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Friday, July 01, 2016

Hillary Clinton private email server set up before becoming secretary

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began planning use of her secret email address even before she took office in January 2009, top aide Huma Abedin said in sworn testimony this week, raising questions about why no emails from her first few months in office were part of the set she returned to the government.

Ms. Abedin said “technical difficulties” forced Mrs. Clinton to give up the AT&T account she used as a senator, but said her boss’ choice to use her own personal BlackBerry connected to a server she kept at her home in New York was based on convenience, not an effort to thwart open records laws.

Ms. Abedin, who was a deputy chief of staff for Mrs. Clinton at the State Department, testified for several hours, detailing her own use of an account on Mrs. Clinton’s secret server and her subsequent efforts to get right with laws requiring all official business to be stored in department records.



  1. Even you dumbocrats need to understand how this corruption needs to be stopped by putting the kankles queen in jail

  2. Convenience? In that she would have to view personal email in another account, as in push a button to change from one to another? That's lame.

  3. She only did it for political reasons. She did not want her messages made public as required by law. That would confirm what a failure she was as Secy of State and her unethical, if not unlawful, practices while serving in the State Department. And she knew she was going to run for President after Obama. It was all planned after she dropped out of the race in 2008.

  4. Convenience? Its called negligence.


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