out of my household budget.

    1. Kids do this all over the USA jeebus give it a rest

  6. Absolutely the students should be working to earn the money needed! Have a yard sale, bake sale, car wash, cut some lawns!

  7. Only way to pay for that tower at Parkside is have the kids ask for it on the street.

    1. I thought that was paid for by a cell phone company.

  8. They were also out on the intersection of Camden Avenue and Mill street. Schools pay little to nothing no days for sports. If you want your child in sports you have to pay out of pocket. I to do this for my son who was in track and field in High School. We pay the highest taxes, and receive the fewest benefits!!!

  9. Teaching kids that when they need money they should beg for it? Keep it classy Salisbury!

  10. These boys are an awesome group of kids. They won the State tournament! That is HUGE. They have one week to raise money for the regionals. We should all be proud and support them! They are all on good paths, doing positive things. Be proud!

  11. Funny everyone is talking that it's high school sports and it's not. Way to post what you know nothing about and the fact that you also know what else they are doing for fundraisers, mind readers you all are, wow!!! In the weeks time they have to raise 10 to 15,000 I'm glad you know all the fundraisers they are doing not to mention practice. All of the police that waved and spoke to them I guess there was a huge issue. Get a life

  12. First of all this is not a high school team, it's little league. It's summer time "simpleton",school is out.They are raising money because they are the Maryland State champions and the parents have thousands to spend on hotels, fuel, and food for a week. Pretty sad to think these boys are representing peaple in a State who have nothing better to do than put them down for being great athletes and choosing sports over running the streets and getting in trouble. Thank you to all who supported and continue to support these boys and their families.

  13. First of all, the viewer needs to read the sign "CAREFULLY"! It say's Don't contribute to solicitors (Not, No Solicitation Allowed). Did I say that slow enough for you? It's up to the contributor if they want to donate or not. These kids have done bake sales, car washes and chicken Bbq's before. Once the kids get through State's they only have a week to try and raise money for a chance many kids don't get the opportunity to do. If this is all you have to worry and complain about, you must have a sad life!!! Have fun kids!!! Best of Luck!!

  14. No soliciting may be for panhandlers but all the same, kids are putting themselves at risk. You never know when a sociopath is in a car! Hell, Clinton could be in any of those cars. You just never know.

  15. People on here complain on the time. Get a life!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sorry I don't care if they are "little league". Every one of these parents who sign their kids up no that there may be a slim chance that they have to pay more money for tournaments, series of what ever. It is disclosed.

    I have not seen any advertisements of fund raisers only go fund me pages.

    No different than the corner boys on Naylor Mill.

    1. I guess your not looking then .

    2. Wow. What you mean by that?

  18. I sort of agree with a little of everything here. High school sports should be entirely funded by school system as should all other extras. This was not a high school team. Raising money is acceptable, the donor needs to make their own decision. The only issue I have is one of safety. The kids were running into traffic which is dangerous. Even when cars are stopped they should not be going two and three lanes over. Anything could go wrong and can you imagine the outrage then??

  19. Whoever the "parents" are of these children they need to be ashamed of themselves. They are disgraceful. You do not teach children to beg-ever. You teach them the value of money and with that comes the lesson that it is to be earned. It's a shame some children were born with such irresponsible parents.

  20. Anyone that panhandles in Salisbury for $ should be charged or jailed for 24 hours it needs to stop.


    These kids worked damn hard earn a spot at the Little League Championship. They have ONE WEEK to raise funds to go. That is NOT enough time to secure permission from high-traffic places like Sam's or WalMart! While having kids in the median may not be the smartest choice, I applaud these parents for being commited to their kids. I'm sure some of them took off of work to be there!

    If the majority of parents in this community would encourage their kids to get involved in a sport or hobby and then SUPPORT them by being present and involved, there would be a lot less crime and juvenile delinquents in "da 'Bury"! We need more businesses to step up to the plate and support these kids. It takes a COMMUNITY!

    OP, you are an embarrassment to this community. You didn't do your due dilligence before sticking your foot in your mouth.

  22. So let the state or town its proudfully representating pay for ... Teaching children to beg is a wrong message!

    1. Lol and then people would complain about there taxes being spent etc etc.

  23. It appears that some people have nothing better to do than to write an article to complain about something they know nothing about. Just think what you could've done with that time that could help our community rather than complain about it... You are the problem with our community, not the 13 year old boys and their parents who actually have their kids involved in our community...

  24. I do not think that I have EVER commented on a blog entry on here because I just don’t like to get involved; however this is a little ridiculous. First of all these kids have won the District and State Titles the past FIVE years in a row and guess what??? Each year they have gone out asking for donations, yes exactly like they are in the above picture. They have done car washes, chicken BBQ’s, etc to earn money. What some of you may not realize is these kids played their last State Championship game on Wednesday July 27th, 2016 and guess when regionals start? August 5, 2016 @ 10:00AM in New Jersey. This means that most families will have to leave Thursday night to get there make sure the kids are rested and ready to represent the state of MARYLAND and hopefully bring home a regional title. You do the math this does not leave a lot of time for any fundraising options. And you cannot do fundraising early because there is no guarantee that the children will win and advance through this journey.

