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Monday, July 11, 2016

Black Lives Matter activist Mckesson released from jail

BALTIMORE (AP) — Prominent Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson was released Sunday after a night in jail following his arrest in Baton Rouge while protesting the police killing of a black man.

McKesson, 31, had traveled to Louisiana from Baltimore, where he grew up and returned last year after the death of Freddie Gray, the black man whose broken neck inside a police van sparked riots and upheaval. He waged an unsuccessful campaign for mayor this spring.

He now works for the Baltimore public schools as interim chief of human capital, responsible for staffing and dealing with reform. Schools CEO Sonja Santelises told The Baltimore Sun (http://bsun.md/29wJNOR ) that his activism “is part of who he is, it’s part of what drives him, and it’s part of what drives him to move the work for kids.”



  1. LOL this is funny....in other words here is in a position to motivate kids and there is a immature thug in charge....way to go Baltimore....he's probably related to Moseby!


  2. Sad and sadder.

    Turned 31 over the weekend. Has a BS degree from a liberal NE college and has dabbled in a variety of jobs.

    Has been on his new job as Baltimore schools 'interim head of human capital' (read - Chief Human Resources Officer) for a week at $165k per year supervising staff of 56. Taking his second Monday on new job off to get back to Charm City after his arrest.

    Guess Bawlmer schools will be cranking out the Ivy League prospects now!

    If 'guess who' had a son being cultivated and subsidized in the activism greenhouse!

  3. In a tweet on facebook, he complained about the oatmeal and OJ while incarcerated. Shouldn't someone who is leading a major domestic terrorist group be a bit more than a cupcake man-child? Malcolm X would kick his ass.

  4. OMG, Baltimore parents, please don't let your kids listen to this guy.

  5. Fire him this guy has a chip on his shoulder that will only grow.

  6. You can bet he is being PAID lots of money by "somebody" to do this...

  7. Sounds like a bunch of haters. Black man with an education making too much money and standing up for what he believes in.


  8. 10:35 pm
    I made the comment at 11:40 am.

    Don't have problems with anyone of any shade articulating their views in civil fashion.

    Do have an issue with anyone with scant experience of any sort being placed in public position at inflated salary relative to their credentials. He is now responsible for running Baltimore schools HR function and some other duties not fully mentioned. The job has apparently become a revolving door which is not his fault.

    Baltimore schools are overwhelmingly attended by black children. They have had real problems staffing and running the schools not to mention achievement, behavior, etc.

    So even if he's minimally qualified, or unqualified, for the task at hand (and with several decades of similar jobs under my belt, I'm going with unqualified)....if he really thinks BLM matters most of all...why isn't he digging into his new job so that come August the schools have the best staffing possible?

    Instead he's 1,200 miles away putting himself and others in physical jeopardy blocking roads, streets, highways. Just to get on camera by getting arrested.

    What a mature way to take advantage of the golden opportunity to help make the situation better in Baltimore!

    The sad fact is that many educated men and women of all shades could have brought germane accomplishments and advanced degrees to the job he was gifted with. They just didn't have the celebrity factor. Prediction: Will be gone in under a year and they can start all over again.

    Sorry, kiddies; got to burnish my resume; just dropping by for a more impressive title and a cash infusion.

    The Superintendent gets an 'F' for her part.


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