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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

“Riding Dirty” The Curious Case of Philando Castile – Falcon Heights, MN Police Shooting…

By now everyone is aware of the officer involved shooting of Philando Castile that became a viral BLM activist case as a direct result of his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds (aka Lavish Reynolds) live-streaming the aftermath from their vehicle. – BACK STORY HERE

NOTE: It is critical to remember -as you review the images and the video- optically the live stream was captured as a mirror image. Some video uploads mirror the image, it can be confusing, you have to reset your reference points. Philando Castile was driving, Diamond Reynolds was the passenger.

During the uploaded video narration Ms. Reynolds stated the police officer pulled them over for a broken tail light.

There are several aspects of the narrative as told that didn’t pass the sniff test, however, something about the “tail light” just didn’t seem to make sense. Especially when you consider it was daylight when they were pulled over; and where –in the aftermath media video– it can be noted the tail lights were operable.

Upon further evaluation something is missing. We believe we have identified a very important missing element.

Was there another reason why the police officer would pull them over?



  1. What I would like to know is if this is truly real, where are the bullet holes or bullet hole in this mans shirt where he was shot? Every damn time someone gets shot and is shown on TV, there is never any bullet holes in the person or their clothes... Well I hate to break the bad news but a bullet can't get to your skin without going through clothes, if you were shot where clothes covers...

  2. 1:26
    He was shot in the side. From the angle of this picture you can't see the holes in the shirt.

  3. In her own video Reynolds said Castile told the officer he had a gun and he had a permit to carry one. Just recently on a news interview (ABC I believe) she said he didn't say he had a gun on him. She can't keep the story straight because she lied. There is dash cam video of the whole incident and the officer's lawyer is saying he isn't worried about charges being filed against the officer.

  4. The guy is a convicted felon. No way could he have a permit to carry!

  5. A cop can use the tag light is out during the daylight hours. And have done so before! Anytime the sun is setting and there is darkness due to shadows! Which is clearly evident in the video! Anyone can type a story that supports their claims and beliefs. And of course there will be opposition. These same stories are out there in favor of the deceased and the authors points are just as valid! Dont just read all the pro cop stories and make up your mind! Actually read the anti cop stuff! Get the whole picture and then decide! There is three sides to every story folks!

  6. Day time running lights are standard on most domestic automobiles. I don't see how ANYTHING in this story is relevant. I have been pulled over for a tail light, I have been pulled over for having a similar vehicle to a robbery. Both are justified stops. The only part of this story that needs clarification is what happened between the time the officer approached the car, to the moment the camera came on. That is the only part of the story that could clarify who the guilt party in this event was. I'm sure that a stop for suspicion of robbery is a little more uneasy than one for a tail light but both stops have protocol the police must follow. The only relevant question is did he.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The guy is a convicted felon. No way could he have a permit to carry!

    July 19, 2016 at 1:56 PM

    Number one, he is not a convicted felon.

    Number two, he DID have a permit to carry concealed. A quick search on google will prove that.

    The permit was issued by Hennepin County, where it is not considered a public record, but Castile's family obtained the document and provided it to CBS Minnesota. It shows that Castile received his permit on June 4, 2015.

  8. He couldnt be a felon if he work in the school system. They always try to paint the victim as a bad person to gain sympathy for the police. The first thing a cop ask when he approaches a driver is for ID. So he would have to reach in his pocket.

  9. Stopping my vehicle because it matches the description of a bank robbery isn't supposed to be happening! It's over looked by cowards who allow police to give them a false sense of security. Allow their rights to be trampled. Cop better do his job and investigate before he impedes on my right to travel freely.

  10. Number one if you get pulled over and the cop tells you don't move....don't move....Number two the crazy lady yelling and acting out should have stayed still too...Number three..if you have a concealed weapon..put it on the dash before the cop gets out and put your hands up....you save a lot of heartache by staying cool and still...that man would have been alive..

  11. July 19, 2016 at 7:48 PM

    number four, passive-aggressive much?

  12. As to the "taillight," it might have been a brake light. W/ 2 brake lights, if 1 is out, depressing the pedal can make a light flash on like a turn signal, giving a false turn signal. I was once told about my brake light out in the day time. & both taillights can be burning bright & still u have a brake light out. Of course the real reason appears to have been the resemblance of Philando to a robber. & I don't think Phil was the robber, but it has not been ruled out yet IMHO.


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