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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Righting A Wrong In Ocean City? UPDATE

Yesterday we published an article about the political plane banners being removed in Ocean City. It had been reported that the Mayor and Council discussed this matter and also that Mayor Meehan had called Mr. Bunting based on hundreds of complaints, the original publishing by other news sources were wrong. 

Mayor Meehan called me moments ago to discuss the matter. While SBYNews did make attempts to speak directly with the parties involved, we were not able to make direct contact with each individual. Since the findings we had published had been published elsewhere, we believed they were accurate.

So here's what I was just told happened. There was NO council agenda to discuss this matter. At the very end of the Council Meeting they called for Mayor and Council comments. That's when Mayor Meehan brought up the fact that Mr. Bunting had called him about the matter of the banners. 

Now, why Mr. Bunting felt it was necessary to call the Mayor about his own alleged business decision is beyond me but this is what I've been told. 

To be completely fair, (and I said this to Mayor Mehan) first we have Governor Hogan turning on his own party and not supporting Donald Trump. Then we have Executive Culver turning on ALL of the taxpayers in Wicomico County with free college and now YOU are, (as published elsewhere) turning on our First Amendment rights? He said, come on Joe, you know I'd never do that. I replied, yeah, well it was published everywhere else. He replied, I know, they were wrong. 

So there you have it. Mayor Meehan states he did NOT infringe and or make the call to Mr. Bunting. Instead he stated that it was Mr. Bunting who called him. 

I will add, The Coastal Dispatch recently "updated" their original article.

“It’s just not worth the aggravation of people not being able to handle the political system. I agreed to just not accept any political ads whatsoever anymore. I’m going to lay low and not do any political ads. People just can’t handle it anymore and there’s so much hate in this world. Today’s parties want to fight each other and just be mean to each other,” Bunting said. “It’s not worth it. There’s just no tolerance anymore for opposing viewpoints. People don’t understand people buy advertising, just like they do in The Dispatch. These weren’t vulgar ads in anyway. If the Democrats want them now, guess what they don’t get them. Where’s the American way? I’ve never seen anything so nasty. People are scared to say what they really feel anymore. Everyone is just too sensitive. It’s a shame.”

Publishers Notes: The alleged people who allegedly complained are NOT the people buying advertising. As a businessman, I would have never made the decision to STOP. Something smells very funny about the flip flopping of this entire package, wouldn't you all agree? When I spoke to the Mayor he said he had TWO people complain, not 200, as implied by the local media. Anyhow, it is what it is.  

UPDATE: According to The Dispatch, complaint emails sent to city officials, the city council and Meehan were in the 'hundreds'. This quote was published world wide in The Daily Mail today.

As I mentioned earlier, Mayor Meehan stated to me today he had only received TWO complaints. 


  1. These political banners give OC a bad vibe. People are there for a vacation.

  2. What sounds even more suspect is when would a businessman contact the Mayor for consult on complaints? I seriously doubt those cake bakers called the mayor's office when tasked with the decision to bake or not to bake. So this sounds like BS big city hall damage control, shuffling off any culpability for a very unpopular action.

    Mr. Meehan, people aren't as gullible as you think. The fact that you made such a ridiculous statement denotes your sheer disdain for those you serve as you insult their intelligence.

    Once again, emulating the very portrait of why Trump resonates with people more and more as every day goes by. Government needs to stand down from business.

  3. 1229 Liberals can keep telling themselves that as some kind of self-justification but at the end of the day, your comment is utter rubbish. If someone doesn't like the banners, simple answer: Don't look up!

    1. Really? Don't look up when a plane is flying low over the coast with a big banner? You may or may not like what you see but It's not like you can un-see it.

  4. 12:29 I live in OC and welcome the banners. Sorry you can't handle any differing opinions. It must be very hard for you in life to have a banner plane message upset you.

  5. Banners or no banners, OC is still off my list of places to visit and spend money. Don't like the traffic, crowds, thugs, and revenue collectors (city/county/state LEO) that are always on the prowl to write tickets.

  6. The banners bother you but the T-shirts on the boardwalk dont?

  7. The public somehow has a growing perception that it can rely on the government to control private affairs. And it's the truth that the government does intervene and does interfere with matters that are none of its business. Here seems to be an example.

  8. They just don't want people to catch on to how ignorant people are around here.

  9. Mayor Meehan stated that even when he is on vacation he doesn't want to be bothered with annoying political ads. I said, really, well what about Big Peckers, the Bearded Clam, do you allow those banners and others like it in Ocean City? He said, yes, but I don't like it.

    What gets me is these ALLEGED people complaining, (which I think Bunting is full of crap) just LOVE Big Peckers instead.

  10. I do not blame Hogan for not backing Trump at this time. It's a Democratic state and if Trump goes off and says something really insulting it would probably end Hogan's career. I believe that he has high number right now, he shouldn't do anything to screw that up.

  11. Anyone who is bothered by something so trivial as political ads whether on vacation or not have some serious mental problems. Now you know no one has ever given second thoughts to seeing politician ads while on vacation before. See how these anti Trump people are. They are liars and can't be trusted. They also will turn violent at the drop of a hat and they all need to address this unconscious streak of violence that lurks within them.

  12. Local media liars liars pants on fire.

  13. Thank you to 43 I completely agree with you these people have nothing to do but to stir up crap over nothing at all if you can't read a political ad and agree or disagree with it then you have mental problems. Agree to disagree or Agree to Agree. It's really that simple

  14. that's why my comment yesterday said,'how many Really complained?' just the facts please, no lying. you can't believe these people. always search for the truth.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that's why my comment yesterday said,'how many Really complained?' just the facts please, no lying. you can't believe these people. always search for the truth.

    July 21, 2016 at 10:44 PM

    So were they lying then or are they lying now?

  16. Mr. Crowe ,
    When you tell them not to look up I believe most have their head in the sand anyway.

  17. the reaction of the town[communications director specifically] has driven this story beyond the fair skies of OC. it has been picked up nationally and internationally[ daily mail UK].

  18. Free publicity is better than no publicity. Beats talking about more cases of legionnaire's disease at the Golden Sands again....I suppose.

    Going to be a bad year receipts wise for OC cuz during the week vacancies galore!!!! Even the June Bugs were sparse this year!

  19. Hogan is a nice guy. But his career is over as far as people I know are concerned. We want a strong Republican challenger against him in the primary, in '18. We will not support Hogan again for Gov.. Hogan is a typical RINO. Would never vote for him again.

  20. Dave T: Way to go Joe for following the news and publishing what you think is fair and correct. I wouldn't trust old Rick as far as I could throw him.


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