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Monday, July 25, 2016

Sanders renews demand for Wasserman Schultz's ouster

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has renewed his calls for the current Democratic National Committee chairwoman to resign in the wake of leaked DNC emails that reveal top party officials had actively worked against him in the primary process.

"I asked and demanded Debbie Wasserman Schultz' resignation many, many months ago and I state that again," the 74-year-old socialist told CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday.

"I don't think she is qualified to be the chair of the DNC, not only for these awful emails, which revealed the prejudice against me, but also because we need a party that reaches out to working people and young people, and I don't think her leadership style is doing that," Sanders added.



  1. "What does that mean for the U.S. Democratic Party? It is important for there to be examples of accountability. The resignation was an example of that. Now, of course, Hillary Clinton has tried to immediately produce a counter-example by putting out a statement, within hours, saying that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a great friend, and she’s incorporating her into her campaign, she’s going to be pushing for her re-election to the Congress.

    So that’s a very interesting signaling by Hillary Clinton that if you act in a corrupt way that benefits Hillary Clinton, you will be taken care of...It’s a signal to Hillary Clinton partisans to keep on going on, you’ll be taken care of. But it’s a very destructive signal for a future presidency, because it’s—effectively, it’s expanding the Overton window of corruption. It doesn’t really matter what you do, how you behave; as long as that is going to benefit Hillary Clinton, you’ll be protected." Julian Assange, Founder of WikiLeaks


  2. Hey, Bernie. Your 15 minutes are now up. Good luck getting your calls returned. Maybe Putin will make you an ambassador to someplace warm.


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