    Also do you think that parents and students that had West Salisbury Little League (NOT A HIGH SCHOOL TEAM) branded all over themselves would be trying to raise money illegally. Permission was obtained for them to try and get donations from the proper authorities in Salisbury for ALL the intersections they stood at this weekend. Might I also add, do you think this group of 13-14 years old boys want to be standing in 100+ degree weather? No they probably don’t however their parents make them, so that they understand all the hard work and dedication that goes into making this 10,000-15,000 dollar trip happen in one week. In case you missed it there is also a fundraiser set up at Buffalo Wild Wings for tonight that a percentage of your bill will go to the little league to help with this journey if any of you would prefer to donate that way. Instead of criticizing the kids that are representing your STATE why not congratulate them.
    As an Aunt of one of these players it truly disgusts me that grown adults have nothing better to do than criticize this group of CHILDREN!! And on most days I would be standing out there with them donating my time to help these kids continue along on something they have fought so hard for. To the jerk who took the picture prior to having all the facts if you think you can do fundraising better or have any ideas you would like to share please feel free too, we are open to ideas if you have some that would be super SUCCESSFUL in one week. And oh by the way if you think the whole 10,000-15,000 gets raised in one week you are WRONG. So to all that are preaching the parents should foot the bill they will foot what is not raised. I would encourage you to come to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight, meet the players, parents, and help them go on this once in a lifetime experience. Tell them congratulations. Give them a handshake and thank them for their dedication and wish them luck in Regionals.

    Although many of them look grown they are not. Be thankful they have found something that they enjoy doing that keeps them out of trouble and off the streets. Many of these children are also honor roll, honor society, and also volunteer with local organizations throughout their time off of school in the summer. From being with these kids when they were 7-8 years old to present it has been an absolute blessing to watch them each grow into their own individuals. I would encourage every one of you on this site that had something negative to say to go spend one summer at your local little league field and see the hard work that goes into making summer time baseball successful and enjoyable for the kids. Call your local little league and ask to Volunteer in the concession stand, pick up trash off the fields, umpire a game help them out instead of bitching.



  25. Congrats to the team and Best Wishes as they continue to play.

    Parents know when they sign up that they will spend both time and money backing their child's team, and in the case of teams like this one that traditionally get to playoffs, that both more cash and time might be needed.

    I'm sure they have other fundraising activities; this was a very poor one from a safety standpoint even if they made bank!

    It's an exceedingly busy intersection and young kids on a narrow strip of concrete could be a distraction to drivers who already have a lot to contend with.

    We had a fatality at another busy regional intersection yesterday. All the drivers are in vehicles providing some measure of protection. For the kids - nothing beyond crossed fingers for good luck! The adults who approved and participated in this are scored E - Unforced Error!

    Next we'll have fistfights as this or that laudable activity tries to camp out there. Public Safety officials were derelict in not instructing them to move on.

  26. In this age of social media - and the GoFundMe site - this type of soliciting is not necessary.

  27. If you don't have enough money STAY HOME! State Champs OH BOY! 10,000 dollars is a lot for hotels and food! Buy your own gas!!

    1. You are a troll. You obviously have no children and no life

  28. People are really so petty. You call it begging to solicit money to help a little league team travel? It's a fundraiser, you do not have to donate. You can simply keep driving. This place is full of sad individuals who hate pretty much any and everything. Have you ever been off the eastern shore? If you have ever been to Baltimore you can see people really begging at each intersection. Yet this is off of the highway as you enter into a shopping center (that sees a lot of traffic) and you complain it is creating a hazardous situation? Did you see any accidents occur? Get a life.

  29. The worst is at the intersection of Jersey and Naylor Mill Rd. when the black kids are on every corner begging for money. If you don't give to them they look at you like your some kind of horrible person..

  30. I was on a Little League Board of Directors about 15 years ago for seven years and back then the Operating Manual for LL Inc. stated that all money raised by an individual league should go into the same bank account that all bills are paid from and that all participants in the league should benefit from those funds. I can see paying for the players expenses, not for the family vacation. With that said an individual league can spend the money as they see fit as long as it is used in the spirit of a non profit.

  31. WTG!!! West Salisbury Little League!!! I would give more! Thank You for representing the State Of Maryland!!!!! 10:54 told it the way it is. Good Luck West!!! Very proud of these young for doing something good in the summer!!!

  32. The people who are criticizing this team for raising money have probably never had a child as exceptional as the young men who play for this team. They have done all of the fundraising activities you know it all's have suggested and then some. They had a week from the time they won the State Championship until they have to leave to go to regionals in New Jersey. This team has won the District 8 championship 5 years in a row and the Maryland State Championship 4 years in a row. This is a record that should be celebrated and admired. If you can't or won't support them financially that's fine. But don't criticize something you know nothing about. It makes you look ignorant and very small.

  33. It would have been smarter to sit outside the entrance to Target, or Giant or wherever than to be out in traffic at a busy intersection. Set up a table and let people know about your team and where you're going. People might actually talk to you there instead of just throwing money out their car window as they ride by. Kids these days need a little more socialization and contact with the older generation.

    1. Places such as this need 30 days notice in writing. All your wonderful suggestions were thought about before the solicitation at the intersection. Thanks though for your wonderful feedback.

  34. Yes begging 11:58. To stand out in the street and ask for money is the lowest anyone can go and the parents do need to be embarrassed as hell. I don't want to hear time is/was of the essence. This is something that should have been prepared for year round, in case it did happen. Planning ahead it is called and is something parents should be teaching their children.

  35. 12:50 That's too much trouble for the parents. They would rather dump the kids off in the middle of the road and have them beg. It's beyond disgusting and so low class.

