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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Corruption?

Good afternoon Joe, again thanks for great job. I wanted to see if the rumors are true that Salisbury mayor Day has really sold waterfront parcels on Wicomico river for $1 for residential and commercial development, and a tourism center downtown?? 

This guy is really starting to smell of corruption with his deals. With all this being done on that side of Fitzwater Street what are their plans for the other side of Fitzwater, First & Second St and Delaware Ave? 

Here's where it starts to really stink council president Cannon owns all that slumlord property what kind of deal is being discussed over cocktails for the City to purchase or finance this to be developed?


  1. The deal will be discussed at the local blue lodge.
    That is how it always works.
    No need to change it now.

  2. Salisbury should really be named Peyton Place, must more suitable name.

  3. They only thing that would fill out the county corruption is if they also had Bill Reinier filling out the bill on the Wicomico County Council. Then it would be a match set in corruption. What Cannon doesn't own, Bill has his hand in it for sure. Did I just dare to offend yet another born-here? So be it. We all know it's true.

  4. $1 sales, leases, and RFPs with only one response are all warning signs of corruption. And they happen all the time around here.

  5. All the local slumlords are crooks who need every last dollar they can get even though they can't take with them and buy a spot in Heaven !

  6. I am Sure Little Bobby will come out smelling like a rose and kissing up to the big boys as he always has.


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