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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton's Email Case Is Still Not Closed

Normally, when the head of the FBI under one President says something like «no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case», as the FBI reported regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that would be the end of the matter; but Clinton actually still isn’t off the prosecutorial hook of this criminal case, unless and until she becomes President herself.

The decision as to whether or not to prosecute her on this matter is not made by the FBI Director, but by the Attorney General. The current one, Loretta Lynch, was appointed by (and holds her job at the discretion of) the man who has endorsed Ms Clinton to become his own successor: the current US President, Barack Obama. If Clinton doesn’t become the next President, the next Attorney General won’t be appointed by Clinton, and that person will then be making any decision as to whether or not to present the Clinton emails case to a grand jury; and, if an indictment results, then to present it to a trial jury.

Even the Obama appointee to be the FBI’s chief, Mr Comey, introduced his statement there, by acknowledging that «there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information». As regards his opinion that «no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case», reasonable prosecutors already have brought such cases, and they have won convictions on these cases. So, just based on that record, Mr Comey clearly lied there.

The independent journalist who goes by the pseudonym 'Tyler Durden' headlined, only a day after Mr Comey on July 5th exonerated Ms Clinton, «Meet Bryan Nishimura, Found Guilty For ‘Removal And Retention Of Classified Materials’», and that conviction was won on the same statute for which Comey as Clinton’s would-be policeman, jury, and judge, has peremptorily exonerated her (exonerated his own next boss if she becomes President). «Durden», at his famous Zero Hedge site, noted: «Here is the FBI itself, less than a year ago, charging one Bryan H. Nishimura, 50, of Folsom [California], who pleaded guilty to ‘unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials’ without malicious intent, in other words precisely what the FBI alleges Hillary did (h/t@DavidSirota)». He linked to this case. If that’s not the spitting-image of what Clinton was investigated by the FBI for, then nothing is – but Nishimura did far less of that crime than Clinton did – and yet he was sentenced «to two years of probation, a $7,500 fine, and forfeiture of personal media containing classified materials. Nishimura was further ordered to surrender any currently held security clearance and to never again seek such a clearance». As America’s President, Ms Clinton wouldn’t even qualify to receive the CIA’s daily national security brief. But, according to Mr Comey, «no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case». He simply lied.



  1. She's a danger to America. When are you peeps going to get it? What do you need? A nuke missile in your living room? Some people are just too thick for words.

  2. Let it be done only when justice is done, and not before.


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