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Friday, July 29, 2016

RATINGS: More People Watched Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech Than Hillary Clinton’s

PHILADELPHIA — Four million less people tuned in to see Hillary Clinton accept the Democratic nomination Thursday night than watched Donald Trump accept the Republican one.

According to Nielsen Media Research data published Friday, an estimated 27.8 million people watched Hillary Clinton address the delegates in the Wells Fargo Center on the final night of the Democratic National Convention.

Meanwhile, an estimated 32.2 million people watched Donald Trump give his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last Thursday. (An additional 2.65 million viewers watched Trump’s speech on PBS, while Clinton’s PBS numbers are still unknown.)



  1. Why watch the fake coronation of a person who cheated to become nominee?! Makes no sense if it were otherwise. Only watched bc it is my job. But mute button was constantly being engaged.

  2. Nobody likes that wretched shrill old bag!

  3. Who in their right minds want to see the Clintons. All of them are as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside. The Trumps on the other hand all class.

  4. Too funny how she's trying to copy Melania by wearing white.

  5. More people were in the live audience, too (paid participants not included.)


  6. I will agree that last night was historic in a couple of ways, one of which is that a known liar, called one by the FBI and other credible people, a person responsible for the death of 4 Americans and more, is seeking the highest Office in the land.
    It is historic that she dared to say that Donald Trump is easily undone by a tweet therefore couldn't be trusted with the nation's nuclear arsenal, while she has gone for close to a year without answering a single reporter's question. And IF they ask her any question of consequence, they would preface it and word it so that she looks and sounds good if she decides to answer it.
    This goes to show how horrid are those who support her.

  7. The first few days the democrat convention had higher ratings. This only because the Donald Trump supporters were tuning in to see the sander's peeps act up. They did not disappoint. And then there was the toss out of schultz which was great and brought viewers who would usually not have paid attention.


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