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Friday, July 29, 2016

ABC: DNC Email Leak Reveals Perks of Being Big Democratic Donor

Major Democratic Party donors enjoy serious perks for their big contributions, emails from the Democratic National Committee reveal that are part of the recent Wikileaks dump.

ABC reporter Brian Ross detailed on Wednesday some of these privileges awaiting high dollar Democratic donors in Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention, which have been exposed after Wikileaks released approximately 20,000 DNC emails.

“A price for everything, including what it costs for a private dinner with Hillary Clinton. It’s all about the money,” Ross said. “From the welcoming parties with a woman dancer in a bubble in the middle of a fountain at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to the nighttime cruises to the luxury suites at the convention center and the private parties with gourmet scrambled eggs and caviar.”

Ross also reported that a private dinner with Clinton costs $200,000.



  1. Lets not forget all the sex with interns and helpers that is promised.

  2. The only problem with having that dinner is that Hillary is there. Who could eat?

  3. Not that I could imagine any takers (maybe Rosie), but how much would Bill charge to let a illegal immigrant have sex with her?
    A million?? TWO million?
    Pimpin' ain't easy....

  4. Most normal people don't want to eat with pigs!


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