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Sunday, July 31, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: All Charges Dropped Against All Remaining Officers In Freddie Gray Case

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — All charges have been dismissed against all the officers who still faced trial in connection with the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray last April.

The prosecutors’ decision came at a pretrial motions hearing for Officer Garrett Miller, who faced charges of second-degree assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is set to hold a news conference at 10:30 a.m.

Four Baltimore officers had already stood trial in connection to Gray’s death.

Three were acquitted by Judge Barry Williams: Officer Edward Nero, Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. and Lt. Brian Rice.



  1. Buh-Byyyyyyyyyyyye "Felicia" Mosby. Baltimore City State's Attorney will always "look" nice on your resume!


  2. She needs to immediately RESIGN. Her incompetence and political pandering has helped ruin the City of Baltimore.

  3. Hopefully, she will announce her resignation!

    It won't absolve her of her behaviour - but it will keep her from doing it again here anyway!

  4. Mosby won't support the court, but she'll make political and racial hay out of it.

  5. What a waste of a law school education. One can only imagine what her private practice will be about when she "retires" from her current position. Might it be one that brings frivolous lawsuits as a specialty?

  6. she neefs to loose her law lisence.

  7. I heard her press conf. The most vicious, vindictive thing I have ever heard.

  8. They should have never been charged in the first place.BLM pushed this after Moseby claimed guilt.

  9. lawsuits from all Officers should be filed and pursued.

  10. law licence REVOKED.

  11. FINALLY.....justice for all involved......except this racist idiot States Attorney.

  12. She will rot in hell. She is a piss poor example of a human being and a mother. Imagine having that lying corrupt vile thing as a mother. It's no wonder black children don't fare as well. They have very few positive role models. Shame on her and shame on anyone who supports her.

  13. Board up your windows Baltimore

  14. She had daddy issues. Her father was a Baltimore City police. He robbed drug dealers and smoked crack. I guess she hated all cops all along. The worst place for her to be is at the State's Attorney's Office as a cop hater. I think she should be indicted for malfeasance in office. Her husband is a former gang banging crook turned politician. Nick is dirty as they come

  15. She is still standing behind the homicide charges so that the city will not have to answer for giving the family all that money before any trial was done. This could backfire in her face too.

  16. Her mother was the crack smoking corrupt cop 1:01. Her uncle was the robbing drug dealers cop. Her grandfather was crooked too. As for her father she doesn't ever mention him. You know as is the norm in that race she nor her mother probably even know who he is. They hop from bed to bed with anyone giving them a second look. No self control in that area either. I've never heard that about her husband but one thing is for certain he is a pathological liar just like his idol obama.

  17. Do we the taxpayers get our 6 million back???

  18. She is the kind of lawyer you get with quotas.
    Wonder what was her GPA?
    Who didn't get to go to law school because of her?

  19. wow. she tried to do the right thing about police brutality and most people want to 'hang' her. at least she tried. 98$ of the time police are given a free pass to do what they will.

    she failed but I hope this sets a precedence for the rest of this countries prosecutors to at least try from now on. even though she failed to show guilt there are a few positives from this case. body worn cams for police, camera's in back of police vans, as well as others.

    time to heal Baltimore.

    1. She failed because she lied instead of conducting a proper investigation. Only concerned about the furtherance of her political career

    2. She failed because she lied from the beginning. She owes the taxpayers 6mill and her job!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She failed because she lied instead of conducting a proper investigation. Only concerned about the furtherance of her political career

    July 27, 2016 at 6:50 PM

    Oh, I was under the impression that the POLICE were doing the investigating.

    1. She did not accept the police investigation .she had her states attorneys investigators conduct the investigation and then had a deputy sheriff Who perjured himself that he knew the facts of the investigation sign off on the statement of charges

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She failed because she lied from the beginning. She owes the taxpayers 6mill and her job!

