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Sunday, July 03, 2016


If transgenders had been banned from the US Military, how can more than 800 of them be eligible for sex changes at taxpayer expense right now? 

No Mr. Obama, many of us are not that stupid.


  1. There not banned anymore as of yesterday they are allowed to enlist.

  2. We needed to be able to vote on these transgender sex changes in November, they want them pay for it themselves, it's what God gave you.

  3. So, is every military hospital going to have a transgender department?

  4. They've been there all along. They just don't have to hide anymore.

  5. This is obscured-----taxpayers pay
    for their transgender sex change??

    Somebody get the damn President out
    before he totally destroys America
    and it might already be to late !!

  6. I'll bet you're not a physician, 10:46 AM. It's not about God, it's about biology.

  7. It's because obama is a sick pervert and blacks heads need to be dragging the ground in shame for the degenerate they overwhelmingly still support. Shame on them. Not one of them dare call themselves Christian. God hates fakes and that is why He is reigning down His wrath on them in the form of blacks killing each other. God is disgusted with them for starting race issues. He sees what's in their hearts and He hates it.

  8. I have two comments regarding this.
    1. When I was in the Army, if we had someone who would not shower, we would gang up on them and scrub them with a stiff bristle brush. In all likelihood,a transgender will not make it through basic training because they will get ganged up on. The whole purpose of basic training is to teach the recruits to conform and work together, not how to be different.

    2. I think it is outrageous, disgusting,and immoral that our vets can not get adequate healthcare in a timely manor but Obama wants to waste EVEN MORE of our money by wasting it on high cost/time consuming transgender operations.


  9. Well I thought I was a liberal democrat till I read this. I totally DO NOT support Obama on this. Can someone say welcome to the republican party, Sharon?

  10. I'm so sick of having other people's mental illness shoved in my face on a daily basis. There are no transgenders in the military since they wouldn't pass the mental health screening that is done at MEPS. If a veteran so chooses to change any part of their body, they do so at their own expense and not the government's. And if only 3% of our nation's population is lgtbq, then why is there a fairy parade every other weekend? Why are we celebrating this illness? I am bi and don't want everybody to know. That's the sort of intimacy that is reserved for those I love & trust. It's not meant for the public to scrutinize and should be left taboo as to not tarnish our nation's image. In comparison, it is just as bad as the so-called religion of peace only being known for the radical extremist that are causing most of this terrorist crap. It's not fair to the millions that practice the peace and keep to themselves. It's nobody's right to force their religion or gender on to someone else. I'm agnostic and am happy for those that have faith in whatever they believe, but don't force it on me. The same is for those that can't accept themselves for who they are and how they were born. If it bothers you, change it, but at your own expense. I'm still waiting to get my new prosthetic leg from the VA from my career in the military. My pension doesn't cover a new leg, so why should those that want gender reassignments have priority over me? Our nation is so screwed up. Vote Trump to fix it!

  11. No way should a tax payer have to pay for this. No no no.

  12. I think I am a Martian. I want the taxpayers to pay for my surgery so I look like a real Martian.

  13. Now there will be a squabble about which head to use


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