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Monday, July 11, 2016

FBI's appraisal of Hillary Clinton email scandal casts shadow over candidacy

FBI Director James B. Comey used the softest word in the dictionary to criticize Hillary Clinton for sending top secret, classified information through her unsecured home computer system.

Mr. Comey’s report to the Justice Department said the FBI uncovered repeated cases where, as secretary of State,Mrs. Clinton sent messages on her email system in reckless disregard for the “top secret,” “very sensitive,” and “highly classified information” that could have, and may have, fully exposed America’s highest national security secrets to our enemies.

So how does Mr. Comey describe Mrs. Clinton’s irresponsible, grossly negligent, and, some might say, even criminal behavior?

Well, he says, as the guardian of our nation’s most sensitive secrets, she was “careless,” and even “extremely careless” in her mishandling of highly classified material.

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines “careless” as “free from care,” “untroubled,” “indifferent,” and, brace yourself, “unconcerned” and maybe even a bit “negligent.”



  1. She's running because she's a Woman for women's right's...lol welcome back 1960.

  2. Democrats don't care that she is a criminal. Period. They only want to see the destruction of our way of life.

  3. Weak would be the word to describe Comey's description. Were any of us to be the subject of a similar investigation, the words would be stronger and we'd be indicted without a second's hesitation.

  4. Casts a shadow? Really?
    It's more like a permanent eclipse.

  5. This is what today's liberalism looks like. Corrupt to the core!


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