  36. "It makes you look ignorant and very small.

    August 1, 2016 at 12:46 PM"

    And only ones who are ignorant and very small are the parents who dreamed this up and/or let their child do this. Lazy parents is all this is so save the excuses. They really do need to be so ashamed of themselves. 12:50's option is so much better. They could even have given a piece of candy to donors in appreciation. This would have promoted good will too. I can imagine that some who did give money were completely disgusted but did so out of being confronted by them.

  37. 10:54 and others.

    I find it hysterical that the best slam you can come up with is that the author did not know it was little league.

    Doesn't matter, their point is valid. Your hobby, your financial responsibility.

    And yes it created a hazardous situation, I was in traffic and thought they were idiots standing in the median on Rt 13 and at the Home Depot entrance.

    I expected nothing less from you 10:54. maybe instead of ranting you should break open your wallet. You are just another taker and expect everyone else to pave your way. But keep ranting away how its up to us "good hearted" folks to foot the bills. When you signed up your kid you knew the possibility. But keep making excuses for teaching our youth that panhandling is an acceptable way of generating money.

  38. Come on Ann..... This is not up to your standards....

    It did look very dangerous having the kids in the road....

  39. This has to be the funniest statement of them all.

    "Might I also add, do you think this group of 13-14 years old boys want to be standing in 100+ degree weather? No they probably don’t however their parents make them, so that they understand all the hard work and dedication that goes into making this 10,000-15,000 dollar trip happen in one week. "

    Yea begging for money is hard work. I forced my child to stand in 100 degree heat to beg for money to teach them a lesson on hard work.

    You can't make this crap up................

  40. I have to agree with the viewer here! Why is it OK to teach children to beg for money? I find it disturbing myself that they expect everyone else to pay for their sports activities! I also find it disturbing they would let them stand in the middle of the street and beg for money no matter what the reason is. West Salisbury Little League always has a team that has a chance to go to the World Series. I can't remember a year when W. Salisbury Little League was not in the championship. Why can't your parents do fundraisers right at the ballpark during regular-season? Standing out on the streets doesn't take much work, all you have to do is stand there and have everybody dump money in your buckets! I don't really call that hard work and if you're referring to playing ball that's fun for the kids not work! I want my children in private school does that mean that I should stand in the middle of the street and beg for money so that my children can go to private school? Why is it that everyone expects everything for free these days? I have seen many many things on the go fund me pages and shake my head at some of the ridiculous requests! People asking for money to bury their parents and their children? People lose children and as sad as it may be children under age who lose a parent get a hefty Social Security check that is way more than any single mother gets for child support, but yet people still put go fund me pages up to donate for funeral expenses. These go fund me pages drive me insane as everyone wants a free handout for anything they want but can't afford! I surely didn't expect everyone else to pay for any funeral expenses for anyone in my family that's why we pay for life insurance. Go fund me pages are totally appropriate for sick children who have a life-threatening disease where hospital expenses are up and above the limit on medical insurance. I actually saw one where the girl wanted money to compete in a beauty pageant! It's a shame that we teach our children they can just hold their hands out and get what they want and expect everyone else to pay for it. You people on here who think it's OK are the same ones who complain about people on welfare! Those people may be trying to get a job and working way harder than standing on the sidewalk with a bucket but yet they need support while they are looking for a job. I agree that many are not trying but some are. I have a problem with anyone who just stands there and begs for money why can't they work for the money?

  41. Kind of sad to me as a non profit organizer that people still have this mentality not to help the kids. I help all other non profit organizations also. I don't care where they stand. My boys and girls also do car washes, five below, restaurants, many fundraisers. We went to the school for help and they denied us the funds. Al.ist every one of my players,out of 60, except for maybe 10 are low income. We value and appreciate the community for donating to us when they do! This has helped us go to nationals, new uniforms, travel expenses, food expenses, hotel fees, tournament fees. Not every parent has 1,500 a season and I'll be darned if I see a child not play because they don't have the funds. Quit being a scrooge

  42. The tower at Parkside is a cell tower disguised as a sign.You may not realize these cell towers popping up in school properties pay a lot to be there,thousands a month.

  43. Lets do some math.
    There are typically 25 people on a baseball team
    25 people times $400 equals $10,000
    Enough for a trip.

    If a parent can not afford $400 for a trip, then maybe you should choose another sport.

    Fundraisers should be events like corporate sponsorship or tonight's Wild Wings, not begging in traffic.

    1. 25 peaple? Lmao, this isn't major league dummy, 12 or 13 kids on a little league roster and if they have to stay in a hotel at $120 a nite for 5 nites that's alot more than $400 not mention all the other expenses, jealous moron😂

    2. 5:19, When I sign my children up for sports, I pay for them. I pay for our travel and dining expenses myself! When they make state and national championships, I am prepared ahead of time and have the finances to pay for them to compete. Not to mention all the equipment that goes along with it. They are not involved in school sports, so no freebies here. I could never imagine begging for money from other people! It's called pride and being a responsible parent.

  44. 2:11 - I hear ya!

  45. Someone keeps harpin on - we had to get permission to solicit there.
    From who? Who the heck gave you permission to solicit in the median of a 6 lane highway? It is not in the city limits.

    Are you saying you went to the police station and they gave you permission to break the law? Isn't that a state road? Did you ask the state police and they said .. sure go ahead and break the law?

