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Monday, July 11, 2016

Obama Tells Reporter Not To Ask About Clinton And FBI

President Obama cautioned a New York Times reporter not to “burn” the question he was allotted during a press conference in Warsaw on Saturday by asking about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Times reporter Mark Lander began his question by noting that Obama has previously declined to comment on the investigation. But since the FBI and Justice Department closed the case this week, Lander hoped Obama would be open to responding to the decision not to charge Clinton.

But Obama cut Lander off mid-question, telling the reporter that he would be “wasting” his chance to get a substantive response.

“I want you to make sure you’re not wasting your question,” Obama said.



  1. LOL Imagine that.....it's because he can't answer without lying!

  2. Obama is proving more every day his unadulterated hate for America.

  3. He couldn't answer honestly without implicating himself.

    What a TURD!

  4. Obama is so damn arrogant - he just needs to go, NOW. He hates America, our police, our military, everything about us.


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