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Friday, July 29, 2016

Concealed carry permits at all-time high

Women, minorities fasting-growing groups seeking license

More than 14.5 million Americans are now licensed to carry a concealed handgun — a jump of 1.73 million in just a year, according to new research that says women and black Americans are among the most eager to sign up.

More than 6 percent of the adult population in the U.S. now has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, according toJohn R. Lott Jr. at the Crime Prevention Research Center. And those who actually carry is likely much higher because nearly a dozen states don’t even require a permit to do so, he said.

Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania each have more than 1 million registered permit holders, while in the smaller states of Indiana and South Dakota, about 15 percent of all adults are permitted.

“Part of it is just Obama. We have had a big increase in people buying guns, but it’s pretty clear it’s broader. It’s not just the number of guns, it’s clear more people are using guns,” Mr. Lott said.



  1. Dave T: And here we are in Maryland, treating lawful gun owners like criminals. Not sure anymore how much longer I'm going to call myself a home owner in this state !

  2. My new home state of WV just changed the law and eliminated the need for a CCW permit. I love this place!

  3. Don't leave because then they win. I'm a life time resident of Md. This is my state to take back.

  4. I feel sorry for the Police arriving on the scene and trying to determine who the bad guy is....in 5 seconds or less.

  5. A permit? As in "permission"?

    What are you going to fall for next? A fee for speaking in public? Prior approval before you write an editorial?
    You let another MAN tell you which rights he will ALLOW you to have???!
    I got my rights. Next to the nightstand, in a kitchen drawer, under the recliner, in the closet, beside the bed, in the bathroom, and pretty much wherever I go. Loaded.
    NEVER think you need to ASK some cop, some politician, or any other "I know whats best for you" future body-in-a-bag know it all for PERMISSION to protect yourself or your family.
    Get off your knees.
    Unless that is your firing position.
    Keep cheering.


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