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Sunday, July 10, 2016

LIVE: FBI Chief James Comey Testifies on Clinton Email Probe Before House Committee


  1. Clinton Lies, Americans Die!

    Comey Lies, Americans Die!

    1. How do you think Comey lied?

    2. Do you think Hillary Clinton should be President?

    3. I could careless if he lied. Do you think Hillary Clinton lied and is she trust worthy to be president of the USA? Yes or No?

  2. He will be asked to resign by Osama. Wait and see.

  3. Question? Why was she not sworn in for the meeting Saturday with Mr. Comeys staff and why did he not do the meeting or read their report before he made his statement on Tuesday? (map)

  4. I have a question does anyone have any ideas on how much this has cost this country?? The weirdest thing of all this woman is still running for President. What is wrong with this place?

    1. Its much easier to list what is still right with this country than what is wrong. The bright and shining light of Democracy that was the USA has died. Nothing short of a revolution will return America to its former greatness.

  5. Comey wants us to believe Killary is stupid and did not know what she was doing and now he wants us to believe he is just as stupid. He stated she did not intentionally setup her server (multiple servers) to hide anything. She did not delete or have her emails deleted intentionally / on purpose. Also wants us to believe other SOS had their on servers.
    People wonder why Trump is for the average person. Why are we fed up with Politians?

  6. 3:15 PM, Not only was she not sworn in, there is no recording of the meeting.

  7. He simply did not want to be found dead in the middle of the desert due to death by drowning, an obvious suicide.....

  8. 5:22
    America was a much better place to live even 30 years ago.
    Technology is the primary problem.
    The government has unlimited access to new technology and its development.
    It has used the technology to enslave us.

    It was never great. I used to think so same as you. We were taught that it was great in school.
    That was when school was decent.

    The facts are much worse once you seek them out.
    The Founders were very much compromised individuals and most were members of secret societies in Europe. Their motives were hidden from the people. They swore allegiance to a secret group of people and a secret agenda.

    This nation was and is the new Atlantis.
    It will enslave all the people of the earth before it vanishes.
    It will become (quickly) the most hated nation on the planet.

  9. So after all these years....now...the fbi is concerned the American people might not view them as a kind, considerate, fair entity?
    roflmao!!!!! bbwwwaaaaahhhhhahahahahahhh!!!!!!

  10. Your looking directly at the one responsible for the clintons years and years of trails of corruption and death.

  11. What's even better is Comey's wasn't even at the Saturday meeting,he sent someone else.

  12. For those that have followed Comey's career check out hoe he has aged in one year. Those huge bags under his eyes will match the bags he has to carry the rest of his life. The man should have fell the sword for his men and women that serve daily under him. He should have resigned.

  13. Go to 1:21:00. This is a wrinkle that wasn't specifically pointed out before. Touche.

  14. Elijah Cummings did his best to minimize Hillary's crimes. Party blood runs deep.

  15. Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy did their due diligence to get to the bottom of things while the Democrats tried to obstruct justice as well as the proceedings - nothing new there. Elijah Cummings had the gull to talk about wasting taxpayers' money yet he never has felt it was a big concern while passing omnibill or the Senate sit-in or Clinton flying on Air Force One for a rally on our dime.

    What came out is Clinton gave CLASSIFIED information to people who were uncleared. This is HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

    Clinton lied flagrantly to Congress, which now she will have yet another investigation now for Perjury (the same thing that got hubby Billy bob impeached in 1998).

    And Comey has now flamed his career for politics.

    I'd say it was a good day. Can't wait for tomorrow. (said with words dripping in sarcasm and disdain)

  16. PS: Comey neither would deny or confirm an investigation into the Clinton Foundation - which several media outlets have said is still on-going.

    Sorry but that's a huge one, too.

  17. Comey sure has some bags under his eyes. Might not be sleeping to well?

  18. Somebody get that redheaded intern over his right shoulder a haircut.

  19. Just Curious Because I Can BeJuly 8, 2016 at 1:08 PM

    Sounds like Comey's been watching too much Legally Blond lately! Mens Rea didn't really work for Elle and it's more a precedence now with Comey. While I'll agree mens rea is important, circumstantial evidence is usually an indication of intent. Evidence did support mens rea for Mrs. Clinton, what yesterday proved was Comey ignored it!


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