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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Word’s spreading about what Chick-Fil-A did IMMEDIATELY after Orlando attack…

We love us our Chick-Fil-A, and we know y’all do, too. Of course, we also know that “love” and “Chick-Fil-A” are not words liberals tend to use together, ever since the company’s Southern Baptist CEO expressed that he doesn’t agree with gay marriage some years ago. Liberals naturally accused Chick-Fil-A of “hate” for holding such a belief rooted in the CEO’s religion — to which, they responded with their own brand of hate toward the fast-food chain and its founder.

So one might find it ironic how Chick-Fil-A responded Sunday to news of the deadly terrorist attack in Orlando, which hit a local gay nightclub.

Following the deadly terrorist attack in Orlando early Sunday morning, employees from a few local Chick-fil-A restaurants went to work to make food for those donating blood to victims.

The Christian-owned company is known for being closed nationwide on Sundays, but decided to make an exception following the gruesome shooting that left 49 dead and at least 53 others injured. Chick-fil-A was not able to confirm exactly how many restaurants opened their doors.



  1. True Christianity at work.

  2. Conservatives give more financially and through actually hands on assistance. Liberals are too busy protesting or looking for something to protest.

  3. awesome employees to do what they did

  4. I bet you won't hear a peep from de Blasio on this one!

  5. I highly respect the Management for
    their beliefs & good works.!!


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