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Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Live Shot From Wor-Wic Community College In Wicomico County


  1. Why do people think you don't have to work to gain wealth? Should my income be taxed so much it lowers my standard of living because that is what is happening now.

  2. Selfish commies!

  3. Culver & the Council gave into them with my tax money to go to their free education. They are all one-termers in my opinion and several of my friends, too.

  4. This is nothing more than a feel good move that will cost us big in the end with little gain. If I have to hear hoy and Mike Dunn talking how good this is I am going to vomit. Dunn needs to stay out of this.

  5. This move to free community college is an attempt to extend high school in order make up for what should have been covered academically already. To me this is an acknowledgment of failure by the WBOE and its sponsors.
    One good definition of learning is: A relatively permanent change in behavior, based on knowledge, skills, and attitude.
    We must build a system to teach children and not build institutions that insure complacency of our educators. Of course, much of what is required to make successful young adults begins at home.
    Remember, the goal is to create successful adults, not better children.

  6. I can assure you that if this was WWCC then there would be an even bigger crowd at the wanna be private college known as Salisbury University.

  7. Looks like future freeway sitters to me. Can't cut it in college probably due to bad grades and bad behavior. My Mama isn't a millionaire BooHoo. Bet they haven't worked even a part time job. Remember you can't miss what you never had, it was just pulled, get over it and make YOUR OWN LIFE BETTER, TAKE WHATEVER EDUCATION YOU ARE GETTING AND MAKE THE BEST OF IT. Set real goals, and cross them off one by one, remember you're young you have your whole life ahead of you. Learn a career where you can make the best for yourself and make your parents and teachers proud.


  8. Permit me to take issue with the caption of the post. I think it's misleading because I'm pretty sure the image wasn't taken at Wor-WIc.

    I didn't support the Council's action.

    You could/can make a case for a more limited program than what was adopted but the plan was trotted out and pushed through with many details still unclear.

    Almost all high schools are turning out graduates with moderate to severe shortfalls in their ability to do college level work. This fact provides a certain number of jobs and a certain amount of revenue as many new students must attend and pass a variety of remedial courses (basically getting up to what they should have mastered to graduate HS) before even beginning college level studies.

    Wor-Wic on your own dime remains a good deal for someone serious about their studies and with the brains and desire to get ahead.

  9. Culver and Cannon could lead the group
    They like groupies

  10. how much is their free college gonna cost me


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