    What taxpayer paid government worker told you this was a good idea?
    I would LOVE to know.

    10:54 even goes on to say.... how dare you criticize the children... hmm, no we did not, we criticized the PARENTS.

    Then she rants on ... well so and so did fund raisers, car wash's, etc. Yes yes they did, they did not just stand there and beg for money in a hazardous intersection, they actually orchestrated an event.

    10:54 is a perfect example of what is wrong with this picture.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Places such as this need 30 days notice in writing. All your wonderful suggestions were thought about before the solicitation at the intersection. Thanks though for your wonderful feedback.
    August 1, 2016 at 1:12 PM

    Funny 10:54 stated that they only had a week to come up with the money. You gonna tell us you knew for 30 days you needed to raise funds and this is the best you could come up with?

    Sorta validates the authors point, now doesn't it.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Yes begging 11:58. To stand out in the street and ask for money is the lowest anyone can go and the parents do need to be embarrassed as hell. I don't want to hear time is/was of the essence. This is something that should have been prepared for year round, in case it did happen. Planning ahead it is called and is something parents should be teaching their children.

    ? Prepare for them to get to the state championship? Ok so say they do prepare for that and it doesn't happen. Say this is my child's last season in little league, how do I get my money back? Give me a break. The petty small minded people on here are the same reason Salisbury will be the dump it remains.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I have to agree with the viewer here! Why is it OK to teach children to beg for money? I find it disturbing myself that they expect everyone else to pay for their sports activities! I also find it disturbing they would let them stand in the middle of the street and beg for money no matter what the reason is. West Salisbury Little League always has a team that has a chance to go to the World Series. I can't remember a year when W. Salisbury Little League was not in the championship. Why can't your parents do fundraisers right at the ballpark during regular-season? Standing out on the streets doesn't take much work, all you have to do is stand there and have everybody dump money in your buckets! I don't really call that hard work and if you're referring to playing ball that's fun for the kids not work! I want my children in private school does that mean that I should stand in the middle of the street and beg for money so that my children can go to private school? Why is it that everyone expects everything for free these days? I have seen many many things on the go fund me pages and shake my head at some of the ridiculous requests! People asking for money to bury their parents and their children? People lose children and as sad as it may be children under age who lose a parent get a hefty Social Security check that is way more than any single mother gets for child support, but yet people still put go fund me pages up to donate for funeral expenses. These go fund me pages drive me insane as everyone wants a free handout for anything they want but can't afford! I surely didn't expect everyone else to pay for any funeral expenses for anyone in my family that's why we pay for life insurance. Go fund me pages are totally appropriate for sick children who have a life-threatening disease where hospital expenses are up and above the limit on medical insurance. I actually saw one where the girl wanted money to compete in a beauty pageant! It's a shame that we teach our children they can just hold their hands out and get what they want and expect everyone else to pay for it. You people on here who think it's OK are the same ones who complain about people on welfare! Those people may be trying to get a job and working way harder than standing on the sidewalk with a bucket but yet they need support while they are looking for a job. I agree that many are not trying but some are. I have a problem with anyone who just stands there and begs for money why can't they work for the money?

    August 1, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    I am sorry, I missed the place where it said YOU HAVE TO DONATE. You don't. If you don't support the cause keep on moving and don't.

  49. Everyone is complaining that they were asking for money. NO ONE IS REQUIRING YOU TO MAKE A DONATION. If you want to be a decent person and help the children's little league that is up to you, if you want to be a moron and get on a blog and complain about it, it is up to you. At no point are you required to give them money so why would you be concerned with them asking for donations? That is so stupid.

    1. I'm a "decent person", I pay for my children's sports without begging for help! I'm not a "moron" for getting on a blog to complain about it! The parents need to pay their way, and not try to get a free vacation out of everyone else! I gave up my family's vacations when my children started excelling in their sport so why can't they? The parents should at least know it's a possibility during the season and save up! Or would that be "stupid"?!

  50. Why are "adults" teaching kids to beg for money??? My husband and I thought it was a car wash and were planning to bring the cars up to wawa.... Not the case they just want free money. STOP TEACHING HELPLESSNESS or to look for a handout. Earn your money!

  51. How sad that the whiners, crybabies, and naysayers get off topic to make their invalid points.

    No one, NO ONE, criticized the kids.

    Stay with me now ... the point of the article was; bad parenting, bad decisions, begging for money and teaching our children unacceptable behavior.

    Not once in the original post, was there any criticism of the kids.

    Your lack of comprehension skills is mind-boggling.

  52. 4:48 you are an idiot and totally missed the point of the article. Please don't vote.


  53. And how is one to know where the bucket fund will be going. I don't know if they are parents or freeloaders. It would be no different than handing money to a person with a work for food sign...homeless. You can post on here all week and still won't make a case. And no one has complained about the team. Crazy times

  54. 5:19 jealous of what?
    And your point?
    If you can't afford the expenses of the activity then you should not participate.

    We did not beg for money when it was our turn, we did fundraisers. Kids had jobs and paid some of the money towards it. But then we had pride and lived in a different time.

    Believe me, I am not jealous of you. You offer nothing to be jealous of.

  55. Kids do this all over the USA jeebus give it a rest
    August 1, 2016 at 5:15 PM

    Really? Kids stand in the median of a 6 lane highways and beg for money? First I have seen it, is here.
    Usually they do bake sales and car washes.

