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Sunday, July 24, 2016

What's Happening? 7-22-16

This will be an open thread for today. Tell us what is happening in this area. The good the bad and the ugly. Did someone do something nice for you? Let us know!! Did something upset you? Let us know! Have a good joke to tell? We want to hear it! This is your chance to get it off your chest.


  1. United We Stand July 22nd 10 AM @ Pohanka

    Calling on all Delmarva to take a stand. United We Stand. Join us as we tell the world that Delmarva Stands United. Friday 10AM at Pohanka Toyota. SHARE SHARE SHARE. We are making a statement on UNITY. Join Us!

  2. I have a question , does Thornton Crowe for salisbury news ? If not , he should .

    1. I agree 6:45 - he can express (my) thoughts into understandable statements. Good head on his shoulders - no ranting - just the facts. He has the good sense to investigate his subjects. His postings are not MY way or the highway preachings. A breathe of fresh air on SBYNews...and that is my opinion of Thornton Crowe. I enjoy all his writings.

  3. 6:45 Could you say that again? Not sure I understand

  4. Does he work for SBY news , sorry I left out the word .

  5. ELKS LODGE - Touch a Truck July 23 10-1

    Bring your little one to see trucks up close, stay and enjoy the pool. Cost is only $10 for non Elks.

  6. Matt Maciarello is sworn in as District Court judge.

    1. Circuit Court judge. He'll do a fine job.

  7. Did you see that the 7-11 on Main street went out of business? Does anyone know what is going into the old Fratellis building? The parking lot was paved about a week ago.

  8. Knock Knock.
    Who's there?
    Interrupting Cow.


    Okay okay, so I laughed when the kids told it to me. Guess you had to be there!

    Happy and Safe Friday everyone!

  9. 7:21
    Which Elks lodge? I check the calendar and facebook page for the one in Salisbury and can't find anything about it.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He is a tool?

    July 22, 2016 at 7:29 AM

    Can't you tell from all the 'anonymous' comments praising him? lol

  11. The Mike Lewis controversy proves what a great job he is doing.

  12. Mike Lewis yes, Mary Ashanti no.

  13. The Mike Lewis controversy proves that he is a politician, not a law enforcement officer.

  14. I second 9:09's comment. Sheriff Lewis speaks the truth. Mary Ashanti plays the blame game and ignores the truth.

  15. today is mz carolyn craft's birthday let's wish her happy birthday and many more to come

  16. Went to OC board walk last night hadn't been in a few years. Wow the out fits! If you are pushing 300lbs please don't wear a bikini! that's just grouse. I guess some people see them self's as a size 6 even if they are not...Thrasher's Fry's great as always!

  17. Going to see the Obedience dog show....

  18. What happened to the medical office that the Feds went to and removed things. I believe it to be the Candy Burns story!


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