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Monday, July 11, 2016

Black Lives Matter Activist SHOT DEAD After Breaking Into St. Louis Police Officer’s Home

Tyler Gebhard was killed Saturday in St. Louis after trying to break into a police officer’s home.

Gebhard had argued with the cop about Black Lives Matter on Facebook. The unidentified cop and Gebhard knew each other through church.



  1. There you go....someone will get the same breaking in here....keep the pistols loaded and stashed throughout the house for quick and easy access. Enter here without getting invited...suffer the consequences!

  2. I can't wait to hear how they spin this. He was just there because he thought that's where the evening's Bible study was going to be held?

  3. When will this ever stop! People need to stop breaking into houses!

  4. Oh my God, the News Media will blow
    this up like they do everything else.
    They----along wit h our President &
    Facebook/Computer access are the force
    behind all this Evil coming forth !!
    They keep the Pot Boiling with hate
    against one another .

  5. Oh no.....I guess another STAT that will support that white cops are killing African Americans. Somehow BLM will put a spin on this too that it was an innocent black man who was shot down in cold blood....Again, one more BLM thug dead. More to come I'm sure

  6. He met his justice, and just proves what scum he was.

  7. Just ❌ to Hate Groups!July 11, 2016 at 11:07 AM

    Wish I could say I'm sorry but I can't. He was part of a hate group. You reap what you sow.

  8. Look at that smug threatening look on that face. This is how they act and then they wonder why people look at them suspiciously. Too dumb to figure it out on their own.

  9. byeeeeeeeeeee

  10. Good! Did he expect to get away with it?


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