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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ex-KKK leader David Duke runs for Senate: ‘My time has come’

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Declaring “the climate of this country has moved in my direction,” white supremacist David Duke registered Friday for Louisiana’s U.S. Senate race, saying he was partially spurred by the recent shooting deaths of three law enforcement officers by a black man.

“I believe my time has come,” the former Ku Klux Klan leader said after submitting his paperwork for the ballot. He added: “The people of this country, the patriotic, decent, God-fearing people of this country are now right with me.”

Duke’s candidacy comes one day after Donald Trump accepted the GOP nomination for president, and Duke said he’s espoused principles for years that are similar to the themes Republicans are now supporting in Trump’s campaign, on issues such as immigration and trade.

He said Americans are “embracing the core issues I have fought for my entire life.”

Duke, 66, is registered with the GOP, but Republicans at the state and federal level quickly denounced his Senate bid.



  1. If he loses Trump should put him in charge of immigration.

  2. The klan was always a Democrat organization Duke started as a Democrat his role is to try and smear Republicans to help the Democrat narrative about conservatives.

  3. As I recall state and federal level republicans were opposed to Trump also. It's what the people want, not what a few elites want. That is the trouble today, the parties think they know what is best and ignore the people that are actually going to vote. Trump sure surprised them and we just might see more of it in the future.

  4. He's not got a snowball's chance on a New Orleans August day.

  5. Duke is a good man.Knowing him is political suicide but he is a good man.His intentions are fairness to ALL.He surfaced some years ago because of a perceived imbalance.How that became misconstrued for white supremacy is anyone's guess,but he obviously did not strike a chord with the right people.

  6. Not a snowballs chance huh?? I think you might be shocked there are a lot of people disgusted and fed up with all this reverse racism and would take the cowards way and support somebody that has enough guts to stand up say what their really feeling. The 1960's are coming back around

  7. Not a snowballs chance huh?? I think you might be shocked there are a lot of people disgusted and fed up with all this reverse racism and would take the cowards way and support somebody that has enough guts to stand up say what their really feeling. The 1960's are coming back around

  8. I wish I could vote for him


  9. He'll be endorsed by the late WV Senator Robert Byrd (D).

  10. As a Clansman of course David Duke is a freemason.
    He espouses a belief in racial purity, not racial aggression.
    He believes that white people generally want to associate with other white people.
    Ditto for black people (except black men), native Americans, Chinese people, so on.

    He voiced opposition to forced integration, as did many many black people in the day.

    I suggest he denounce any secret loyalties to freemasonry without exposing their secrets.
    Simply make a public statement that one is free of those loyalties, but agrees to keep all of their secrets.

    That should relieve most people's apprehension about him?

  11. I would vote for him in a New Orleans Heartbeat.

    Some of these people on here think they know it all, but they are to stupid to know that he was already and elected politician. He already served as a Louisiana State Representative. He gets a lot of votes and I bet he gets elected again this time.

    Call him a racist or bigot all you want but most Americans are, both black and white. The only difference is the media makes a big deal about it with him.

  12. Way to go DUKE!!! Need more like you that are willing to stand up for you believe in.. Tired of all this weak spineless type of government we have now time to put everybody back in check

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 23, 2016 at 4:58 PM

    Everybody just Relax. Duke is a plant by Hillary. Remember, Duke was a Democrat at one time. This is all part of Clintons plan to discredit Donald Trump, "by any means necessary".
    Where was this Duke guy hiding all these years? And now he comes out into the political spotlight, Day After Trump Nomination?! Coincidence?!
    No. Not Even Close. Someone Paid this guy from Clinton Foundation.

  14. 2:51
    What on earth does free-masons have to do with this. You claim masons don't run with blacks. I'm not a mason but I do know some and you are simple. You do know that some black people are masons. Educate that mouth before speaking.

  15. Im sure he has some democrats that are funding him. Just to try to make the Republican party look bad. I wouldn't vote for him!


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