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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First Black Miss Alabama: Dallas Shooter Is A 'Martyr'

Alabama’s first-ever black Miss Alabama winner posted a video Sunday, tearfully admitting she views Dallas shooter Micah Johnson as a “martyr” and isn’t upset about the five police he murdered.

In 1994, Kalyn Chapman James became the first, and so far only, black woman to be crowned Miss Alabama, before going on to a top-10 finish in the Miss America pageant. Today, she works as a TV host in Miami, and awards an annual scholarship to the top black finisher at each year’s Miss Alabama.

In a video recorded in her car after leaving church Sunday, James says that, as much as she wished otherwise, she didn’t feel bad about the murder of five police in Dallas and views shooter Micah Johnson as a martyr. Johnson hated white people and wanted to kill police in revenge for the deaths of black men like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, according to police.



  1. Crown Don't take the Getto out of the girl do it?
    How ignorant can you get?

    1. Your grammer is nearly as ignorant.

    2. Another affirmative action English assistant.

  2. She should be stripped of her crown!


  3. Isn't that special! I'm sure the contestant who gets her award this year will really feel honored.

    What kind of church does she attend that inspires her to glorify a cold-blooded, racist murderer immediately after services?

    I'll bet cops in Miami are impressed!

  4. She should have never got the crown to start with now it does need to be taken away. She does not represent anything about the United States if that's the way she feels. She should have been crowned Miss Trash.

  5. Yo Miss Alabama ghetto trash, you really representing girl!! So proud of you.

  6. She was crowned "Miss take".

  7. in this day/age, never thought I'd see someone talk about a martyr here in the USA.

    One thing is for sure, Ex-Miss Alabama knew enough to get her 15 seconds of fame...but that's ALL she's getting...15 seconds.

    martyr?? you've got to be kidding me!


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