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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dallas Mas Cop Murderer's ARABIC name was FAHED HASSEN

The Arabic name of the Dallas mass murderer of the brave police officers (who ran towards the gunfire in order to save the people protesting them) was Fahed Hassen, according to Denver Police Department.

How much was Fahed motivated by Islam, the Nation of Islam, ISIS and Black Liberation Theology? It’s all of a piece.

“Micah Johnson’s alias was Fahed Hassen,” FAM, July 9, 2016 (thanks to Armaros):

Micah Johnson went by the alias Fahed Hassen. Micha Johnson or Fahed Hassen, he is a domestic terrorist. Now, that’s it been revealed that Johnson is a Muslim, one has to look to see if Fahed Hassen had any ties to ISIS or other Muslim terrorist groups.



  1. Please understand that this was all staged and judge it as such.Everything that has come up about this guy since the shooting was planned BEFORE the shooting.Evidence was planted & the findings of any investigation were choreographed in prior weeks.Every single thing that you see and hear in coming weeks could have happened to any of us,because any of us could have been portrayed in any way seen fit.I predicted that everything revealed thus far would come to pass.It's all agenda driven theatrics perpetrated by a vulnerable & impressionable subject.Micha was no different than any other 25 year old drug addict.He just happened to be an easy target & live in the right city.

  2. Someone...anyone give me some of what 3:01pm is drinking!


  3. 3:44, You need a strong cup of black coffee and wake up.3:01 is right on or real close.

  4. If this was a white that was associated and had such an alias then it would be all over the news they were a "skin head, KKK and a Domestic Terrorist. But because they were Black you will never here of such stats. Talk about lopsided / discriminatory news.

  5. What drugs was he on? Sounds like he took too many anti psychotics. Or, maybe they were fed to him? He was close; just needed a push?

  6. 3:01 is on target. There are evil, criminal elements within our government, banks, corporations, and the military industrial complex. I would urge any naysayer to read George Soros' last two books. Research the Rand Corporation and there white papers on global governance. Research "The Project for A New American Century". Read the "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow"
    There is a bigger, twisted agenda at hand that involves disarming the last free country, divide and conquer, and order out of the chaos of civil unrest, plotted and funded domestic terrorism, to bring in a UN police force or "stabilization force" they will sugar coat as. To enforce martial law and strip away the constitution.
    This script or psych warfare operation has been moving generationally along as planned. There is a sick super wealthy cabal of criminals obsessed with power and destruction of the last bastion of freedom.

  7. Where he got those weapon's from and how. Those numbers on the weapon's with link back to Obama.

  8. George Soros, Obama's sidekick!

  9. I am aware there have been several false flags in recent years.
    I know that Boston was a false flag.
    Roanoke was a fake murder.
    Newtown is a seat of satanic activity on a very large scale.

    I have not seen evidence yet that this event was a hoax.
    It certainly serves the global governance agenda.
    This government is obsessed with dis-arming the population.

  10. Guess we can't call him a muslin extremist terrorist. Huh?

  11. SSSHHHHH! 547! Can't say that out loud just yet! We will have to "study" the situation first!


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