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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Cafe Told to Remove 'God Bless America' Banner

Whenever folks in Penfield, New York get a hankering for pancakes for lunch – they head over to the 5 Mile Café.

The family-owned restaurant is known in those parts for serving breakfast any time of the day (order their homemade corned beef hash).

They are also known for their patriotism.

“We are very patriotic here at the café – all year round –not just this time of year,” owner Jennifer Aquino told me. “We have American flags and patriotic things around the café.”

So Jennifer decided to ask the town for a permit so she could post a “God Bless America” banner on the front of her restaurant. She wanted to display the banner from Memorial Day through Independence Day.

But Penfield has a strict banner allotment policy. Businesses are only allowed to post banners for a total of three weeks out of the year. And Jennifer had used up her allotment.

Instead of posting the banner outside the restaurant, she posted it inside. And that was that – until the Orlando terrorist attack.

“I decided on my way to work that I was going to put it up regardless of the town telling me I couldn’t,” she said. “So I put it up.”

More here


  1. I would bet if a Muslim business owner had asked for one for "Allah is Great" banner they would get it.

  2. Good for them.
    We must aggressively defend our first amendment rights if we want to keep them.

  3. So much for expressing your beliefs.

  4. Good for them.
    We must aggressively defend our first amendment rights if we want to keep them.

  5. "Penfield has a strict banner allotment policy. Businesses are only allowed to post banners for a total of three weeks out of the year."

    It's not the signs' content, it's the town policy.

    If the townspeople want the banner ordinance changed, that's up to them but they created the rule themselves.

  6. It's a private business and they should be able to put up whatever they want. Also, 10:42 if that sign was in a window I would CHOOSE not to go into that place of business. Simple.

  7. At first, I was upset when reading the headline. But then I decided to research the entire story. The issue is not one of patriotism; the issue is one of the cafe owner choosing not to follow established community rules and deciding to get some free publicity by making things seem like she's being picked on because of some anti-American ruling. Just not the way it really is.

  8. Follow the rules or move.

  9. Deceptive headline is deceptive. The business is breaking the law, and it has zero to do with the signs message.

    Obvious Christian privilege is obviously yet irrationally upset. Just stop it all ready.

  10. There IS a first amendment issue here; the banner ordinance not withstanding.

  11. Asking God to bless an evil rotten society of sodomites and trannies is akin to asking to be stoned to death by all of the second string high school baseball pitchers in the country.

    Alright, that was long.

    Don't ask God to bless governments.

    Ask him to bless yourself and your family and friends.

  12. This is solved all too simply, with no fuss at all. If an Ordinance prohibits the length of time any "Banner" can fly, simply go down to the local sign maker and have him make you a "Sign".

    Then permanently affix it/them to your building or the pole out front!

    Sheesh! Where's that Easy Button we have?

  13. No problem, end of conversation.

    Sorry to stop all your comments on this, Joe!

  14. Leave it up and lets take back America from the libatards!


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