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Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Dog on Bypass

Hi Joe!

I travel both Route 50 and the Bypass almost every day with my business. This morning I noticed that someone had hit and killed a dog on the Bypass. I was going in the opposite direction and didn’t get a close look at the time, so I made a phone call to Wicomico County Animal Control. I left a message and to my surprise for a Sunday, a young man called me back. He indicated that he would ride out and see if the dog had a collar, tags or microchip because a lady had reported her dog missing to them recently. I “assumed” that would also mean he would remove the dog from the highway, but as of my passing this afternoon, the dog is still there. It appears to be a mid-sized dog with a black and white coat similar to a Border Collie or similar breed. The dog is in pretty bad shape and not pleasant to see. However, if my dog was missing, I would at least want to know what happened to it for some closure.

I know you often post photos of lost dogs and have good success with getting them back home and that is the reason I’m passing this along. By the way, it’s on the Route 13 Bypass going East just before the exit to Hobbs Road and the Stadium.


  1. What a sad shame. That guy should be fired if he responded and left it there! Regardless if the animal was able to identified or not!

    1. SHA does dead animal removal and they only work Monday to Friday. I am guessing that animal control doesn't have anywhere to dispose of a dead animal, especially on a Sunday.

  2. Why didn't the OP do something when he went by on the correct side? Horrible to think some little girl saw her pet like that. I always have gloves in the car to change a flat or whatever.
    SHA is in charge of clearing road kill, as harsh as that may sound.

  3. The dog is still there.....

  4. Thanks to the person who reported this.

    Hopefully someone will remove the dog.

    So sad it had to die this way!!!

  5. What an excuse. Animal control should have a back up plan for animal removal. What if it were a horse that had been hit and killed on a Sat morning. Backwards county with poor leadership.

  6. no,there's only so much that can be done, unless you want to do it yourself, which is always welcomed. God bless.

  7. 7:58, What part of State Highway did you not understand ?

  8. 9:03--I understand perfectly well. It's you with the problem comprehending. When state highway is not available then you have a back up plan. Does that make sense so far or do you need me to explain in detail what having a back up plan means? I think you do need help understanding so read on.........
    A private company specializing in animal carcass removal could be called. Are you getting it yet? Or animal control could take over the duty when the state isn't available. Making sense to you yet? These are called back up plans.
    Bottom line----
    It does not look good for an area to allow their roadway to be littered with an animal carcass.

  9. 9:03 What part of "having a back up plan" did you not understand?

  10. I will check for it tomorrow morning. If it is still there, I will lay it to rest with the love it deserves.

  11. There was a husky missing from Mt Hermon church Road. There was also a black with white on it's chest border collie missing from Willards area.

  12. Shannon, thank you for your spirit. You're the only one here who has it. Bless you.

  13. 9:49, If the animal is not posing a safety hazard to traffic, it will stay there until the next normal workday. Such is life. If it is bothering you that bad, you can get up from behind your keyboard and go shovel it off the shoulder of the road. People are used to seeing dead animals along the road. If animal control did respond, he or she could have relocated it onto the grass out of sight. That would have been the best course of action to take.

  14. I could not find it. It's a big area near heavy summer traffic. Someone had to have moved it out of sight as the OP talked like it was visible. Or it has been picked up. I have notified the husky owner on FB of this post but have not received a response.

  15. It was there at 9:30 this morning

  16. Where 1:00? Can you give me a better location? I walked from Hobbs onto the bypass grassy area through the grass. Is it on the bypass or on Route 50?


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