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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's Happening? 7-19-16

This will be an open thread for today.  Tell us what is happening in this area.  The good the bad and the ugly.  Did someone do something nice for you?  Let us know!!  Did something upset you?  Let us know!  Have a good joke to tell? We want to hear it!  This is your chance to get it off your chest.


  1. What did everyone think of last night of the MSM's coverage of the convention last night? I thought it was horrible. They were more interested in hearing themselves talk then listening to the speeches. I finally have to go to C-Span for full uninterrupted convention broadcast.

  2. Why all the uproar over what Malania Trump said in her speech last night? So what if it was similar to Michelle Obama's during the 2008 convention. How much can someone say about their spouse who is new or relatively new to politics? Hillary's crimes are much more severe!

  3. I think I've heard that speech before somewhere....

  4. What has happen to customer service? No longer do you get to talk to a real person. Seems as though once they get your business, you are just a number. Almost all interaction is via email, voice mail or whatever social media you use. Am I the only one that feels this way?

  5. The elks lodge is doing a touch a truck event on Saturday from 10-1

  6. This past Saturday, a guy who spends summers in Fenwick hired a banner plane to fly "Stop Mad Cow Disease Defeat Hillary" over Ocean City. He took a picture and posted it on his Facebook page. Imagine how embarrassed Meehan the liberal rubber-stamp machine must be. Bet he takes action before his puppet-masters in Annapolis find out.

  7. Customer service has all been exported to India. They have no reason to care how you feel about the company since they are half way around the world!

  8. Live your life in such a way that you have no reason to care who wins the office of president.

  9. 1:52 PM - Similar? Seriously?! Two entire passages lifted verbatim. If Michelle Obama had done the same in 2008, we'd STILL be hearing about it.

  10. 3:55, President Obama did the same thing, and most of us forgot about it.

  11. 4:37, don't forget joe biden's infamous episode.


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