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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black Lives Matter Co-founder DEMANDS “White Folks” Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”…It’s Racist!

Marissa Jenae Johnson is a cofounder of Black Lives Matter and now insists saying “all lives matter” is a “new racial slur,”

In a Fox News interview she said, “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter’. Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”

“Black Lives Matter is not a strong enough statement for me,” Johnson said.

You probably remember Marissa Jenae Johnson from the summer of 2015. She was the lady who stormed the stage at a Bernie Sanders rally and took the mic, then Bernie ran for the hills.

When pointing out that Bernie is the far-left candidate, Johnson was asked why she would protest Bernie.

Johnson said he is “Left for white folks. He’s left for the needs and concerns of mainstream white America.”



  1. Oh, lets have a pity party for him......ignorant thug!

  2. White Lives Matter isn't even Racist if Black lives matter is not.
    Get a grip

  3. “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter’. Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”

    Do you have any idea what role the liberal policies you have voted for for 60 years have played in all this? Do you not see that the liberal politicians you support are the ones who have placed you in these chains and enslaved you with their policies?

    It's not 'white' people keeping you down, it's 'progressives'-- 'liberals'-- DEMOCRATS!

    1. Cry me a river blame everyone else bc ur a thug.

  4. All lives matter can't be racist because it includes ALL. That means black, white, yellow, red. Asians, Indians, Blacks, Whites it includes all. That is about as non-racist as it gets.


  5. My sister was doing some genealogical research recently and discovered one of my grandfather's relatives was killed in 1864 during the Civil War. Young, white man from Pennsylvania serving in the Union army. Wasn't a slaveowner but gave his life so that 152 years later single issue bigots like this woman and her fellow travelers could be free to run their self-centered mouths.

    All Lives Matter, and if they don't, in the final analysis No Lives Matter. That worked for Hitler, Statlin, Mao, Fidel, etc.

    All Lives Matter.

  6. 9:28 AM statement is absolutely correct.

  7. 10:50
    You are forgetting that we now live in a brave new world.

    Men are women sometimes.
    Women are men sometimes.
    Up is down, and war is peace.
    Only black people can be discriminated against.

  8. These are the fools we have to deal with! !! Wow!!!

  9. I can tell you exactly what Johnson can do with their stupid moniker of black lives matter. They can shove it right up their ... I think you get the gist.

  10. People like to get on hear and laugh at the morons but keep in mind they are organized. White people have a target on their back....It's you who should be organized.

  11. 6:51
    We are laughing at people like you who can't seem to spell simple words or know the difference in hear or here.
    The white people will sit by while you all vote for people like Obama and Clinton so you can get free stuff. Pretty soon the money is going to run out. All those illegals will take any job that might have provided a way for people in the ghetto to work and get out of it. The same things the black community has fought for is being exploited by the illegals. Pretty soon you will not be classified as a minority only people from other countries will be able to collect any benefits. White people as you say are not usually violent in nature, however backed into a corner and you will see a change in attitude.


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