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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

This Drug-Dealing Welfare Dad Who Has TWENTY-SEVEN Children Is Going To Jail For 12 Years

Welfare has become a way of life for millions of people. A program that rewards sloth, welfare is rife with abuse and there are numerous shocking examples to indicate the depth of this abuse. One such example is a British scumbag who has 27 children but still received government help as he dealt drugs purchased with welfare money. Luckily, his days of conning the government is over as he is now in prison.

A drug dealer who lives on benefits and has 27 children will miss the birth of his next child after being jailed for 12 years.

Tony Henderson, 53, told the judge he was a ‘good Samaritan’ who supported his family by doing odd jobs for people in the community, who would give him £5 in return.

He claimed he was on benefits because he suffers from blackouts and seizures, which would stop him doing strenuous jobs such as mowing the lawn.

But the jury rejected his ‘entirely bogus story’ after hearing how police found twenty wraps of speed and crack cocaine stashed in Kinder Egg capsules in his home.

He even tried to claim they were for his drug addict girlfriend, who he was trying to wean off drugs, but officers also found cash and six phones, which detailed his deals.



  1. It makes one wonder how many of these extreme families are out there where was child welfare in all of this? Did not some teacher, preacher, neighbor, family member every report this? I feel sorry for the children who were a commodity to this man, $ for part time jobs, it shouldn't have happened ever.

  2. It's not like this doesn't happen here.

  3. As long as it appears to child welfare that the children aren't starved, beaten or emotionally abused, and the housing is at at least at the bottom level of acceptance, child welfare leaves well enough alone.

  4. lock him away and burn the key

  5. Welcome to salisbury.

  6. I wonder which is more expensive for the taxpayers? Chronic welfare or prison.... Whichever it is, the taxpayers lose.


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