  56. , I donated because they were nice respectful kids staying out of trouble and doing good things. I never felt as though they were "BEGGING" for money. I gave because I wanted to.

  57. It's the democrats way of life.

  58. It sure sounds like if we don't give cash to keep these kids off the street they'll join a gang instead.

  59. 5:19 How old are you? Calling someone a dummy and moron. Seriously? Just plain rude.

  60. Why are the West Salisbury all Stars begging in North Salisbury.

    I thought west salisbury was where all the money is?

  61. They can't come up with 10k but they all drive super nice fancy rich SUVs and have everything and more anybody could ask for at home??? Please, give me a break.

    1. And that 10k is for the entire team... Split that and it's pocket change to them!

  62. Very simple. What they did was illegal. I almost hit one of the parents when she ran out in front of me to get a dollar. Pathetic.

  63. WOW. for ALL of you who think standing in the middle of the road with a sign asking for money for whatever the hell it is for, is not begging, then you need to buy yourselves a dictionary. You're no doubt some of the parents of these lazy little beggers trying to be incognito and defending the ridiculousness of teaching your children that they do not have to WORK for what they have, all they have to do is stand out in the middle of a street and ask people for money. You're idiots. You're a huge part of the problem of this current 20-30 year old generation who feels entitled to everything without working for anything. Calling this type of begging "fundraising" is laughable, and again, it makes NO DIFFERENCE if the money is for a state championship game, to send cheerleaders to camp, or to pay for a scouting trip. THEY NEED TO EARN THE MONEY IF THEY WANT TO GO, or their parents need to pay for it. I already pay a RIDICULOUS amount of property taxes that goes to schools and I don't even have kids. I pay it because it's the law and because society needs to educated each and every generation so we don't have complete dolts running our towns and states in the future, but I'll be damned if I'm going to hand out my hard earned money to a BEGGER in the street! For the idiot who said the original poster is petty, or sad, YOU are the one who is sad to not understand how this type of activity teaches children that they don't have to work for what they want. You must be Bernie Sanders supporters: 'free' health care, 'free' college, 'free' cars for everyone when they turn 16!!! Yippie! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE. Get it? You are lazy excuse-makers by saying there isn't time for them to organize a car wash or another type of fundraiser. BULL. A car wash can be organized in ONE DAY. You ask the proprietor of a business if you can use their parking lot to wash cars for your fundraiser telling them it would be good for their business to have increased traffic, then you make some cardboard signs (just like the BEGGING SIGNS except they'll have "CAR WASH" on them instead) and show up the next day with your garden hoses, soap, water buckets, and sunscreen and have at it. So stop talking down to people, stop making excuses, and stop expecting total strangers to pay for the kids YOU decided to have. Got it??? By the way, safety issues aside (if someone gets hit, well, you know the old saying about "thinning of the heard"), the STREET is for motor vehicles. It is ILLEGAL to stand in the operating right-of-way, whether you're begging for money, or just crossing the street (jay-walking). Time to get a clue.

  64. The people complaining and trashing these parents and children are the ones that should be ashamed of themselves. Are you that angry and your life that empty that even when something positive comes across this blog you have to spit your venom there too. Ive seen alot of things in and around salisbury and this.... THIS right here is a very positive thing!!! The TRUTH IS anyone of those kids could be shooting heroin (yes that young),smoking weed, drinking there life away, stealing stuff or saying f*** the police or video taping themselves burning an american flag....but guess what there not!!! There playing baseball, getting exersize. Some of you might think aw thats kinda drastic dont ya think. NO i dont becouse its true ive witnessed it. Hell ive been a part of it at times when i was younger. Open your eyes people. We should be thankfull these boys arent doing bad things to raise the money or in general. Because thats the world we live in today . Take a look around everybody. And i would be shocked if these parents only taught them that begging is the only way to get money. They are just in a jam . And im sure this is just a small part of the things they do to earn money. GOOD LUCK GUYS I WISH YOU WELL!!!

  65. The parents of these kids are doing quite well financially. They can pay the way for these kids.

  66. What little league team is this?

  67. West Salisbury Little League and Fruitland Little League both have become corrupt little leagues and it is obvious they are greedy, selfish and do what they can to get their kids and their kids only.

    Fruitland Little League has 4 kids on the the West Salisbury Little League All Star team and there are a lot of parent at West Salisbury that are not very happy. The leadership of both teams needs to step down.

    You know what is real sad about those 4 kids from Fruitland Little League on our team? Those 4 Fruitland Little League kids stole 4 spots from our own West Salisbury Little League kids who have been playing at West all their lives. This is the real story here and should be noted. Everyone at West Salisbury should be outraged. Again dirty politics as usual between the crooked leadership of both Boards. I am ticked off and so are many other parents. Let them raise their own money.

  68. FYI....FRUITLAND Didn't have enough kids to form a team, that is why those boys are playing for West. Enough said.

  69. PLEASE!! Fruitland didn't have enough kids to form one team?? This is nothing but the same old garbage affiliated with Bill Cropper and his wanting to feel important as far as a baseball person. I guarantee every kid from fruitland plays on his travel team

    1. You obviously don't know Cropper.

    2. Unfortunately I do

    3. Please don't go on about him being a pastor, that fool is about only one thing HIMSELF!!!

    4. They actually didn't have enough to form a team for the 13-14u team and so these kids came over to west to play some ball!!

