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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ray Rice Offers To Donate Salary If Signed To NFL Contract

Ray Rice, the former Baltimore Ravens running back, wants back into the NFL. So much, in fact, that he's willing to donate his entire salary to domestic violence programs.

USA Today reports Rice's agents have been communicating his availability to teams. Rice has been out of the game since the Ravens cut ties in 2014. That came amid fallout from a video of Rice assaulting then-fiancee Janay Palmer, whom he later married, in an Atlantic City casino. Rice was suspended for two games after the initial arrest, then indefinitely after more graphic surveillance video became public.

“Me donating my salary is something that’ll be from the heart for me," Rice told the paper. "I only want to play football so I can end it the right way for my kids and for the people that really believed in me. But I know there’s a lot of people affected by domestic violence, and every dollar helps. It’s raising awareness."

The paper notes that the minimum salary for a player with as much time in the league as Rice is $885,000.



  1. Why on earth wouldn't he be allowed to return.Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  2. Stop acting like a freaking thug and you'd still be playing. Screw him!!! All he had to do was play football. No he couldn't do that. Real tough guy.

  3. @10:51 everything that is wrong with today's society. Sports and athletes are more important that teachers, military veterans etc. But we think because a person is good at sports he deserves ridiculous salaries, free passes to act and say whatever however they want. Any man that balls his fist up and knocks s woman unconscious deserves no second chance.

  4. Hey 10:54 if you banned all the thugs in the league you have to ban half the players.

  5. I don't follow The National Felony League, but would suggest this punk get a job at minimum wage and donate the salary to his victims.

  6. Give him a chance, he's admitted his mistake..


  7. Think Ray got a bad rap (pun intended). He married after the encounter and by all accounts they are happy. They both admitted to being out of line during the incident, and he complied with both the court and the league. Don't recall him being a problem child beforehand.

    And I'm not a Ravens fan. Ray probably still has some gas left in the tank and the informal ban on him should go away.

  8. What a great tax break to balance his investment portfolio profits.
    And maybe it's time that Ray has a full neurological workup to rule out damage from head injuries.

  9. He is not banned.
    He has been reinstated and is eligible to play.
    No team wants him, so far.

    Maybe some team will accept him now?

  10. He only want to play a few games so that he will be eligible for a substantial workers comp paycheck for life.

    1. Works comp doesn't pay you for life. He might be eligible for pension but then work comp is offset. One or the other.

  11. I'm not sure,but isn't there a stipulation that 100% of a salary cannot be donated? One of my co workers was overly generous & wanted to give a huge portion of his salary to One of the charities in our yearly pamphlet.He was advised that he had exceeded the limit.This could be a ploy to get a portion,because even a small part of his prior salary would be yuge.

  12. Jerry Jones is probably on it.

  13. He may want to play but what team would want him?


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