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Friday, July 15, 2016

What Islam Has Done To Sweden


  1. I've never seen this guy before but he brings up very valid arguments in many different directions. Hopefully Svenska will get their act together before it's too late for their children.

  2. I live in Salisbury and travel to Sweden every summer to visit my family...this is TOTAL CRAP...nothing like this happening in any major city or town...this show is carefully edited and if you look carefully half of the footage is NOT IN SWEDEN..there are always insane individuals just like those you find in Delmarva but this is a scare tactic...and I've yet to meet a Swedish native that has these such fears.....

    1. Are you afraid of radical Islam? I am!!

    2. 5:48 your family doesnt live near any muslims or you wouldnt be telling bs lies. been on the news about how bad the muslims have been in Sweden. try your bs story somewhere else


  3. 5:48AM
    Will you please contact me in regard to Swedish language tutoring. I have placed a request on Craigs List (Eastern Shore-Community-General), please answer it so I can introduce myself.

  4. All I know is that i am reading a lot of stories about how bad things are in Sweden.
    Lots of rapes. Plenty of thefts. All related to immigrants.


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