  70. Yes these boys were going into traffic to collect money while the parents stood on the median. They put their children's lives in danger. There are other ways to raise money. I agree with the person commenting on the combined team. West Salisbury has a lot of players to choose from and their players should've been given first priority. As for Fruitland not having enough to field a team, yes they did they just didn't think their team would win. So, here comes West Salisbury to the rescue and of course it benefits them. What they are teaching their children is we want to win at all cost! There were several teams in other areas that didn't have enough to field teams and wasn't able to play. I agree most of these boys are good kids. It seems like every year the Coaches try to break the rules, or make their own rules. What about East Wicomico? Did they have a team that this boys could've played on?

    1. You are absolutely clueless. So why comment? Oh I know why.... Because you can hide behind the curtain of anonymity. Loser!!!

  71. Personally I really don't see what there is to be proud of. It's obvious fruitland didn't feel like they could compete so west Salisbury takes there four best players. What message are you sending the rest of the kids from fruitland and west Salisbury?? The same old garbage with the same old people thinking their some kind of baseball gurus. When did a child's game become become win at any cost and the parents?

  72. Maybe the parents should have saved some money last week instead of taking a side trip to Hershey Park during the state tournament.

    Since these kids have had success at the state level before and several teams before them, maybe the league should have been raising money all along.

  73. It's all about Randy Taylor so his super stud son can play on a better all star team than what Fruitland would have had.

  74. Well I guess they West Salisbury Little League Junior All Stars won't be needing that funding for their trip to New Jersey this weeks games. This accident involves the family of at least one of the players and coaches. Prayers to all involved.

  75. Where's the problem then if several of the families are so well off take care of it

  76. 8:56 and 12:11 this decision at Fruitland Little Leagues was already made between the two presidents because the Fruitland president wanted his kids to be on a better all star team and they didn't even pick him.

    Fruitland could have had a team if they wanted to. They had 8 kids sign up and you mean to tell me they couldn't round up a couple more after they were done with high school sports?

    Shame on you guys.

    1. West Salisbury has won state championship like 3 years in a row, I doubt they needed the Fruitland players to win again. Your wrong again

  77. It's being looked into!! It is within little league rules IF they didn't have enough players but to take players and move them to a different league is ridiculous and makes me sick because it's the parents not the kids. It's sad to watch middle aged men trying to live through their kids thinking they can create the next great college and pro athletes

  78. This is NOT. a legitimate reason to merge teams because someone wanted their child to be on a better team. Little league rules only states that this can be done if there aren't enough players shame on all you ego driven maniac parents

  79. Congratulations on the win and good luck in the regionals.

  80. Anonymous said...
    4:48 you are an idiot and totally missed the point of the article. Please don't vote.
    August 1, 2016 at 5:12 PM

    Let me take a stab at this one. Next you will call me a "sissy liberal" who wants to "live off of the government" because I disagree with this article. It only happens with about 85% of the comments on here. I am a republican, is it ok to vote now? The article actually says high school sports, which is incorrect. It also says your hobby is your financial responsibility. It is, does that mean you are not allowed to solicit donations? Do you like Girl Scout cookies? Get a new line, everything has to be political. So what the kids and parents solicited money to help little kids go enjoy their life a little bit. Your small mind is why people do not want to come here, as well as the crime.

  81. The real point that was made from this whole article and responses is that neither west Salisbury or fruitland had a team good enough to win a state title so what do you al do as a bunch of glory chasing egotistical narcassist. The lesson you taught these kids if we're not quite good enough let's find a way to manipulate the rules to win because God knows that's all that really matters to you people

    1. THIS West Salisbury team has won states 3 years in a row, trust me, they are good enough without the fruitland players so get your facts straight. You stick your nose into something you don't even know about

  82. 3:58 PM Nice try but you missed the mark.
    Girl scouts fund raise and sell cookies, obviously little league stands on corners and begs for money for.

    As earlier stated, in other comments, little league/high school sports, doesn't matter. Does not take away from the point of the article. Of which you clearly have missed, again.

    Sorry but your stupid is showing, and please do not embarrass the republican party by bragging about your affiliation.

  83. 3:58 PM Nice try but you missed the mark.
    Girl scouts fund raise and sell cookies, obviously little league stands on corners and begs for money for free.

    As earlier stated, in other comments, little league/high school sports, doesn't matter. Does not take away from the point of the article. Of which you clearly have missed, again.

    Sorry but your stupid is showing, and please do not embarrass the republican party by bragging about your affiliation.

  84. 6:54 actually it is illegal to hang out in the median of a state highway, moron.

    I am sure there were several factors that led to the city cop that let you continue with your ignorant and hazardous activity.

    Rich, white, not a druggie.
    Usually the homeless and druggies are harassed, frisked and are either told to leave or are arrested, moron.

    So does that make you feel better about your bad decision? A cop looked the other way? Does that exonerate you, moron?

  85. It is possible that if these parents placed as much importance on education as they do sports, their children will be successful enough in the future that they will not need to beg in the streets for their children to participate in extracurricular activities (u kno - sports n stuff).

  86. Where did 6:54's comment go, ya know, the one about the cops that drove past them and waved? Ya know, the one where the cop did not do his job, by properly evaluating a hazardous situation?

    Whats up with that?

