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Monday, July 25, 2016

Delaware DUI checkpoint results announced

DOVER — Aiming to reduce DUI-related crashes and fatalities, authorities said, police conducted large-scale checkpoints last Friday night at five locations throughout Delaware.

The Office of Highway Safety initiative includes more than 100 law enforcement officers sworn in this month for multi-jurisdictional capabilities. So far this year, there have been more than 12 fatalities attributed to impaired driving, according to the OHS.

Last week’s operation ran from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; locations included:

• Del. 92 and Ballymeade Drive, north Wilmington.

• U.S. 40, Bear.

• Del. 10 near South State Street, Dover.

• U.S. 13 and Middleford Road, Seaford

• Del. 1 northbound and Church Street, Rehoboth Beach.

“DUI checkpoints have been shown to lower DUI deaths and injuries,” OHS Director Jana Simpler said in a news release.

“A major component of these checkpoints is the deterrent effects it has on those who might drive drunk or drugged impaired, bringing about more awareness and encouraging everyone to use sober designated drivers.” 



  1. 420 Police man hours (105 LEO's over a 4 hour period) for 11 DUI arrests. Can't help but believe any cop devoted strictly to drunk driving could do better in 10 weeks. Might even get the seat belt and cell phone violations as well. Sounds like a total waste of resources to me.

    1. its the szme as ff doing ems calls it justifies there jobs.

  2. So for a total of 59 people arrested or cited out of 5391 stopped, 5332 people had their rights violated. This country amazes me. Keep cheering.

  3. @12:15. they shoot at unarmed autistic children, missing of course, but nearly killing a caretaker, most are drunks, they SPEED without care, are generally smart alecks without conviction living a double standard, violate people's rights with a police state mentality, electrocute people repeatedly yelling stop resisting with a sadistic smile and a taser, yet they want support? Lol. NOT.

  4. 12:15 - that's exactly what I was thinking...

    And we wonder why people have problems trusting government and law enforcement!? Stuff like this and civil forfeiture (another rights violation from your politicians and LEO's) are causing some real trust issues!

  5. It STARTED OUT (per their promise) that the Nazi checkpoints would only be used for cacthing drunk drivers.
    NOW, it a full-fledged search and arrest program, checking "your papers" for any crime, any violation. It is NO LONGER an operation to find drunk drivers. Its a true nazi "checkpoint" and you better have "your papers" in order.
    Whatever you do, don't mention the Constitution.
    Keep cheering.
    Random house searches coming soon.

  6. Let's see. 5,391 vehicles pulled over (unconstitutionally), with 11 DUI drivers found..

    That's 2/10ths of one percent of the drivers impaired. .2%.

    Yet this is hailed by LE as effective.

    lmclain has it right. Nazi checkpoint.

  7. "Your papers" that they check......registration and insurance fall well short of a Nazi checkpoint. If someone hit you and had no insurance you would probably be one to be yelling at the police to get those people off the road

  8. Being done to keep the jails full $$$$$$

  9. 8:29.....you dumbass.

    The police do a "wants and warrants" check on the driver, run their plates, and do a visual search of OVERWHELMINGLY INNOCENT people. If you give them ANY problem, you get singled out for some REAL fun.
    You missed my point.
    INNOCENT people (in THIS country!) should NEVER be stopped by the police to see IF, MAYBE, POSSIBLY, IN SOME WAY SHAPE OR FORM, you MIGHT be committing a crime.
    That's what the Nazi's did and that's what the police today are doing.
    Spin it any way you like.
    It's still a Nazi checkpoint.
    Polish those SS lightning bolts, boy.
    Keep cheering. And READ THE CONSTITUTION.

  10. Thank you to the Law Enforcement for conducting these checkpoints! 3 Wanted individuals removed from the streets - 11 people who were to intoxicated to be driving were taken off the streets - 24 more lives were saved by the Seatbelt/child seat tickets - 16 Drug abusers/users/ or dealers were inconvenienced! Since these checkpoints took place between 10 p.m. and 2 am I would say you did a great job! To the ones complaining - if you aren't breaking LAWS - then there shouldn't be a problem! Keep up the great work!

  11. I am so glad to see the commenters here really understand what is at issue.

    The government is violating our rights to be protected from unreasonable search and seizure.

    These DUI stops are illegal.

  12. Add 10:33 to the list of dummies who can't see the forest for the trees.
    "if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't worry about any of the rights so many of your much braver citizens gave their LIVES for".
    Is THAT your reasoning?
    If it is, please tell it to the hundreds of people exonerated by DNA.
    You know, the ones the prosecutors and police swore were guilty and deserved to be killed ---- KILLED! INNOCENT and scheduled to die at the hands of the government.
    We have LAWS that are supposed to prevent the harassment of innocent citizens. It is, however, cheerleaders just like you that have allowed those laws to be ignored, erased, and abused by the very people sworn to UPHOLD THOSE LAWS.
    KEEP cheering.

  13. I think 9:21 has a good point. Have you ever seen how many charges they throw at people now days for a traffic stop? It's not just they give you a ticket for speeding or something they thought you were doing wrong. They will think of anything they can to up the fine. Wicomico Sheriff if famous for this.


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