    July 27, 2016 at 10:27 PM

    She had nothing to do with the settlement decision. I don't about her lying but it's all redundant now.

  22. Who the hell is her boss? Why isn't he or she demanding her resignation?

  23. 5:29 Let's get one thing straight and one thing straight NOW. There was NO police brutality. Gray killed himself because he decided to throw himself around in the back of that van.
    Secondly if you call lying throughout this whole thing trying to do the right thing then you are one morally corrupted individual and are the perfect example of everything that is wrong in this country. Honesty is a pillar of a civil society and when there is no honesty society becomes chaotic as we are seeing in the inner cities with all the murders and violence.
    She lied from Day 1 by saying the knife was legal. It was in FACT illegal to have in that city. But to your warped corrupted mind she tried to do the right thing.
    She lied about doing her own investigation. She claimed she did when announcing the charges. The latest press conference she said she didn't.
    She lied about it being a homicide. It was proven it was ruled an accident until she lied to the ME
    She lied about the chase. The supreme court has said over and over the chase was legal.
    She lied about detectives writing reports after the fact. Text messages timestamps show she again lied.
    She lied about rough ride. The judge reamed her a new one over that lie.
    I can go on all day about her lies.
    She right there is the problem with blacks in this country and why they haven't progresses as a race and why their neighborhoods are cess pools of crime and poverty. They do not value honesty.

  24. "She had nothing to do with the settlement decision. I don't about her lying but it's all redundant now.

    July 28, 2016 at 12:15 AM"

    She most certainly did. The amount was based on 6 officers being negligent of something-not criminally negligent but civilly. The figure was arrived at based on her prosecution of 6 officers. If it had only been one officer the amount would have been significantly lower.

  25. Police don't patrol these neighborhoods because they get shot at and/or killed. Blacks did that to themselves. BLM and all that BS has only shut down their communities getting police protection. You bitched about it enough, pulled enough triggers and cops said screw it. No one to blame but yourselves.

  26. It's obvious some here are just thirsting for police blood. You don't care that Gray was a criminal or the fact that since his death, in the name of his death, cop shooting has become excused and rewarded.

  27. 12:15 Yes she did have all to do with the settlement. There is usually a cap but the city asked for the cap to be waived because ......she lied, again. She claimed this was an egregious situation where the damages far exceed the liability limits. Please refrain from commenting further until you, either start telling the truth and/or, fact check your claims. Spreading false information serves no purpose.

  28. In light of this I'd say Baltimore was premature in paying Gray's family any money. They should have to pay back that settlement because no officers were found responsible for his death. No wrongful death. No cash.

  29. 7:24 she claimed the SA's office along with the Baltimore City Sheriff's dept did their own "parallel" investigation. She said this when she announced the charges. The sheriff's is being sued by the officers and in his filings he said they didn't do any investigation w/the SO's office. All he did was sign off on the warrants. He acted on good faith and believing what the SO's office was saying.
    The other day after the dismissals she then went on to say they were prevented or something along those lines from doing their own investigations.
    Shortly after Mosby said this last week Mayor SRB even came out and said in short that Mosby is a liar.
    Mosby also said BPD detectives post wrote notes. Timestamped text messages show Mosby's lying big time on that one too.
    The woman has issues and they begin with the bad blood running in her veins. Her family of police officers were corrupt to the core. Mosby is inherently a filthy lying degenerate just like the rest of her dirty family.

  30. Mosby had everything to do with the settlement, and quite frankly all to do with it. The settlement was negotiated based on Mosby's criminal filings against 6 officers which included Gray's arrest was unconstitutional and the knife was legal. Both proved to be untrue. To say she had nothing to do with the settlement is patently false. She is completely responsible for it.

    1. No settle should've been given until verdicts from criminal trials. Baltimore is a cesspool of waste and corruption. If Gray's family had been white I bet that would've been the procedure.

  31. Governor Hogan: Time to fire Mosby..

  32. She is one nasty woman!


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