  87. After reading these comments it makes me appreciate living in Delmar even more. A community that backs their own instead of bashing them every chance they get. Years ago we won the District 8 and had to leave for states just a couple days later. Doesn't leave much time to raise money. Yes, Little League's have money but that doesn't mean they have enough to pay for something like this. The kids were out asking for donations to have a memory of a lifetime. WHO CARES?!?! I highly doubt them doing that is going to make them think it's ok to beg for money the rest of their life. They are old enough to realize the situation. Instead of complaining why don't you get out from behind the keyboard and VOLUNTEER all your free time to the Little League. Become a coach or President of the league and get put in this situation. Since all of you know what needs to be done. Get out and volunteer and show everyone how it's done. Pathetic!

  88. It's nothing to do with the kids it's the dislike for the adults affiliated with west Salisbury little league. Who wants to support people that look down their noses at others ???

  89. Anonymous said...
    3:58 PM Nice try but you missed the mark.
    Girl scouts fund raise and sell cookies, obviously little league stands on corners and begs for money for.

    As earlier stated, in other comments, little league/high school sports, doesn't matter. Does not take away from the point of the article. Of which you clearly have missed, again.

    Sorry but your stupid is showing, and please do not embarrass the republican party by bragging about your affiliation.

    If that isn't an oxymoron, embarrass the Republican party. The guy running for President does plenty of that. You can continue to insult me, but it only goes to prove my point about your small mind. Continue fighting the good fight to keep Salisbury a hopeless place!

  90. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    After reading these comments it makes me appreciate living in Delmar even more. A community that backs their own instead of bashing them every chance they get. Years ago we won the District 8 and had to leave for states just a couple days later. Doesn't leave much time to raise money. Yes, Little League's have money but that doesn't mean they have enough to pay for something like this. The kids were out asking for donations to have a memory of a lifetime. WHO CARES?!?! I highly doubt them doing that is going to make them think it's ok to beg for money the rest of their life. They are old enough to realize the situation. Instead of complaining why don't you get out from behind the keyboard and VOLUNTEER all your free time to the Little League. Become a coach or President of the league and get put in this situation. Since all of you know what needs to be done. Get out and volunteer and show everyone how it's done. Pathetic!

    August 3, 2016 at 11:57 AM

    Exactly, it is so sad to listen to people bash kids from little league. "They aren't good enough to win so they combine teams" if your life is that sad then maybe you should find a hobby.

  91. If West Salisbury didn't need the Fruit land boys then why didn't they choose four of their players instead? I understand Brandon scholls and Elijah's bats and Max Taylor's pitching has been carrying them!

    1. A) you haven't a clue what you are talking about... B) Elijah is a West Salisbury district kid

  92. If memory serves me correctly the current President at West Salisbury used to sit on the Board in Fruitland. Rumor has it the current President also coached own sons team this year because it was "necessary ". An Investigation definitely needs to be done in that entire organization.

    1. If volunteers would have stepped up to manage she would not have had to manage! Her kid was voted on the All Star team by a majority and her vote did not matter! Until you know the full story please state only the true facts! She has done a lot for our league and does not deserve this crap! Thanks!
      Lauren Bennett
      And I am not anon!

  93. Just saying don't act like your better than them. They have been an asset to the team.

  94. Anonymous said...
    A) you haven't a clue what you are talking about... B) Elijah is a West Salisbury district kid

    August 4, 2016 at 10:35 AM

    He may be now, but he wasn't in the past. I wish FLL would have kept the a$$ of a dad he has.

  95. Anonymous said...
    West Salisbury has won state championship like 3 years in a row, I doubt they needed the Fruitland players to win again. Your wrong again

    August 2, 2016 at 6:42 PM

    Thanks for bragging about your little MLB stars, but let's point out that the 4 Fruitland Little League player were not on that team 3 years ago so apparently you need them now. How pathetic for the league to bump four (4) dedicated West Salisbury Little League players for kids that were not even in this district. Shame on you Kristen Wheatley, WSLL President. By the way weren't you on the Board at Fruitland Little League at one time? Your actions are questionable and should be addressed to Little League International. They parents of West Salisbury Little League should have an uprising and roast you and the rest of the Board Members for allowing this to happen.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:54 actually it is illegal to hang out in the median of a state highway, moron.

    I am sure there were several factors that led to the city cop that let you continue with your ignorant and hazardous activity.

    Rich, white, not a druggie.
    Usually the homeless and druggies are harassed, frisked and are either told to leave or are arrested, moron.

    So does that make you feel better about your bad decision? A cop looked the other way? Does that exonerate you, moron?

    August 2, 2016 at 8:09 PM


  97. Anonymous said...
    If memory serves me correctly the current President at West Salisbury used to sit on the Board in Fruitland. Rumor has it the current President also coached own sons team this year because it was "necessary ". An Investigation definitely needs to be done in that entire organization.

    August 4, 2016 at 9:24 AM

    I just got done saying pretty much the same thing.

  98. Anonymous said...

    If West Salisbury didn't need the Fruit land boys then why didn't they choose four of their players instead? I understand Brandon scholls and Elijah's bats and Max Taylor's pitching has been carrying them!

    August 3, 2016 at 10:58 PM


    Elijah Reddish's father only used his address this year because Fruitland didn't have a team. If and only if Fruitland had a decent team he would have stayed in Fruitland using his moms address. Funny how that works isn't it.

  99. Anonymous said...
    You obviously don't know Cropper.

    August 2, 2016 at 12:56 PM

    Yeah thanks Steve Cropper!

