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Sunday, July 17, 2016


We are awaiting the official Press Release but let me assure you, this is a major deal and will set the bar nation wide for anyone abusing animals in such a way. More to come. Posted at 1:47 PM.


  1. Best news I've heard in a month!!!

  2. Yes some much needed good news.


  3. Told you it was coming. All things in good time. Well done Aaron and Matt! Fitzgerald, you should be standing right in court with them since YOU dropped the ball and are just as culpable as they are!

  4. Don't forget officer Kimberly monlar she needs to be standing right next to Fitzgerald while in court she dropped the ball also maybe she want be taking so many smoke breaks now

  5. Fitzgerald still works for county--another position he'll screw up

  6. I know Fitzgerald was the former director of the Humane Society but when he left that position I was informed he then because the head of Animal Control and had 2 officers under him? Or was he one and Molnar the other? Would someone who knows of his involvement please lay out the facts?

  7. I heard officer Kimberly monlar got into it with one of the new animal control officers that just starting working there over her putting down animals that didn't need to go down

  8. Fitzgerald still works for wicomico county at emergency service. Doing a job hes not qualified for. Time to clean house Bob.

  9. Watch out new animal control officer you've made the bus driver mad your gonna be on the chopping block next if your back starts to hurt you've just been ran over by the bus driver 🚌officer monlar has run over the last 3 officers that have worked there,their all in wheel chairs now, although the new director probably isn't sleeping with officer monlar so she lost all of her pull now time for a change Arron

  10. Why is Molnar even still there? That puppy mill only proliferated because of the non actions of animal control, this after many many people complained and they were warned by DorCo. The county residents deserve better.

  11. Culver looked like he was ready to crap his pants in anticipation of hard questions from the lame stream local media that never came at the press conference today. Questions like is the county doing an internal as to why after being warned, the Murphy's puppy mill was in operation for so long and why people's complaints fell on deaf ears.

  12. How did Fitzgerald escape any disciplinary action?

  13. The investigation should definitely continue
    into Fitzgearld ,who pushed aside the complaints
    about the Puppy Mill & let those animals suffer
    much longer then they did before the New Director
    came here. Fitzgearld is definitely to blame
    and the man that let the public know about this
    complaint , Mr. A. Higgins, I believe I'm correct
    with his name , wrote an Editorial letting
    the Public KNOW ---that NOTHING was done to help
    the situation get resolved and the "attitude"
    Fitzgearld had when he was told by Mr. Higgins.

    Soooo ---- What's going to be done with Fitzgearld???

  14. Someone needs to do a FOIA request to the Animal Department on their records.... hmmm?? Why did it take a new man from out of town to take care of it?


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