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Sunday, July 17, 2016

President Obama FULL Speech at the Dallas Interfaith Memorial Service (7-12-16)


  1. Hardly the place or time to call Americans racist and damn our country. What was Dallas thinking having him come spew his hate speech?

  2. nothing but stale hot air. almost 40 minutes. gag me with a spoon.

  3. Turned it off today when he surfaced from the car. Not about to view it now.

  4. The only time people clapped for this clown was when he talked about white people being racist. The only time that people clapped were the racist black people that were there to sing.

  5. Nice change of pace. Ohhh..hearing President BUSH speak again! You don't know how good you have it, until its gone.

  6. Ok so after watching the Bush video first, I had to turn this off after he talked about "the scriptures tell us" without actually quoting the scripture. He is so fake and if he had a church, you wouldn't be able to find a cross and he would always quote scripture in his own word and not from the book, Joel Oesteen style. This is double speak and psych warfare. This CIA baby never ceases to amaze me.

  7. I don't listen to any of his vocalizations that anymore but the comments on here justify my decision. I can't wait for mr. Trump to be my president!

  8. "worry less about which side has been wronged. Worry more about joining sides to do right"

    I think I quoted him verbatim.
    This phrase is an invitation to continue picking sides, dividing, and pressing on with the narrative that somebody's side is the right one.
    It just struck me as a WTF moment. Why are you telling me to join a side?

    He is not speaking about coming together as a unified America. Pick a side and do right… ya, I'd like to see his definition of right.

  9. I found the clapping inappropriate. I'm proud of any man or woman in blue who did not applaud during the totally unsuitable pontification from Obama.

  10. Now that the memorial is over, will Obama fast track 29 million dollars to help the Dallas shooting victims and their families. The U.S. Justice Department fast tracked 29 million dollars to a Charleston, SC church to help the families of the shooting victims killed by Dylan Roof. The church only gave the 9 families 1.9 million total, wonder what organization or campaign fund got the other 27.5 million.

    ACORN, BLM, Black Brunch choir groups, Islamos-R-Us, …

  11. Never let a Memorial Service go to waste, right lib/dems/divider in chief??? You turned that one into pure politics to continue to fundamentally change the U.S. to the worst.

    Sorry to the 5 slain officers who gave their all. May you rest in peace.

  12. His ramblings were in very poor taste but it's to be expected from the spawn of a run around sleazy mother and white trash grandparents.

  13. ANY comments from "him" are inappropriate and at least a week TOO LATE!


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