    1. BILL CROPPER, this is the mentality he instilled when he had his little moment. He did the same thing with his kid at Bennett. It's not about the kids it's all about the parents and their desires

  100. V A Gauthier said...
    WOW. for ALL of you who think standing in the middle of the road with a sign asking for money for whatever the hell it is for, is not begging, then you need to buy yourselves a dictionary. You're no doubt some of the parents of these lazy little beggers trying to be incognito and defending the ridiculousness of teaching your children that they do not have to WORK for what they have, all they have to do is stand out in the middle of a street and ask people for money. You're idiots. You're a huge part of the problem of this current 20-30 year old generation who feels entitled to everything without working for anything. Calling this type of begging "fundraising" is laughable, and again, it makes NO DIFFERENCE if the money is for a state championship game, to send cheerleaders to camp, or to pay for a scouting trip. THEY NEED TO EARN THE MONEY IF THEY WANT TO GO, or their parents need to pay for it. I already pay a RIDICULOUS amount of property taxes that goes to schools and I don't even have kids. I pay it because it's the law and because society needs to educated each and every generation so we don't have complete dolts running our towns and states in the future, but I'll be damned if I'm going to hand out my hard earned money to a BEGGER in the street! For the idiot who said the original poster is petty, or sad, YOU are the one who is sad to not understand how this type of activity teaches children that they don't have to work for what they want. You must be Bernie Sanders supporters: 'free' health care, 'free' college, 'free' cars for everyone when they turn 16!!! Yippie! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE. Get it? You are lazy excuse-makers by saying there isn't time for them to organize a car wash or another type of fundraiser. BULL. A car wash can be organized in ONE DAY. You ask the proprietor of a business if you can use their parking lot to wash cars for your fundraiser telling them it would be good for their business to have increased traffic, then you make some cardboard signs (just like the BEGGING SIGNS except they'll have "CAR WASH" on them instead) and show up the next day with your garden hoses, soap, water buckets, and sunscreen and have at it. So stop talking down to people, stop making excuses, and stop expecting total strangers to pay for the kids YOU decided to have. Got it??? By the way, safety issues aside (if someone gets hit, well, you know the old saying about "thinning of the heard"), the STREET is for motor vehicles. It is ILLEGAL to stand in the operating right-of-way, whether you're begging for money, or just crossing the street (jay-walking). Time to get a clue.

    August 1, 2016 at 9:30 PM

    The players were given the opportunity to work in the concession stand at Fruitland last weekend to raise money during a baseball tournament and they refused to. Lazy little beggars.

  101. Anonymous said...
    Kids do this all over the USA jeebus give it a rest

    August 1, 2016 at 5:15 PM

    Oh Boy!! I'm glad you brought that up. That really makes begging acceptable now!

  102. West Salisbury Little League sucks and they have always had crybaby parents who thinks their kids are the next Manny Machado's!

    I've played with them and they are cheaters and they teach their kids to cheat and when the cry babies lose they are sore losers.

  103. Congrats West Juniors on winning your first game today against New York 13-1.

  104. There are some very sad people on here. I hope your lives are really not as bad as they seem. How has this baseball teams way to make money affected your life? Has it really been that negative that you get on a blog and decide to insult children? They are actually doing very well, yet you complain about the way they try and support themselves. I wish you all the best in life, you need it. What a depressing city Salisbury is. Full of losers that do nothing but complain about everything. Literally. Such a negative place.

  105. It's amazing how such a high value is put on athletics and what people will do to receive a little notariety!!

  106. Who it does affect is the other West Salisbury kids were not considered for all stars because the team was already selected before it even started. What do the kids have to look forward to when they know they aren't going to be picked. It can make or break a child. Also, what does it say to the kids when coaches and parents break the rules?

  107. @8:50 that as some of us know is known as the Bill Cropper rule, this dude is a self professed pastor that thinks he regulates local baseball.

  108. It goes way beyond Bill Cropper. WSLL board members are all about their own kids, deserving or not. They are going to be crushed when starting to play high school ball and figure out they are not as good as they were pumped up to be.

  109. Hence the bill Cropoer rule comes into conception at WSLL 2007 do whatever you have to to look for your kid to further their baseball goals, then eventually that brick wall gets in the way

  110. Hence the bill Cropoer rule comes into conception at WSLL 2007 do whatever you have to to look out for your kid to further their baseball goals, then eventually that brick wall gets in the way

  111. Congrats again to the West Junior boys on winning their 2nd game in the regional tournament in New Jersey on Saturday, a 3-0 victory over Pennsylvania.

  112. You knew this could happen especially since they are so good and have been this good for the last five years. Parents have to pay. I do. My sons chosen sport is motor cross. Do me and my son stand on a street corner asking for money for fuel, tires etc to go to races all over the east coast? No and would people be outraged if we asked for money to support our hobby? Yes! Your in from the beginning to the end. Don't start out the season saying if we make it to the states we will need to raise money so the parents don't have to pay for the trips out of their own pockets. Also I agree running the kids into traffic is dangerous and illegal. It only takes one incident for a child to get hurt and then the organizers/parents will get charged and sued. Try again wth the city police giving them permission. The police can't give you permission to break the law just because you think it's for a good cause.

  113. signs are for other people , nothing on a sign is enforced anymore

  114. They are winning so why does it matter stop talking behind this phone and say who it is

  115. Congrats to the West Salisbury Juniors on their 3rd win on Sunday in the Eastern Regional tournament in New Jersey.

  116. Who really cares about a baseball game!!!

  117. Poor redneck problems.


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