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Friday, July 01, 2016

Cecil County States Attorney Edward Rollins Pulls Out As A Contender For Judgeship

While we had announced that Governor Hogan flat out stated he would no longer consider Rollins for Judgeship, Rollins announced today he was pulling himself out of consideration, DUH!

As all of you now know, I received a threat last night from one of the citizens in Cecil County last night. Now we know why. 


  1. Talk about pulling out.

  2. Duh like he had a choice, sounds like a former states attorney we had here all he did was chase women and ride around in a car with a loaded pistol while not on duty. Wonder what Ruark is doing now, what an embarrassment he was. Ruark came to a Neighborhood meeting and advised everyone there their were no gangs of any kind in Salisbury, this following the previous week where it was addressed to the public at the Civic Center. Not a clue either one of these guys.


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