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Friday, July 29, 2016

Limbaugh after Bill Clinton speech: ‘Why would he ever cheat on such a wonderful woman?’

Radio host: ‘Why does anybody have to tell us who she is?’

Radio host Rush Limbaugh made a plea to his listeners on Wednesday to have them grab nearby Millennials so he could give them the “real” story on Bill and Hillary Clinton before asking: “Why would he ever cheat on such a wonderful woman?”

The former president gave what Mr. Limbaugh called a “superb” performance at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Tuesday night. The conservative commentator said that while many young people on social media “are not buying” the political pitch, many of the 24.3 million Americans who watched the event are unfamiliar with his past.

“Bill Clinton is the guy that said, ‘The era of Big Government is over.’ Whether or not he meant it or not, he said it. Any number of other things: The crime bill, a hundred thousand new cops. He did everything in opposition to Black Lives Matter and the things that animate the existence of the Democrat Party today,” Mr. Limbaugh said.



  1. Cheating has nothing to do with how "wonderful" the woman is. People who cheat will always find a reason. You can't blame someone else for your sin.

  2. Really.. Never heard of sarcasm?

  3. Why would anyone listen to that hate merchant blowhard?


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