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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

New Progressive Media Lunacy: ‘Terrorist’ is a Biased Word

Off the deep end.

This is boilerplate leftist navel gazing, which they're especially prone to after terrorism attacks. Even when they're finally talking about it, they aren't really talking about it.

Here's the relevant drivel from this piece:

Some of my fellow word people, in discussing this same issue, have arrived at a less extreme conclusion than mine: Just use the T-word consistently, they say. Maybe that was once the right advice, but words and their connotations change over time with their usage, and therefore so must news organization policies.

The big problem with illegal immigrant wasn’t that reporters applied it inconsistently—the term simply became too judgmental, too toxic for neutral copy. So, in 2013, the Associated Press Stylebook dropped it.

Likewise, I think we’ve reached the same point with the T-word. Reuters—a less influential force in American journalism style than the AP—agrees with me.

There you have it, we are simply not using the word "terrorist" consistently!



  1. People like me don't give a wineo's dump about 'AP Style'.
    I want straight forward, no BS, raw in-your-face facts from the news media..(thank you, Joe).
    All this blah-blah-blah about word usage is of no use to the reader or listener or viewer. It is just one more thing that journalists eat for ego.

  2. progressives/liberals are mentally ill. please don't give them the time of day. never to be trusted.

  3. The media nor the elite left doesn't want you to know just how much danger you're really in. This is why they make words like terrorist forbidden fruit.


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