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Friday, July 08, 2016

Judge: Punching White Woman, Shouting 'I Hate White People' Isn't Hate Crime

Judge Harry Van Harten ruled that an indigenous woman named Tamara Crowchief from Calgary, Canada, who yelled, “I hate white people,” before punching a white woman in the face, did not commit a racially motivated hate crime.

“The offender said, ‘I hate white people’ and threw a punch,” Judge Van Harten wrote in his written ruling in the case.

“There is no evidence either way about what the offender meant or whether she holds or promotes an ideology which would explain why this assault was aimed at this victim,” he said, according to the Calgary Harald.



  1. Before you clowns start spouting about "oh wowies me, white people are under threat", please consider that you'll probably find this woman is a schizo loon.

  2. Of course not!

  3. It might not be a crime, but do it on my property will get you shot!

  4. Not a hate crime???

  5. You do realize there are liberal judges out there.That's another reason Trump needs to lead and not let the crook in office to appoint liberals to the high court.

  6. I can't believe this s***. This is why the USA is in the way it is. Judge doesn't need to be in his position.

  7. White people are the most discriminated group in the country today and yet they have no power because they don't vote together.


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