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Monday, July 11, 2016

Brutal GOP video outlines the FBI's takedown of Hillary Clinton's email excuses

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday recommended that the Justice Department not bring charges against Hillary Clinton over her email practices as secretary of state. But Comey still gave Republicans plenty of ammunition to use against her.

The Republican National Committee released a new digital ad Wednesday seizing on some of that ammunition, contrasting Clinton's claims during a news conference last year with Comey's statement on Tuesday.

The video lists "five lies" Clinton told during a news conference on March 10, 2015. It noted that while Clinton said she did not send or receive classified information over her private email servers, Comey said the FBI had found 110 emails in 52 chains that were deemed classified at the time she sent or received them.



  1. She lied. Again. She doesn't know the difference.
    Imagine being a child with her as the main caregiver, and that child hearing the contradictions and untruths on a daily basis. That child would be damaged beyond belief.

  2. Remember this --- the NSA has been eavesdropping on ALL Americans, even the powerful and connected. For YEARS and in total secrecy.
    They have SOMETHING on everyone.
    The next time you wonder why Justice Roberts voted FOR obamacare or why the FBI director would not pursue a case against hillary, well, just keep that in mind.
    The corrupt MUST protect the other corrupt ones. Otherwise, the whole house of cards collapses.
    Fear of dying in a street robbery, plane crash, car accident, or having a barbell crush your throat is also a pretty big influence, too.
    Keep cheering.


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