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Monday, July 11, 2016

Biden calls on Americans to unite

With the nation in turmoil over the ambush murders of police officers and police killings of minorities, Vice President Joseph R. Biden urged Americans Saturday to stand together.

“As Americans, we are wounded by all of these deaths,” Mr. Biden said in the administration’s weekly address. “While we’re being tested, we can’t be pulled apart. We are America, with bonds that hold us together.”

The vice president said the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers by a black Army reserve veteran Thursday night “touched the soul of the nation.”

“Those killed and wounded were protecting the safety of those who were peacefully protesting against racial injustices in the criminal justice system,” Mr. Biden said. “I believe the Dallas Police Department is one of the finest in the nation— and this incredibly diverse city can bridge any divide.”



  1. I'm sick and tired of hearing the word "unite." It is impossible for unity to be achieved while we still have BLM "peaceful protesters" disrupting lives from coast to coast, demanding law enforcement stop policing black men, and demanding that white folks "care more" for them or whatever the hell it is they're asking for.

    I don't see how we get to "unity" from here, and I confess I'm sick of hearing the word right now.

    It's law and order I want and a leader who stresses that instead of the BS of unity at this point in time.

  2. The old gent from DE better take his shotgun with him. I know he has a young army of tax paid slaves protecting him, but you can't have enough protection in this climate.

  3. Mr. Biden, we're doing our best to unite, but when we have such divisive leaders as Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, it's a real struggle.

  4. LOL Biden is the last person to be trying to rally the folks. He's a shadow puppet! Another failed leader.

    Wasn't he the one that said Republicans wanted to put the black man back in chains?

    That's what I thought.

  5. The DuPont handlers tell Biden what to say and do.
    He is their "man".

  6. Mr. Biden has gone along to get along far too long. I thought he would have denounced Obama and his minions by now. If nothing else as a true patriot to help save our nation.


  7. Must be serious if they brought crazy Uncle Joe down from the attic. He'll probably be blinking as his eyes get re-accustomed to light. But it'll still be gibberish when he opens his mouth.


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